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AAA: Armenia This Week - 06/18/2004

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  • AAA: Armenia This Week - 06/18/2004

    Friday, June 18, 2004

    The United States expects to see greater Caucasus involvement by the North
    Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as a result of the upcoming NATO Summit
    in Turkey, U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Ordway said this Thursday.
    According to Ordway, as part of its stepped up role, the alliance and its
    individual members are set to cooperate more closely with the Caucasus
    states on issues such as peacekeeping operations and military reform.

    Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in
    Washington earlier this week, Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian noted that
    Armenia's cooperation with NATO "is increasing and deepening every day,
    every month." Oskanian said that Armenia's ties with NATO are now on par
    with those of Georgia and Azerbaijan and that they should continue to
    develop "in tandem" so as to avoid creation of Cold War-like dividing lines
    in the region. Oskanian also noted that Armenia's security cooperation with
    Russia did not preclude his country from developing complementary security
    relationships in the West.

    NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Affairs Jean Fournet similarly
    told the Azeri press this week that he saw no differences in NATO's
    partnership with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. "Each of these states have
    some links with Russia that could cause potential difficulties," Fournet
    said. "However, it is also a fact that we have close relations with
    [Armenia]... and good, developing relations with Russia."

    The NATO official further cautioned against exaggerated optimism for
    alliance membership. "Our doors are open. But joining NATO is a long
    process... requiring significant reforms," he said. In addition, "the South
    Caucasus has a reputation of a problematic region with unsettled
    conflicts... While NATO does not intend to become involved in conflict
    resolution, the alliance can provide post-settlement aid." (Sources: 6-14; 525ci Gazet 6-17; Arminfo 6-17)

    While Armenia and its neighbors do not fully comply with U.S.' minimum
    standards on fighting trafficking in persons, their governments "are making
    significant efforts to do so," says the U.S. State Department report
    released this week. The annual report ranks countries on a three-tier system
    from full compliance (Tier 1) to no efforts to comply (Tier 3). The State
    Department established a special office on trafficking based on the 2001
    Trafficking Victims Protection Act, championed by Congressmen Chris Smith
    (R-NJ) and Sam Gejdenson (D-CT). The Act mandates U.S. aid sanctions to
    countries repeatedly placed in the Tier 3 category.

    Armenia, along with Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia and Turkey, are listed in
    Tier 2. But Armenia, unlike these states, is not included in the Tier 2
    Watch List and appears to have a comparatively less serious trafficking
    problem. Of all Eastern European and former Soviet states, only the Czech
    Republic, Lithuania and Macedonia are ranked in Tier 1.

    As Armenia's Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian told the Washington Times this
    week, there have been some unintended benefits for Armenia due to blockades
    by Azerbaijan and Turkey. While causing economic difficulties and inflating
    transportation costs, the blockades also kept Armenia off the major routes
    for organized crime groups involved in trafficking in persons and narcotics.
    As another State Department report issued last March suggested, drug
    trafficking is a significantly smaller problem in Armenia than in its
    neighboring states, but could potentially exacerbate should borders with
    Turkey and Azerbaijan open.

    According to earlier reports by the Observatoire Geopolitique des Drogues
    (OGD), a Paris-based monitoring group, past and present government officials
    in Turkey and Azerbaijan have had long-standing links to Europe-bound opium
    and heroine trade from Afghanistan and Pakistan. This month Indian press
    claimed that Azerbaijan might even be willing to host Dawood Ibrahim, one of
    the top Indian crime bosses living in Pakistan and under U.S. pressure to
    leave. Last October, the U.S. Department of Treasury designated Ibrahim, a
    major narcotics dealer, a "terrorist supporter" for his reported funding of
    Islamic radicals such as al Qaida. (Sources: OGD Annual Report Oct. 98;
    Armenia This Week 6-20-03, 3-5; The Telegraph of India 6-4; U.S. State
    Department Trafficking in Persons Report 6-14; Washington Times 6-17)

    A ministerial meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
    held this week in Turkey made another blanket endorsement of the Azerbaijani
    position in the Karabakh conflict. OIC is the world's only major
    intergovernmental organization that has for years succumbed to Azerbaijani
    lobbying on the issue. OIC countries, led particularly by Turkey and
    Pakistan, also have endorsed similar Azeri efforts at the UN. Both Turkey
    and Pakistan have provided military support to Azerbaijan.

    The Azeri officials have succeeded in including its ostensibly non-religious
    conflict with Armenia and NKR into the "Islamic agenda" at the OIC's Summit
    in Malaysia last October. In return for support against the purported
    "Armenian aggression," Azeri leaders have endorsed such "Islamic causes" as
    Turkish-occupied Cyprus and Pakistani-occupied Kashmir. Earlier this year,
    Azerbaijan's religious leader Allahshukur Pashazade also condemned the
    Israeli assassination of the leader of the Hamas terrorist organization.

    Starting in the early 1990s, the Azeri government forged ties with Islamic
    radicals from throughout the Middle East, including some 2,000 recruits from
    Afghanistan, to fight against Armenians in Karabakh. Following the war, many
    of them stayed in Azerbaijan forming a basis for creation of local al Qaida
    cells. By late 1990s, according to a U.S. indictment, al Qaida operatives
    were sufficiently entrenched in Azerbaijan to coordinate terrorist bombings
    against U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. While in recent years, Azeri
    security agencies have cracked down on groups tied to al Qaida, their
    elements are believed to have remained in the country. (Sources: R&I Issue
    Brief "Azerbaijan and Islamic Terrorism" 9-10-01; Dawn (Pakistan) 1-14-02; 10-17-03; Azertaj 10-21-03; Zerkalo 3-23; Arminfo 12-23-02, 3-24;
    Anadolu 6-16)

    The Armenian opposition leaders wrapped up for the summer their efforts to
    oust President Robert Kocharian after holding last Wednesday their smallest
    yet public demonstration in Yerevan. Unlike past opposition protests, the
    city government sanctioned this week's rally. Also, by last week,
    law-enforcement agencies dropped charges against most of about fifteen
    opposition activists prosecuted for their alleged efforts to overthrow the
    government through popular protests. The protests have been diminishing in
    size and regularity since April.

    Last year's presidential candidates Stepan Demirchian and Artashes Geghamian
    and former Prime Minister Aram Sargsian, who led the protests, promised to
    "regroup" and to continue their efforts later this year. They gave no
    indication they would return to talks with the three-party coalition
    government, which broke down last month. The talks began following the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) resolution calling on
    both the government and opposition to make compromises and begin dialogue.
    The PACE Rapporteur for Armenia Jerzy Jaskiernia (Poland) noted last week
    that the government has implemented some of the PACE recommendations and
    urged it to continue reforms.

    Last month, Armenia's coalition government offered the opposition minority
    in parliament veto rights over election legislation, constitutional reform
    and anti-corruption efforts. Speaking at the Center for Strategic and
    International Studies (CSIS) in Washington last Monday, Foreign Minister
    Vartan Oskanian said that the coalition's offer remains on the table.
    Oskanian further expressed hope that the opposition will take up this offer
    in the next several months and that "eventually [the opposition leaders]
    will realize that they need to be engaged for the sake of the country."
    (Sources: Armenia This Week 3-12; 4-9, 23, 30; 5-14; 6-9; 6-14; RFE/RL Armenia Report 6-14, 16; 6-16)

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    Armenia to help in Iraq reconstruction
    Published 6/18/2004 3:35 PM

    WASHINGTON, June 18 (UPI) -- Armenia is the latest country to join President
    Bush's "Coalition of the Willing," in rebuilding Iraq.

    In an interview with UPI earlier this week, Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan
    Oskanian said his country would contribute, albeit in "a very symbolic" way.

    "We are ready to become engaged in rebuilding Iraq, but our resources are
    very modest, so it's going to be a very modest contribution, nevertheless,
    the willingness is there."

    Armenia, Oskanian said, will be contributing doctors, medical personnel and
    experts to help clear mines, as well as trucks, drivers and technicians. The
    force amounts to about 100 people.

    The minister said he believes all neighboring countries in the region should
    contribute to the normalization of Iraq. Iraq's Armenian community is
    comprised of roughly 25,000 people.

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