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Connecting Georgia with Turkey

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  • Connecting Georgia with Turkey

    The Georgian Messenger
    Wednesday, June 23, 2004, #115 (0639)

    Connecting Georgia with Turkey
    By M. Alkhazashvili

    The possible construction of a railway connecting Georgia and Turkey
    creates new prospects for the two countries as well as for the transit
    function of the South Caucasus as a whole. If the project goals of an
    inexpensive, efficient, international transit route are achieved, the
    turnover of goods on Georgia's railways will sharply increase. But
    before any of this can happen, Georgia needs to mobilize a vast sum of

    President Mikheil Saakashvili discussed the issue of constructing a
    Georgia-Turkey railway during his May visit to Turkey. When he
    traveled to Tbilisi on June 14-15, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliev
    also expressed his support for the project.

    Two possible routes for the Georgia-Turkey railway are under
    discussion: Kars-Akhalkalaki, which has been on the drawing board
    since the Shevardnadze administration, and Rize-Batumi, which
    Saakashvili was able to propose following the fall of Aslan
    Abashidze's regime in Adjara. Although the Kars-Akhalkalaki plan is
    more familiar and well studied, its construction faces numerous
    challenges due to the jagged mountainous terrain of the region. This
    project requires not only the construction of a 35km stretch from
    Akhalkalaki to Kurtkale on the Georgian-Turkish border and a further
    92km line from there to Kars, but also the upgrade of the existing 160
    km single line branch from Akhalkalaki to Tbilisi. The Rize-Batumi
    option may thus prove the more viable.

    If a railway connecting Georgia and Turkey is created, the South
    Caucasus' role as a transit corridor between Europe and Asia will
    greatly increase and bring tremendous profits. But given the $700-800
    million cost of the project, finding the financing necessary for this
    project will be a stiff challenge for the government, even if
    Azerbaijan and Turkey allot significant sums towards the project.

    The idea of constructing a Georgia-Turkey railway has caused great
    concern in Armenia, which feels itself even further isolated from
    regional transit projects. It should be pointed out that in the Soviet
    period, there existed a railway connecting Turkey with the South
    Caucasus - the Kars Gyumri line - but owing to the Karabakh conflict
    and the less than cordial relations between Armenia and Turkey, it has
    been out of operation for more than a decade. A few days ago reports
    surfaced that Turkey may open its border with Armenia and restore
    Kars-Gyumri. Clearly, if this is true, the issue of constructing a
    Georgia-Turkey line will all but be removed from the agenda. But it
    remains to be seen whether there is any real prospect for the
    restoration of Kars-Gyumri or whether this report was merely a
    reaction to the Georgia-Turkey railway idea.