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Northern Avenue Legal Analysis

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  • Northern Avenue Legal Analysis

    Northern Avenue Legal Analysis

    Arman Zrvandyan 2004


    In 2001 the Government of RA planned to construct Northern Avenue in
    Yerevan. For the realisation of this project the Government of the RA made
    several decisions approving the area of real assests (sites, houses and
    construction) located within the planned area of Northern Avenue in Yerevan
    and amortisied for the state needs, as well facilitated establishment of «
    Northern Avenue and the Cascade » projects realisation office » governmental
    non-profitable organisation wich has been charged for the activities related
    to the construction of the Northern Avenue and the Cascade. Morover, in
    accordance to the Government decisions N 950 of 05.10.2001 and N 1169-N
    14.08.2002 N the organisation was also charged for the whole portfolio in
    determination, following it currency adjustment offer and further purchase
    of the confiscated sites and real estate in the area of Northern Avenue

    It is noteworthy that before the confiscation of individual's property for
    the state needs, the latter should observe particular preconditions
    envisaged by the Constitution of the RA, aacting laws and ratified
    international agreements; and their ignorance makes the process of the
    amortization of the real estate of individualsillegal.

    Thus, Article N28 of the Constitution of the RA on confiscation of the
    individual's property either for the state or public needs defines the

    ".Confiscation of property for the needs of society and the state may occur
    only in exceptional cases with prior full compensation on the basis of the
    law. "

    This impleis that before confiscating the property for the needs of the
    society and statethe authorities of the RA must observe the following
    preconditions in accordance with the Constitution of the RA :

    1. Confiscation of the property should serve for the satisfaction of the
    needs of the society and the state;
    2. Confiscation of property for the needs of society and the state may occur
    only in exceptional cases;
    3. Confiscation of property should be realized solely on the basis of the
    4. The authorities are obliged to provide prior full compensation.

    Have the authorities of the RA satisfied the above-mentioned requirements
    envisaged in the Constitution and International agreements? In order to give
    a proper answer to the question it is necessary to understand how the
    authorities should have provided the very guaranties.

    The precise answer was given by the Constitutional Court of the RA in its
    Decision N SDO-92 (SD) of February 27, 1998, that, while clarifying points
    of the above stated article 28 of the Constitution of the RA, declared such
    a legal position in which the property of an individual can be confiscated
    in accordance to the provisions of the Second part of the Article N28 of the
    Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and in case of his disagreement, the
    state can terminate the enjoyment of the rights to the property by means of
    Accepting Law on that particular property that will substantiate its
    explicit importance and significance and define distinctly that the
    confiscated property will be used for the needs of the state and the
    society. Moreover, the Constitutional Court states that the Government of
    the Republic of Armenia cannot establish such procedures of confiscation of
    property for the needs of the state and society that will automatically
    authorise it with the right for confiscating this type of property.

    The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia has never accepted any Law
    on Confiscating the Property in the Area of the Northern Avenue as stated in
    the Decision of the Constitutional Court of the RA. Furthermore, the
    afore-mentioned decisions of the Government of the RA, that were taken as a
    legal basis for the realisation of processes of confiscating the property in
    this area, are mere Sub-Constitutional Acts and they can no way be addressed
    and treated as "Laws". Accordingly, the absence of the Law automatically
    implies the disregard to the other constitutional requirements, as only in
    the Law on the Confiscation of the confiscation-due Property in the area of
    the Northern Avenue the Government of the RA could have proven the explicit
    importance and significance and define distinctly that the confiscated
    property will be used for the needs of the state and the society.

    Thus, as the Constitutional norms are put into force immediately and
    International Agreements of the RA are superior over the Laws that
    contradict them, it goes naturally that the provisions of the latter should
    be practised.

    In these conditions the decision made by the executive branch of the RA
    couldn't have served as satisfactory legal basis for confiscations of the
    individuals' property.

    Furthermore, the Article N1 of the Protocol N1 of the European Convention on
    the "Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms" states the following

    Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his
    possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the
    public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the
    general principles of international law.

    So, as you can see, the European Convention also foresees restrictions in
    the usage of own property, though, the same way as in the Constitution of
    the RA, it allows confiscation in the manner of "except in the public
    interest" and "subject to the conditions provided for by law" and not by a
    Sub-Constitutional Act.

    The European Court on Human Rights in its case of Zvolski and Zvolskaya
    against Republic of Czech gave the following in its Verdict:
    . Article N1 of the Protocol N1 of the Convention requires that any
    interference into the right of enjoying possessions of the natural person by
    the state authorities must be legal. Moreover, the predominance of the
    Right, which is one of the fundamental principles of the democratic society,
    is applicable to all the Articles of the Convention.
    The law, which serves as a basis for the interference, should correspond to
    the relevant provisions of the inter- state Legislation, including
    Constitution of the High Agreeing Side (See, point 65 of December 11, 2002
    in the Verdict of ECHR on case of Zvolski and Zvolska against Republic of

    Those preconditions for the deprivation of the property are included,
    primarily, to establish control over restrictions towards individual's
    fundamental right of property by the Legislative body and prevent possible
    abuse and violations committed in out of the control on behalf of the

    Summarising the above written, we can conclude that the Confiscation of the
    property realised in frames of the project on the Construction of the
    Northern Avenue in the RA was not "on the basis of Law" as the National
    Assembly has not ever accepted the relevant Law, which is a direct breach of
    both the Constitution of the RA and other laws as well as provisions
    envisaged in the Article N1 of the Protocol N1 of the European Convention on
    Human Rights.