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TOL: A Dictator in the Making

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  • TOL: A Dictator in the Making

    Transitions Online, Czech Republic
    June 24 2004

    A Dictator in the Making

    YEREVAN, Armenia - Handcuffed and defenseless, Grisha Virabian endured
    hours of merciless blows to his crotch and sides. Only after a night
    of agonizing pain was he reluctantly allowed to undergo surgery. As a
    result of his torture, one of his testicles had to be removed. But
    the person who may find himself in jail is Virabian, not one of his
    sadistic interrogators. The charge: that he put up resistance.

    Virabian's cardinal sin, though, was to lead a group of a hundred
    people from Artashat, a town 30 kilometers south of Yerevan, on a
    march to the Armenian capital on 9 April. There, they joined up with
    the country's main opposition groups, which had begun a campaign of
    street protests aimed at toppling President Robert Kocharian, a man
    controversially reelected last year. Police officers visited his home
    on an almost daily basis until he stopped hiding and showed up for
    interrogation on 23 April. Virabian, 44, says he was first assaulted
    by Hovannes Movsisian, head of the criminal investigations division
    at the Artashat police, and hit the latter in the face in
    self-defense with a mobile phone recharging device lying on a table.
    This is what apparently made the officers go berserk.

    Yet if one is to believe the Armenian authorities, Virabian himself
    is the culprit because he attacked a `state official performing his
    duties.' Criminal charges, carrying up to three years' imprisonment,
    have already been brought by prosecutors in Yerevan. Virabian has
    been cross-examined face to face with a dozen Artashat police
    officers, all of them testifying that he went on a rampage at their
    headquarters. `They avoided looking me in the eyes,' says this
    soft-spoken father of two.


    The case against Virabian has become a potent symbol of unprecedented
    repression unleashed by Kocharian in response to the opposition drive
    for regime change, repression that is turning Armenia into a vicious
    police state where human rights are worth nothing when they threaten
    the ruling regime's grip on power. Hundreds of people around the
    country have been rounded up, detained, mistreated, and imprisoned
    over the past three months in blatant violation of the law. About two
    dozen opposition activists have faced prosecution on trumped-up
    criminal charges.

    The crackdown demonstrates that an independent judiciary is as
    nonexistent in contemporary Armenia as it was in the Soviet era. It
    also shows that Armenia's corrupt law enforcement bodies are growing
    even more brutal in their treatment of ordinary citizens. In an
    ominous sign for the country's democratic future, they have been
    given a new KGB-style function of keeping track of and suppressing
    opposition activity. This is especially true of the areas outside
    Yerevan, where just about everyone challenging the regime is on the
    police watch list.

    `Armenia has taken a big step backward in the past three months in
    terms of human rights protection,' says Vartan Harutiunian, a
    prominent human rights campaigner who himself spent eight years in
    Soviet labor camps as a political prisoner. `We are now firmly on a
    path leading to dictatorship.'

    The most common (and benign) form of political persecution has been
    `administrative' imprisonments for up to 15 days for participants in
    opposition demonstrations. Hundreds are believed to have faced such
    punishment under the Soviet-era Code of Administrative Offenses for
    allegedly `disrupting order' or defying police. In reality, they were
    simply randomly detained by plainclothes police officers after
    virtually every opposition rally this spring and were promptly
    sentenced in closed overnight trials without being granted access to
    lawyers. Judges hearing such cases usually act like notaries,
    rubber-stamping police fabrications. The purpose of the
    administrative arrests seems obvious: to discourage as many Armenians
    from attending anti-Kocharian protests as possible.

    The practice, equally widespread during last year's disputed
    presidential election, has been strongly and repeatedly condemned by
    domestic and international human rights groups. The Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) again called for its
    immediate end in a resolution on the political crisis in Armenia
    adopted on 28 April.

    The arrests pale in comparison with other human rights abuses. As the
    campaign for Kocharian's ouster gained momentum in late March scores
    of opposition activists in various parts of the country were rounded
    up for what the police described as `prophylactic conversations.' The
    oppositionists said they were bullied and warned against
    participating in the upcoming rallies in Yerevan.

    The first major show of government force came at an opposition rally
    in Armenia's second-largest city of Gyumri on 28 March. Authorities
    there refused to sanction the protest, saying that they could not
    guarantee its security because the local police were too busy solving
    a serious crime. The rally went ahead but was nearly disrupted by
    several men who threw eggs at organizers. They, as it turned out,
    were police officers. Some opposition activists hardly knew this when
    they clashed with the men and were arrested on the spot by dozens of
    other plainclothes police. Four of the activists were eventually
    sentenced to between nine and 15 months in prison for `hooliganism.'

    Tension rose further when the opposition, buoyed by the success of
    the November `rose revolution' in neighboring Georgia, took its
    campaign to Yerevan. The authorities effectively disrupted transport
    between the capital and the rest of the country in a bid to reduce
    attendance at the opposition rallies.

    The confrontation culminated in a march on 12 April by thousands of
    opposition supporters in the direction of Kocharian's official
    residence in the city center. Baton-wielding riot police stopped the
    crowd from approaching the presidential palace and brutally dispersed
    it in the early hours of 13 April, using water cannons, stun
    grenades, and, according to some eyewitness accounts, electric-shock
    equipment. The security forces left no escape routes for the fleeing
    protesters, relentlessly beating and arresting scores of them.

    This was immediately followed by the police ransacking and the
    closure of the offices of the three largest opposition parties. Among
    those arrested were more than a dozen women working for the most
    radical opposition party, Hanrapetutiun (Republic). Some of them
    later gave harrowing accounts of mistreatment and humiliation at the
    hands of the police chief in Yerevan's Erebuni district, Nver
    Hovannisian. One young woman told a Human Rights Watch researcher,
    `He came in and said, `Ah, it was you who was at the protest.' I said
    `No, it wasn't me.' He began to beat me with his fists and knees to
    my stomach. I fell and he kicked me on my back. He said, `Now all our
    men will come in and rape you.' '

    The crackdown also saw the worst-ever violence against Armenian
    journalists. Four were severely beaten by the police while covering
    how police broke up the 12-13 April demonstration. According to Hayk
    Gevorgian of the Haykakan Zhamanak daily, the deputy chief of the
    national police service, General Hovannes Varian, personally
    confiscated his camera and then ordered subordinates to attack him.
    Gevorgian had already lost a camera a week before that when he and
    other photographers and cameramen pictured a group of burly men
    attempting to disrupt another opposition rally in Yerevan. Almost all
    of them had their cameras smashed by the thugs, who reportedly work
    as `bodyguards' for some government-connected tycoons. Police
    officers led by Varian stood by and watched, refusing to intervene.

    The authorities made an awkward attempt to dispel the widespread
    belief that they orchestrated the ugly scene by having a Yerevan
    court fine two of the thugs $180 each on 10 June. It was a travesty
    of justice, with about 30 well-built men packing the courtroom and
    refusing to let anyone in. They gave in only after a plea (not an
    order) from the court chairman. `We were twice humiliated, first in
    the street and then in the court,' said Anna Israelian, a veteran
    correspondent for the Aravot daily who was attacked by the one of the


    Strangely enough, international reaction to the events in Armenia has
    been rather muted. Only Human Rights Watch has made an explicit
    condemnation of the `cycle of repression' in a detailed report on 4
    May. The PACE resolution also criticized the crackdown, threatening
    Yerevan with political sanctions. However, the Strasbourg-based
    assembly's official in charge of assessing Armenia's compliance with
    the resolution, Jerzy Jaskiernia, is notorious for his leniency
    toward Kocharian's regime. The Polish parliamentarian's fact-finding
    trip to Yerevan on 11-14 June was marred by a scandal over the recent
    publication of the Armenian version of his book about the PACE, which
    was sponsored by the Kocharian-controlled parliament. Opposition
    leaders have accused Jaskiernia of taking a `bribe.'

    Seeking to placate the Council of Europe, the authorities have
    already released all prominent members of the opposition arrested in
    April. But they are showing no clemency for the jailed rank-and-file
    oppositionists. It remains to be seen whether the PACE will care
    about the likes of Edgar Arakelian, a 24-year-old man jailed who got
    an 18-month jail term for hurling a plastic bottle at a police
    officer on 13 April, or Lavrenti Kirakosian who, on 22 June, was sent
    to prison for 18 months for allegedly keeping 59 grams of marijuana
    at home.

    For Grisha Virabian, meanwhile, Europe is the only place where he can
    bring his tormentors to justice. His government has refused to
    prosecute them, and he plans to file a lawsuit with the European
    Court of Human Rights. `The Armenian government won't punish any of
    those individuals,' he says, `because the whole system created by
    them would crumble as a result.'