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BAKU: Armenian officers' visit to Baku sparks public outcry

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  • BAKU: Armenian officers' visit to Baku sparks public outcry

    Azer News, Azerbaijan
    June 24 2004

    Armenian officers' visit to Baku sparks public outcry

    The final conference of the "Cooperative Best Effort-04" training
    opened in Baku on Tuesday within NATO's Partnership for Peace
    program. Representatives from ten NATO member states, eleven
    Partnership for Peace program-participant states, NATO's

    Southern Europe and European Allied Forces Command, as well as from
    the International Committee of the Red Cross and the US embassy in
    Baku are attending the conference to last till Thursday. The
    "Cooperative Best Effort-04" training will be held in Baku this
    September. The participation of Armenian officers - Colonel Murad
    Isakhanian and Senior Lieutenant Aram Hovanesian - in the event
    sparked nationwide protest in the country.

    Akif Naghi, chairman of the Garabagh Liberation Organization (GLO),
    told a news conference last week that Armenian officers won't be
    allowed to attend a NATO conference even if they arrive in the Azeri
    capital. According to Naghi, Armenia aims to cover up the occupation
    of Azerbaijani lands by sending its officers to Baku. "Therefore, the
    goal of the GLO is to prevent the realization of Armenia's plans,"
    said Naghi, underlining that a series of actions will be conducted in
    this respect.

    Public concern justified
    Commenting on the differing attitudes of the public and the
    organizers of the event towards the issue, Ali Hasanov, head of the
    Socio-political Department of the President's Palace, said that the
    positions of both sides are understandable. Hasanov regarded the
    negative attitude of the public towards the participation of the
    officers of the occupying army in any event in Baku as normal. Noting
    that the undertaking is organized not by Azerbaijan but NATO, Hasanov
    stressed that such events may be organized not only in Azerbaijan but
    also in other program participant states. However, the government
    allowed the officers of aggressor Armenia to arrive in Baku on Monday
    evening. On Tuesday morning, GLO members held a protest action to
    condemn the Armenian officers' participation in the NATO conference,
    stating that "no business relations can be established with Armenia
    unless the occupied lands of Azerbaijan are liberated".

    Members of the Garabagh Liberation Organization (GLO) picketed the
    Europe Hotel on Tuesday protesting the participation of Armenian
    officers at the conference being held in Baku within the NATO
    'Partnership for Peace' program. The protesters tried to block
    Tbilisi Avenue, disrupting traffic, and then clashed with police in
    front of the hotel. Several GLO members succeeded in making their way
    to the conference room. However, the conference continued
    uninterrupted after police and hotel security officers disbursed the
    picketers. Five demonstrators led by the GLO chairman Akif Naghi and
    his deputy Barat Imani were detained and taken to the Nasimi District
    police department. "The Armenian officers' visit to Baku and the
    Azerbaijani government's position on the issue is unacceptable. The
    authorities must primarily defend the interests of the state, prevent
    officers of an aggressor country from coming to Baku and put forward
    a firm position to international organizations on the issue", the GLO
    said in a statement. Also on Tuesday, members of another group, the
    All-Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (APFPA), tried to hold a similar
    action. In a Milli Majlis session on Tuesday, parliament members
    expressed their indignation with the participation of Armenian
    officers in the conference being held in Baku within NATO's
    Partnership for Peace program. MP Sabir Rustamkhanli regarded the
    admittance of Armenian officers, guilty of shedding the blood of
    innocent Azerbaijanis, to Baku as a disgrace. Rustamkhanli said NATO,
    as an entity cooperating with Azerbaijan, should respect Azerbaijani
    national moral values. Speaker Alasgarov said the Armenian officers
    came to Baku secretly and will leave Azerbaijan after the first NATO