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BAKU: Appeal of Milli Majlis to int'l parliamentary organizations

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  • BAKU: Appeal of Milli Majlis to int'l parliamentary organizations

    Azer News, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    June 23 2004

    [June 23, 2004, 12:11:16]

    In connection with plans of carrying out in August of this year in
    the mountainous Karabakh area occupied by the Armed Forces of Armenia
    of the Karabakh region of the Azerbaijan Republic of "elections" to
    municipalities of the so-called `Nagorny Karabakh Republic ', the
    Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic considers necessary to state
    the following.

    Carrying out of "elections" to this or other authorities of the
    puppet regime created with the help of foreign interventionists in
    the mountainous part of Karabakh, being an integral component of the
    Azerbaijan Republic, and not recognized by any world state,
    contradicts the standard principles and norms of international law,
    the Constitution, laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, does not possess
    any validity and cannot have any legal consequences. This political
    provocative act roughly breaking usual civil rights of 50 thousand of
    Azerbaijanis, ousted from mountainous parts of Karabakh, testifies to
    intention of the Armenian separatists to prevent the efforts directed
    on peace settlement of the Nagorny Karabakh problem and establishment
    of stability in region.

    Plans of carrying out of the mentioned so-called "elections" are one
    more unsuccessful attempt to fix occupation of 20 percent of the
    Azerbaijani lands, that is Nagorny Karabakh and adjoining to it 7
    districts, as a result of aggression of the Republic of Armenia and
    ousting from these arrears about 1 million Azerbaijanis.

    As is known, in December 1999, in territory of the Azerbaijan
    Republic in democratic conditions municipal elections have been
    carried out, for the first time in history of our independent state
    institutions of local government have been generated. At that time,
    the Armenian separatists in mountainous parts of Karabakh have not
    taken part in the elections. In December of this year, in our country
    new municipal elections will be carried out. The Armenian separatists
    and this time are playing their game in "elections", showing
    unwillingness to return to legal space of Azerbaijan. In the whole,
    lawful authorities, including elected representation bodies, in the
    mountainous parts of Karabakh can be created only after elimination
    of consequences of aggression of the Republic Armenia against
    Azerbaijan, restoration of the sovereignty of the Azerbaijan Republic
    on all of its territory, returning of the Azerbaijan refugees and
    IDPs to the homelands.

    Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, expressing sovereign will of
    the Azerbaijani people, once again states that the Azerbaijan
    Republic will never be agreed with the predatory capture and
    annexation of a part of its territory and, using all available
    opportunities, will achieve restoration of the territorial integrity.
    The world community should know that the political tricks connected
    to carrying out in the mountainous part of the Karabakh region of
    Azerbaijan of illegal "elections" to institutions of local
    government, renders negative influence on the course of peace talks
    carried out with a view of peace settlement of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict.

    Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, demanding realization of the
    United Nations Security Council adopted in 1993 of the Resolutions
    number 822, 853, 874 both 884 on urgent and unconditional liberation
    of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, calls to settle the
    Nagorny Karabakh problem on the basis of decisions and final
    documents of Budapest, Lisbon and the Istanbul summits of OSCE.

    Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, once again confirming
    adherence of the Azerbaijan Republic to peace settlement of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict, calls on the Armenian
    side to hold a constructive position in peace process, to refuse the
    acts preventing negotiations, conducted in the framework of the OSCE
    Minsk Group.

    The international community should not remain indifferent to
    infringement of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the
    Azerbaijan Republic. Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic calls on
    the United Nations Organization, Inter-parliamentary Union,
    Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly of BSEC, Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Commonwealth of Independent States, Islamic Conference
    Organization, the European Parliament and North Atlantic
    Parliamentary Assembly, other international organizations,
    parliaments and the governments of the countries of the world to
    express the resolute position in connection with plans of carrying
    out by a puppet regime of illegal "elections" in mountainous part of
    the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and to support the fair cause of

    (The Appeal was adopted at session of Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan
    Republic, June 22, 2004)