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Armenian president welcomes CIS security body' cooperation with NATO

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  • Armenian president welcomes CIS security body' cooperation with NATO

    Armenian president welcomes CIS security body' cooperation with NATO

    Interfax-Kazakhstan news agency, Almaty
    18 Jun 04

    Astana, 18 June: The member states of the Collective Security
    Treaty Organization (CSTO) [Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
    Tajikistan and Russia] may actively cooperate with NATO in a bilateral
    and multilateral format, Armenian President Robert Kocharyan believes.

    "The organization reacts to this calmly and positively assesses
    the possibility for cooperation between the states (of CSTO -
    Interfax-Kazakhstan) and NATO, as well as in the NATO-CSTO format,"
    Kocharyan said, answering questions from journalists at a news
    conference in Astana today, which was given jointly by the leaders
    of all the CSTO member states.

    Kocharyan also noted that on the same day the CSTO member states
    signed a basic document regulating partnership with NATO on a wide
    range of issues, specifically, on the fight against terrorism, drug
    trafficking and WMD proliferation.

    Kocharyan stressed that the document provided for specific mechanisms
    for cooperation.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress