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AAA: National Geographic Reporting Includes Term: Armenian Genocide

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  • AAA: National Geographic Reporting Includes Term: Armenian Genocide

    Armenian Assembly of America
    122 C Street, NW, Suite 350
    Washington, DC 20001
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]

    June 23, 2004
    CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Turkish Protests Fail to Overturn Editorial Policy

    Washington, DC - The Armenian Assembly commended National Geographic
    magazine for continuing to characterize as "genocide," the events of 1915 in
    its July issue, thereby rejecting Turkish accusations of bias following a
    22-page report in its March issue entitled, "Armenia Reborn."

    In an introductory note to its "Forum" section, the editors said the March
    article and photos, "inspired more than 1,600 letters - the most mail
    elicited by any one story in the past five years," and published four
    responses including a joint letter from Armenian Assembly Board of Trustees
    Chairman Hirair Hovnanian and Board of Directors Chairman Anthony Barsamian.
    The editors also reported that the magazine received "hundreds" of positive
    letters from the Armenian community.

    The Assembly letter said in part:

    "[Armenian Reborn] captured the essence of the Armenian identity
    historically and the values that animate our people today. As for the
    cataclysmic event in our past - the Armenian genocide under cover of World
    War I - National Geographic has not only told the truth, but is also in good

    Armenian Assembly Executive Director Ross Vartian, along with Public Affairs
    Director David Zenian and ANI Director Dr. Rouben Adalian, also expressed
    appreciation and praise for the magazine report during a face-to-face
    meeting with Washington editors in March.

    The magazine's last major report on Armenia was published in 1978.

    In addition to the subject of the genocide, "Armenia Reborn," written by
    Frank Viviano and photographed by Alexandra Avakian, looks at the 3,000 year
    history of Armenians and leads up to current events including independence,
    the 1988 earthquake and the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

    But it was the magazine's coverage of the Armenian Genocide and by
    extension, Turkey-Armenia relations, which sparked a Turkish outcry. Both
    the Turkish government and Turkish lobby in the United States voiced their
    criticism, mounting a worldwide letter-writing campaign challenging
    accuracies in the story. The publishers of the magazine's Turkish language
    edition excluded "Armenia Reborn" from their March issue.

    The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide
    organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian
    issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


    Editor's Note: Below is the published text of the Armenian Assembly letter
    to National Geographic editors.

    March 12, 2004

    William L. Allen
    Editor in Chief
    National Geographic
    1145 17th Street
    Washington, DC 20036.

    Dear Sir:

    The article captured the essence of the Armenian identity historically and
    the values that animate our people today. As for the cataclysmic event in
    our past - the Armenian Genocide under cover of World War I - NATIONAL
    GEOGRAPHIC has not only told the truth, but is also in good company. One
    hundred and twenty-six Holocaust and Genocide scholars signed a petition on
    March 7, 2000, calling the Armenian genocide "an incontestable historical
    fact." As recently as February 2003, the International Center for
    Transitional Justice concluded that what happened to the Armenians includes
    "all the elements of the crime of genocide ... and legal scholars as well
    as historians, politicians, journalists and other people would be justified
    in continuing to so describe them." The "controversy" today lies squarely
    with the Turkish government as it continues to attempt to coerce the world
    to be complicit in its denial. Turkey's aspiration to be fully accepted as a
    full member of European society will not be realized without facing its own
    history - just as coming to terms with the destruction of Native Americans
    and the stain of slavery made America what it is today: more humane and


    Hirair Hovnanian
    Chairman, Board of Trustees

    Anthony Barsamian
    Chairman, Board of Directors
    Armenian Assembly of America