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Armenian Opposition To Change Strategy Soon, Premier Says

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  • Armenian Opposition To Change Strategy Soon, Premier Says


    Aykakan Zhamanak, Yerevan
    19 Jun 04

    An interview with Prime Minister Andranik Markaryan. He comments on
    the opposition struggle.

    (Aykakan Zhamanak correspondent) Mr Prime Minister, the opposition
    thinks that the first stage of the struggle against the authorities
    to come to power has finished. How do you assess the first round of
    the opposition-authorities fight?

    (Andranik Markaryan) I do not think there was a fight between the
    authorities and the opposition. Simply the opposition put forward
    some problems and during that period the authorities continued their
    routine activity ensuring the settlement of internal and external
    problems, naturally, paying attention to the problems put forward
    by the opposition. I do not want to say that the opposition and the
    authorities in our country were fighting each other, as a result of
    which one of them won. Simply political processes took place, during
    which one of the parties felt that the problems raised by them were
    not politically realistic.

    For this reason I think that by the end of the year the opposition will
    try to change its strategy in order to be able to present its political
    demands in a more favourable way. Naturally, the authorities should
    also try to settle existing problems by implementing certain work
    together with the opposition as well and ease possible tension. So,
    here I do not want to see a winner and a loser. We should assess
    what took place from the point of view of our country's rating: has
    the rating of our country surged or dropped in the course of these
    processes? I think it has dropped a little.

    (Correspondent) But the opposition does not think that its political
    demands are not realistic. According to opposition leaders, they
    failed to fulfil their programmes at this stage because the opposition
    continued to fight using constitutional methods against the authorities
    which were acting in an unconstitutional way.

    (Markaryan) I cannot agree with this. Simply the authorities
    were trying to bring the opposition's actions into line with the
    law. As for the opposition's failure, I think they were acting
    incorrectly from the very beginning. Because though there is objective
    displeasure in the country, this displeasure should not be expressed
    at extraordinary elections, especially in an illegal form such as a
    vote of confidence. This is one of the opposition's mistakes.

    Another mistake of the opposition was that they were trying to liken
    the situation in Armenia to the situation in Georgia and to come to
    power in this way. Whereas it is clear that after any elections,
    part of society is always displeased with the results. Simply
    that displeasure should be expressed at the next elections and the
    opposition should work in this direction. Otherwise we will be holding
    extraordinary elections permanently.

    (Correspondent) But if the opposition was unable to settle its problems
    during this stage, the reason is not that all the existing problems
    of the country have been settled and the demands of the opposition
    are not realistic.

    (Markaryan) But who says that all the existing problems of the country
    have been settled? I can say with responsibility that nobody speaks
    about our problems more than the government itself. You may open the
    strategic programme for poverty reduction or the anti-corruption
    programme, and I can assure you that in these two programmes the
    situation in our country is presented more harshly than the opposition
    was telling about it in the newspapers or in the streets. We do not
    make a secret of it. At the same time, we say that we are trying to
    settle these problems. The opposition says that our way is wrong, and
    if we leave they will settle all the problems. If they can settle them,
    let them se ttle the problems now, or tell us how to settle them. But
    their proposal is: leave and we shall come and settle the problems.

    (Passage omitted: minor details)