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Science and technology in Russia

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  • Science and technology in Russia

    Science and technology in Russia

    PRAVDA< Russia
    June 18 2004

    15:48 2004-06-18

    Scientists from the Blagonravov machine-science institute have come
    up with an extremely effective metal-rolling and metal-drawing
    process. It's an open secret that metal must be heated prior
    to processing because this makes it softer and more pliable. In
    a nutshell, this unique method heats up only those small metal
    sections, whose shape must be altered. These sections, which measure
    only several millimeters in size, are subjected to strong electric
    currents; this causes an unusual phenomenon known as "electronic wind"
    inside the metal crystal lattice. Metal becomes more pliable as a
    result. Meanwhile this waste-free production process, which doesn't
    cause any cracks or scale whatsoever, saves energy.

    Besides, electric resistance is reduced during the wire-drawing
    process, thus making it possible to turn out thinner wire; substantial
    materials, i.e. copper, aluminium (for electric wires and cables),
    as well as tungsten (for incandescent-filament lamps) are saved as
    a result.

    Up to 30 percent of metal is saved during the stainless-steel strip
    rolling process; such strips are, among other things, used to make
    razor blades. One such metal-rolling mill, which is currently being
    assembled for South Korea, will apparently produce an annual economic
    effect to the tune of $1 million.

    Experts working for the Tomsk agriculture institute have developed
    a contraption, which converts organic waste into petroleum. This
    project was financed by a group of local companies. Such equipment
    has already been tested, and the Kuzbassrazrezugol public company has
    bought its experimental version. Leonid Chumazov, a graduate of the
    Tomsk university of automated control systems and radio-electronics,
    authored this project. According to Chumazov, available foreign
    equivalents don't process all kinds of organic waste; for their own
    part, Siberian scientists have patented a gasolene-production process.

    This 10-square-meter unit can process up to 50 tons of organic
    feedstock every 24 hours. Methane, gasolene or diesel fuel can be
    obtained in line with preset parameters. Vladimir Nezamutdinov,
    director of the Tomsk agriculture institute's center for processing
    plant-and-animal waste, says this new thermal-electric-chemical
    complex is intended to process dung, manure, peat, sawdust and even
    garbage. A ton of dry organic waste yields up to 700 kg of petroleum.

    Several regional enterprises all over Siberia have already ordered
    this unusual invention. The Tomsk agriculture institute will master
    its batch production before the year is out.

    Omsk has already hosted the fifth international scientific conference
    dealing with the history of the Siberian countryside, its modern
    state and development prospects. Rural-development problems are seen
    as highly important, because the subsequent development of this
    vast Russian territory, which has an area of 10 million sq. km.,
    is largely linked with farmers. (for comparison, Russia covers an
    area of 17 million sq. km. - Ed.)

    The conference involved about 300 scientists from 21 Russian cities, as
    well as those from Armenia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Poland, Uzbekistan,
    Ukraine and Germany. All in all, 120 reports have been heard at
    the conference. The delegates examined problems of the Siberian
    countryside's demographic, socio-economic, public-political and
    cultural development, as well as land-reclamation, land-cadaster and
    land-monitoring aspects, the history of rural populated localities,
    the history of local ethnic groups, etc.

    A round-table discussion was organized within this conference's
    framework, with its participants discussing national agrarian policies
    during Russia's admission into the World Trade Organization. The next
    international conference to examine topical problems of the Siberian
    countryside will also be organized in Omsk in 2006.