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Georgia should rather strivie for joining CSTO than NATO

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  • Georgia should rather strivie for joining CSTO than NATO

    Georgia should rather strivie for joining CSTO than NATO


    19:20 2004-06-22

    Chairman of the State Duma (the lower house of parliament) committee
    for CIS affairs and ties with countrymen Andrei Kokoshin believes
    that it would be more logical for Georgia to strive for joining the
    Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) than NATO. The CSTO
    incorporates Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and

    "It would be more logical for Georgia to strive for joining the CSTO
    since the new Georgian leadership has said many times of late about
    its friendly feelings towards Russia, and its recognition of Russia's
    leading role in ensuring security and stability in the region,"
    Kokoshin said on Tuesday in an interview with RIA Novosti.

    According to him, the CSTO is more modern and flexible organization
    than NATO, which was created after the cold war period and therefore
    is not burdened by the past events."

    Kokoshin believes that the attempts of Georgian and some other
    CIS countries' representatives to use Russia-NATO cooperation
    as an argument in favor of its entering NATO are "groundless and
    illogical." "Russia cooperates with NATO in combating terrorism, in
    non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and in some other
    areas where this cooperation is mutually beneficial and equal. But
    this is achieved not always," Kokoshin explained.

    He also pointed out that "Russian and foreign experts differently
    assess the effectiveness of such cooperation inside NATO as well,
    not to mention its interaction with external partners."

    "The overwhelming majority of State Duma deputies have a negative
    attitude to statements made by some Georgian officials about the
    plans of its joining NATO," Kokoshin stressed.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress