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EurAsEc integration committee drafts legislation adjustment agts

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  • EurAsEc integration committee drafts legislation adjustment agts

    EurAsEc integration committee drafts legislation adjustment agts
    By Oral Karpishev

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    June 17, 2004 Thursday 4:44 AM Eastern Time

    ASTANA, June 17 -- The integration committee of the Eurasian Economic
    Community (EurAsEc) is working on two agreements to coordinate the
    legislations of the community's member-states, Kazakhstan's Deputy
    Prime Minister Sauat Mynbayev has said at the integration committee's
    meeting underway in Astana.

    Mynbayev said "the signing of at least two agreements is expected,
    when the EurAsEc interstate council will meet in session on Friday."

    One concerns the securities market and the coordination of EurAsEc
    legislations in that sphere, and the other, coordination of
    legislations related to the conclusion of foreign agreements.

    The treaty to establish EurAsEc was signed in Astana in October 2000.
    Its participants are Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and
    Tajikistan. Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine have the observer status.

    The community's main goal is the creation of a customs union and a
    common economic space.

    The EurAsEc's permanent body is the integration committee consisting
    of the member-countries' prime ministers.