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OSCE a Champion of Media Freedom in Armenia, U.S. Says

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  • OSCE a Champion of Media Freedom in Armenia, U.S. Says

    U. S. Department of State
    18 June 2004

    OSCE a Champion of Media Freedom in Armenia, U.S. Says
    Remarks by Charge d'Affaires Douglas Davidson to OSCE Permanent Council

    The OSCE Office in Yerevan, under the leadership of Ambassador Vladimir
    Pryakhin, has demonstrated an "outstanding commitment" to promoting OSCE
    principles in Armenia, U.S. Charge d'Affaires Douglas Davidson told the OSCE
    Permanent Council in Vienna, Austria, June 18.

    Pryakhin has "rightly raised concerns with the authorities over violence and
    harassment against journalists, as well as the loss of licenses of two
    independent broadcasters," Davidson said, adding that the United States has
    raised both issues in bilateral discussions with Armenia.

    Other issues that the OSCE Office in Yerevan has dealt with effectively,
    Davidson noted, include freedom of assembly, monitoring alleged human rights
    abuses, and fostering political dialogue between the government and the
    opposition. He spoke after a presentation by Ambassador Pryakhin.

    Following are Davidson's remarks:

    (begin text)

    United States Mission to the OSCE


    As delivered by Charge d'Affaires Douglas Davidson to the Permanent Council
    June 18, 2004

    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

    The United States is pleased to welcome Ambassador Pryakhin back to the
    Permanent Council and we thank him highly for his comprehensive report on
    the activities of the OSCE Office in Yerevan.

    In less than a year since taking on the Head of Office position, Ambassador
    Pryakhin has quickly and energetically engaged on a number of issues that
    are important to the OSCE. We commend him and his staff for their
    outstanding commitment to promoting OSCE principles.

    There are, Mr. Chairman, too many areas in which the Office is carrying out
    meaningful work for me to list them all or discuss them here. I would
    however, like to take particular note of, and commend the Ambassador and his
    staff for, the following particular items:

    To begin, let me say that Ambassador Pryakhin has been a champion of media
    freedom. He has rightly raised concerns with the authorities over violence
    and harassment against journalists, as well as the loss of licenses of two
    independent broadcasters. These are issues the United States has also raised
    both bilaterally and here in the Permanent Council. His continuing
    monitoring of media freedom and his coordination with the Special
    Representative on Freedom of the Media demonstrates Ambassador Pryakhin's
    commitment and that of his Mission staff to OSCE principles in this area.

    Ambassador Pryakhin is to be commended for playing a constructive and
    neutral role in encouraging dialogue to resolve the political impasse
    between the government and the opposition parties. It is our hope that all
    parties will resume a dialogue soon.

    The Office's engagement on the issue of freedom of assembly has been
    significant. We welcomed the National Assembly's passage in April of the new
    law on public gatherings, which was drafted at the suggestion of, and with
    input from, the OSCE Office in Yerevan. While the law's passage is a
    positive step, we now urge the Armenian authorities to heed the Office's
    recommendations to revise the language in order to bring it fully in line
    with OSCE standards.

    The United States is pleased to see the Office is continuing to conduct
    activities in the area of police assistance and judicial reform, which are
    key to strengthening democratic institutions and respect for human rights.
    The United States provides substantial bilateral assistance in these areas,
    thus reinforcing the efforts of the Office.

    We also appreciate the OSCE Office's record on receiving and conveying
    complaints on alleged human rights abuses. In his report, Ambassador
    Pryakhin has noted the establishment earlier this year of an Ombudsman's
    office in Armenia. We very much hope that this institution will now take on
    the role of receiving and handling human rights complaints.

    We also appreciate the OSCE Office's ongoing assistance to the Armenian
    government towards the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution
    1373, as well as other international counter-terrorism agreements.

    In sum, Mr. Chairman, the United States wished to congratulate Ambassador
    Pryakhin and his staff for the fine work they are doing in all three OSCE
    dimensions. We wish him well as he continues to face a wide array of
    challenges. We would like to say to the Ambassador and his staff, please
    keep up the good work!

    I thank you very much.

    (end text)

    (Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S.
    Department of State. Web site: