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Armenian FM denies media reports on Turkish plans to open border

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  • Armenian FM denies media reports on Turkish plans to open border

    Armenian minister denies media reports on Turkish plans to open border

    Arminfo, Yerevan
    21 Jun 04

    There are no concrete prospects at the moment for the reopening of the
    Armenian-Turkish border, Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan has
    said in an interview with Armenian Public Television.

    Commenting on the Turkish media reports about the Turkish Foreign
    Ministry preparing to open the Ak Yaka border checkpoint and asked
    about the seriousness of the initiative, Oskanyan said that he did not
    attach special importance to what the Turkish media had
    reported. "These reports sometimes reflect an official position, but
    sometimes they do not. I trust the facts we can see and receive as a
    result of our talks," he said. The issue is on the agenda of the
    Armenian-American, Armenian-Turkish and Turkish-American talks, he
    added. "I am sure this is the case as during every meeting with
    high-ranking representatives of the USA, they assure me that the issue
    is raised during a dialogue with the Turkish side, because the opening
    of the border is not only in the interests of Armenia, Turkey and our
    region, but also in the interests of the USA," Oskanyan said.

    He said he was sure that Washington and the Turkish side were
    interested in it, but Turkey was still under Azerbaijan's pressure. On
    the other hand, there is the issue of Turkey's admission to the
    European Union and the issue of NATO expansion. Turkey should feel
    great responsibility to these organizations, Oskanyan said. "I think
    that this should manifest itself in the form of indirect pressure
    intended to compel Ankara to alter its policy on Armenia," he said.

    He recalled that Armenia is already involved in the EU's "Expanded
    Europe: New Neighbours" programme and Turkey will probably be granted
    the right to start negotiations on EU membership in late 2004 and
    early 2005. "In this context, Turkey should be more responsible in its
    role of a link between Europe and the Caucasus, the Caucasus and the
    EU, and the Caucasus and NATO, as Turkey is a member of NATO which is
    expanding and beginning to involve the Caucasus and Central Asia," the
    minister noted.

    He said that Turkey must be feeling and is feeling not only pressure
    from the USA and EU, but also Europe's expansion and NATO's new policy
    regarding the Caucasus and Central Asia. This is on the one hand, and
    on the other, there is pressure from Azerbaijan, the Armenian foreign
    minister noted, adding that "there is the question of what will be the
    dominating factor". "In any case, I believe that we shall continue our
    dialogue with the Turkish side, the USA and EU will continue to urge
    Turkey to normalize the relations with Armenia and one can expect that
    we shall definitely see progress on this issue in the future," the
    minister noted.