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Azeri official comments on cease-fire breaches on border

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  • Azeri official comments on cease-fire breaches on border

    Azeri official comments on cease-fire breaches on border

    ANS TV, Baku
    19 Jun 04

    [Presenter] Baku has commented on reports about intense cease-fire
    violations on the border. Novruz Mammadov, head of the international
    relations department of the Presidential Executive Staff, said the
    firefights with the Armenian armed forces on the Azerbaijani border
    was a result of Yerevan's harmful policy. The official did not rule out
    that the Armenian community of Karabakh will be brought to book for the
    conduct of the unlawful municipal elections on Azerbaijani territory.

    [Correspondent over Karabakh villages] The campaign to nominate
    candidates for the municipal elections by the Armenian community of
    Nagornyy Karabakh kicked off today. The nomination campaign will end
    on 24 June and the process of registering the candidates will continue
    until 19 July. The election campaign will start on the same day. Let us
    remind you that the municipal elections will be held by the Armenian
    community in Nagornyy Karabakh on 8 August. Baku is not planing to
    turn a blind eye to this move of the Armenian separatists. Statements
    have already been sent to a number of international organizations
    urging them to prevent such illegal measures from taking place in
    the occupied territory of Azerbaijan.

    Novruz Mammadov, head of the international relations department of
    the Presidential Executive Staff, said that the issue of the illegal
    municipal elections in Nagornyy Karabakh will be put on the agenda
    of the Council of Europe first of all.

    [Mammadov, shown speaking from his office] This act is undoubtedly
    illegal. The appropriate bodies of Azerbaijan have spoken against
    it and will continue to do so. The Milli Maclis and the Azerbaijani
    parliamentarians in the Council of Europe will air their views in
    the upcoming sessions. All this is illegal and lacks international
    support. I would like to reiterate that all this is nothing less than
    an attempt by the separatists to hearten themselves.

    [Correspondent] Mammadov believes that international organizations
    are currently actively trying to resolve the conflict. And very often
    their approaches are in harmony with Azerbaijan's position. The world
    supports Azerbaijan's demand that the conflict be resolved reasonably.

    [Mammadov] From this point of view, both the Karabakh separatists
    and the Armenian leadership are finding themselves isolated from
    the world community. To alleviate such treatment and to parry these
    blows, they resort to such measures. The crux of the matter is that
    the Armenian separatists want to create certain institutions in
    the occupied territory of Azerbaijan. They resort to such methods
    from time to time, i.e. violate all laws by holding the so-called
    presidential and municipal elections in the self-styled NKR.

    [Correspondent] Obviously Nagornyy Karabakh has not been recognized
    and will not be recognized in the future as well, Mammadov said,
    adding that the municipal elections have no legal basis. The conduct
    of such measures once again proves that the separatist Armenian regime
    does not want to resolve the conflict. The separatist regime's plans
    to conduct the unlawful election in Nagornyy Karabakh, which is an
    integral part of Azerbaijan, is not their first or their last illegal
    action. The Armenian side, which often violates the cease-fire
    regime on the border with Azerbaijan and along the contact line,
    once again proved that it is not ready for a constructive solution
    to the conflict. The recent and intense breaches of the cease-fire
    regime are not accidental, Mammadov said. The opposite side is taking
    well-planned and well-considered steps.

    [Mammadov] Armenian President Kocharyan is no longer trusted by his
    people because of his failure to fulfill his election promises. The
    resistance against him within the country is strengthening. By
    violating the cease-fire regime, the Armenian leadership wants to
    soften pressure and divert the attention from them to something else.

    The second reason is also very important and is connected with the
    first one: the Armenian leadership wants to decrease the external
    pressure. Mammadov is sure that Armenia has never and will never
    benefit from such an adventurist policy. Therefore, the Armenian
    leadership should without fail put an end to this.

    [Mammadov] Now the cease-fire regime has been breached in Qazax
    District, some 200-300 kilometers from Nagornyy Karabakh. This
    was a result of Armenia's false and notorious policy. I would
    like to reiterate that we have informed all interested states and
    organizations, such as the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, of this.

    [Correspondent] Azerbaijan's position on the problem is
    constructive. It is ready for negotiations. Mammadov said that Yerevan
    should not have breached the cease-fire regime.

    Ayaz Mirzayev, Ibrahim Telmanoglu for ANS.