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Karabakh and Armenia face different problems advisor says

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  • Karabakh and Armenia face different problems advisor says

    Uneasy Talk About Peace: Karabakh and Armenia face different problems advisor says
    By Zhanna Alexanyan, ArmeniaNow reporter
    June 18, 2004

    A political advisor to Karabakh president Arkady Ghukassyan says he
    sees a "new situation" evolving in efforts to strike a peace agreement
    with Azerbaijan.

    Speaking at a seminar in Yerevan Manvel Sargsyan said: "It is not
    accurate to talk about the conflict the way it was talked about a
    year ago."

    Sargsyan said that while the Minsk Group has been successful in
    enforcing the 10-year cease fire between Azerbaijan and Karabakh, its
    negotiating efforts have stagnated. The Minsk Group, the advisor said
    "has expired".

    Manvel Sargsyan. The advisor says that in the past year the interests
    of European Union and Council of Europe have intensified and that the
    "European structures" approach a settlement from the standpoint of
    human rights and rule of law.

    This approach, he said, is a renewed pro-active attitude toward
    settlement in an atmosphere in which ceasefire had seemed to be the
    final conclusion of Minsk negotiations.

    Sargsyan's comments came during a seminar sponsored by the National
    Citizens Initiative, attended by journalists, politicians, political
    scientists and government officials. And his words were not all easily
    received, especially when Sargsyan described Armenian policy toward
    Karabakh as "a mess".

    Stating that the "Karabakh problem also belongs to Armenia," at the
    same time Sargsyan expressed an opinion that situations and problems
    are different for Armenia and Karabakh.

    "For Armenia it is a matter of safety of a population residing
    outside its territory while for Karabakh it is a matter of achieving
    self-determination and becoming an independent state," Sargsyan
    said. "If it concerns territorial factors, then Karabakh can solve
    that matter with Azerbaijan."

    Asked if he represented the view of official Stepanakert, Sargsyan
    replied: "The president of NKR presents the official position of
    Karabakh, however, what I said is not too far away from that."

    Leaders of Armenia's political community reacted sharply to Sargsyan's
    characterization of Armenia policy.

    "We have always been taking Karabakh and Armenia as one territory,"
    replied leader of the National Democratic Union Vazgen Manukyan. "But
    according to your statements it turns out that we only help Karabakh
    (but not participate in its survival). If we thought this way then
    we would lose the war."

    Journalists, politicians, political scientists reacted to Sargsyan's
    analyses Participants at the seminar speculated that Sargsyan's
    comments and audience responses would draw fire from officials both
    in Stepanakert and in Yerevan. The political advisor's opinions,
    some say, reflect a budding division between Karabakh and Armenia
    which, before now, had only been spoken about in private.

    While maintaining that changes in European attitudes are shifting,
    Sargsyan also noted that: "None of the representatives has concretely
    explained what it means, however, we believe there is a change which
    concerns primary problems of the conflict."

    Sargsyan pointed to a visit to Karabakh earlier this year by Terry
    Davis on behalf of the Council of Europe as an indication that
    interests has increased on behalf of the European community.

    "The line of direct connections has begun and it was interesting that
    approaches of all European representatives are the same," Sargsyan
    said. "It is Terry Davis' well-known thesis, about which he spoke
    in Baku, that he is not interested in territories, he is interested
    in people."

    Sargsyan also pointed out that there has been no involvement in the
    peace process by Russia in the past year. And the advisor speculates
    that Russia's silence is evidence of an agreement between Russia and
    the Europeans, to allow the latter more influence.