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Charity "Aida To Armenia"

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  • Charity "Aida To Armenia"

    Charity "Aida To Armenia"

    Azat Artsakh - Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
    18 June 2004

    According to doctor of the children's republic hospital Karineh
    Tarkhanian, since 2003 wide-scale building works were carried out on
    the third floor of the hospital by the French charity organization
    "Aida to Armenia". In October of last year a modern surgical
    department was built, now the construction of wards corresponding
    to the international medical standards is going on. Most probably
    after the visit of the representative of the organization "Aida
    to Armenia " young pediatrician Stepan Berberian construction
    works will start on the first and second floors of the hospital
    building. "So far construction works were done only in one side of
    the building. The other side where the children's polyclinic and the
    somatic department are placed no work has been done yet," mentioned
    Karineh Tarkhanian. She added that it is not clear yet whether the
    program provides for the reconstruction of the mentioned side. This
    will become clear only during the visit of Stepan Berberian.
