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Aznavour tells his story in Milan

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  • Aznavour tells his story in Milan


    ANSA English Media Service
    June 22, 2004


    (ANSA) - MILAN, June 22 - Popular French singer Charles Aznavour said
    that he was not an Armenian from France but simply a Frenchman of
    Armenian origin when talking about himself in Milan's Teatro Dal Verme
    at the opening of the fifth La Milanesiana cultural event on Monday.

    "I'm not an Armenian from France, I'm simply a Frenchman of Armenian
    origin and I care more about humanitarian affairs than politics," said
    Aznavour who is son of an Armenian family which fled before the Turkish
    genocide against the Armenians at the beginning of 20th century.

    Aznavour entered the stage with the humbleness of a lively and somewhat
    shy 80-year-old. The singer was dressed in ivory colour and matching
    shoes, he looked almost disoriented when the public welcomed him with
    a standing ovation.

    The audience that came to see Aznavour were elegant women and men of
    a certain age, many with pastel-coloured jackets, white hair and a
    few young people, actress Ottavia Piccolo and the member of Italian
    Parliament, Giancarlo Pagliarini.

    Presented by former editor of main Italian daily Corriere della Sera,
    Ferruccio De Bortoli, Aznavour did not make introductions and began
    reading some excerpts from his autobiography which will go on sale
    from Wednesday.

    Aznavour chose lively stories to tell the Milanese public and said
    nothing specific on that travel from the inferno where the paradise
    called emigration begins, as he wrote in his autobiography.

    He preferred to recall the amusing meeting with Edith Piaf, the singer
    who discovered him and of whom he remembered her lioness character
    and outbursts and the tender nickname she invented for him, "little
    stupid genius".

    Aznavour read in French, but slowly, while the original words from
    the text in French and the Italian translation were shown on a screen
    behind him.

    The rest of the evening was dedicated to history and music. Former
    Italian Ambassdor to Moscow and political commentator for Corriere
    della Sera, Sergio Romano, made special observation on eastern
    Europe and the conditions in Armenia, reminding of the Turkish laws
    from 1915 for deportation of Armenians and the confiscation of the
    their goods. The Armenians were massacred on their way to exile,
    with 800,000 killed but there were surely more victims, Romano said.

    The music was with Claude Debussy's melancholic notes, with Michele
    Campanella on the piano who chose pieces from Reverie to Estampes
    especially because of the tone of Aznavour's voice and because they
    represent the quintessence of French music, Campanella said.

    "When people ask me whether I feel more Armenian or more French,
    there is only one possible answer - a hundred percent French and a
    hundred percent Armenian," Aznavour wrote in his autobiography.

    The French singer is Armenia's ambassador at large since 1994.

    "Armenia is a dream from which my family comes," Aznavour told the
    audience while the screen behind him showed images of Charles as a
    child and of when he was awarded Commander of the Legion of Honour
    by French President Jacques Chirac.

    "I never forgot my roots but I hid them when Armenia was a socialist
    state," Aznavour said.

    Today he is aware of the problems still to face but he does not intend
    to go into politics.

    "I'm an ambassador of a country, I know that there are still
    difficulties but politics is not my job, it is not my language,"
    Aznavour said. (ANSA)