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Armenian agency sees NATO as more reliable partner than CIS security

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  • Armenian agency sees NATO as more reliable partner than CIS security

    Armenian agency sees NATO as more reliable partner than CIS security body

    Mediamax news agency, Yerevan
    21 Jun 04

    The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) "calmly and
    positively reacts" to its members' cooperation with NATO, Armenian
    President Robert Kocharyan said in Astana on 18 June. He noted that a
    document was adopted on the main directions of CSTO-NATO cooperation
    at the last CSTO Council meeting held in the capital of Kazakhstan.

    Robert Kocharyan pointed out that specific mechanisms for the
    realization of CSTO-NATO cooperation had been fixed in the
    document. However, there is every ground to assume that this
    cooperation will remain only a good intention as it has always been.

    Such a state of affairs is first of all conditioned by the fact that
    all the CSTO member-states (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
    Russia and Tajikistan) differently perceive the aims and the tasks
    of this military-political union.

    [Passage omitted: quotes different officials]

    The CSTO's fundamental problem is that its members are not adherents of
    common values, as for instances, NATO member-states. The main factor
    that unites the countries into the CSTO is their good relations with
    Russia. Thus, there forms not quite a normal situation when the main
    task of CSTO membership becomes the demonstration of loyalty to Russia
    and not the readiness to jointly oppose new threats.

    Speaking at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in
    Washington DC last week, Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan
    again noted that Armenia was going to sign an Individual Partnership
    Action Plan with NATO this year. At the same time, Oskanyan pointed
    out that Armenia was going to develop cooperation with the alliance at
    the same pace like Georgia and Azerbaijan, with the aim of preventing
    the formation of new separation lines in the region.

    Thus, we witness a situation when the three South Caucasus countries -
    Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan - are working on Individual Partnership
    Action Plans with NATO and only one of them - Armenia - is a CSTO
    member. This is the best evidence that when it comes to the provision
    of security in a long-term perspective all the three countries of the
    region make a choice in favour of NATO irrespective of the serious
    contradictions existing among them.

    Last May, CSTO Council Secretary-General Nikolay Bordyuzha said that
    "in case NATO expands its infrastructure to the borders of CSTO
    member-states, including Russia, we shall have the right to take
    preventive measures". As everybody knows, NATO has expanded but the
    CSTO has not taken any "preventive measures". If CSTO member-states
    really want to cooperate with NATO to resist the threats of terrorism
    and other challenges, they should in the first place prove the
    competence and viability of their organization and stop pretending
    that they are playing the role of a new Warsaw Treaty Organization.