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Looking Back to Move Forward

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  • Looking Back to Move Forward

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    From: "Katia M. Peltekian" <[email protected]>
    Subject: Looking Back to Move Forward
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    Washington Post, DC
    June 23 2004

    Looking Back to Move Forward

    By Nora Boustany

    Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, the president of George Washington
    University, is dedicated to interpreting history to extract enduring

    Trachtenberg is the recipient this year of the Hannibal Club USA
    Award for Service. He was honored for generating programs that bring
    students on campus together -- leading them beyond their disparate
    cultural perspectives and boundaries.

    Tunisian Ambassador Hatem Atallah, speaking about Trachtenberg at the
    award ceremony last Wednesday, said the university president had
    sought to teach students "that we are all part of the same line of
    history." The Hannibal Club here, one of several around the world,
    was founded six years ago to honor prominent Americans in the public
    domain for their contributions to fostering tolerance and interfaith

    In response to the growing U.S. need for fluent Arabic speakers as it
    addresses security challenges and powerful cultural and religious
    influences, the George Washington University Classics Department and
    its honors program launched an innovative Arabic-language studies
    program. It provides a full-tuition summer grant for a special
    12-week, eight-credit course for 31 students to study the
    fundamentals of the language. "Educating our students to facilitate
    communication with the Arab world is one way that GW can be part of
    the solution to the global challenges of our times," Trachtenberg
    said when the program was launched.

    Speaking engagingly at the event honoring him, Trachtenberg sought to
    draw modern lessons from the case of Hannibal, the Carthaginian
    general who conquered and lost, then killed himself.

    Modern warfare has come a long way since Hannibal used elephants to
    cross the Alps to charge against Roman lines in the third century BC,
    but the wisdom of hero worship can still be questioned, according to
    Trachtenberg. Do individuals like Hannibal really change history, he
    asked, "or are they names we apply to historical currents, to things
    that would have happened anyway, if slightly differently?"

    Thankful in Armenia

    Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, a graduate of Harvard and
    Tufts universities, met with Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and
    other senior U.S. officials last week.

    Oskanian said his government was thankful for being among 16 "good
    partners" that can apply for U.S. financial assistance through the
    Millennium Challenge program. Armenia cleared the first hurdle of
    eligibility and can now apply for funding intended to support good
    government, Oskanian said in a telephone interview last week. He said
    Armenian officials are working on specific plans and funding

    Oskanian said he discussed regional stability issues with U.S.
    officials, including the conflict over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh
    region and the prospect of establishing diplomatic ties with Turkey.
    He said the United States had expressed interest in a normalization
    of Armenia-Turkey relations. Oskanian also praised U.S. officials for
    their efforts to meet with representatives of small countries, even
    though they are preoccupied with developments in Iraq, Afghanistan
    and elsewhere.

    Keeping Track of Liberia

    Nickie Smith, the International Rescue Committee desk officer for
    Liberia, says her mission at the nongovernmental relief organization
    is to maintain awareness about the issues of displacement and
    violence following 20 years of war in the African nation.

    She said in an interview on Friday that gender-based violence is a
    prime concern. The exploitation of women continues in Liberia, she
    said, and demobilized female combatants continue to struggle to
    secure food for their families. Camps have been set up in Liberia to
    rehabilitate such women, and to provide psychological counseling and
    case management in a partnership between the IRC and the United

    "Cantonment sites," where boys and men are separated from young women
    after being disarmed, have high security walls and are run like
    prisoner of war camps, she said.

    In addition, the country faces major medical and educational
    challenges, Smith said. Medical screening has shown that 73 percent
    of the women have sexually transmitted diseases, while 65 percent
    have been sexually abused. "The medical challenges are huge," she

    While there are pockets of stability in Liberia now and relief
    workers have been able to reach wider areas of the country, safety
    concerns still exist, she said. Her group of 10 international relief
    workers and 160 local staff members has been working at more than 30
    sites to help support internally displaced people.

    Smith said the processes of disarmament and integration must develop
    in tandem to prevent former combatants from fighting again. "If
    reintegration and relocation programs don't go on line, it is likely
    these people will pick up their guns again," she said.