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Minister of Foreign Affairs Launches Nansen Exhibit at the CoE

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  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Launches Nansen Exhibit at the CoE

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia
    Contact: Information Desk
    Tel: (374-1) 52-35-31
    Email: [email protected]

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Launches Nansen Exhibit at the Council of Europe

    Minister Oskanian inaugurated an exhibition of documents and photographs on
    Fritjof Nansen, the Norwegian humanist-explorer, who established the first
    High Commission for Refugees, under the League of Nations. The passports
    given to Armenian refugees of the Genocide of 1915 bears his name.

    The Nansen exhibit was sponsored by the Armenian delegation to the Council
    of Europe, on the occasion of Norway's taking on the presidency of the

    Present at the opening were the Secretary General of the Council of Europe,
    Walter Schwimmer, Secretary General of the Council of Europe Parliamentary
    Assembly, Peter Schieder, Norway's Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik and
    President Robert Kocharian.

    The text of the Minister's remarks appears below.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Vartan Oskanian
    On the Opening of the Nansen Exhibit
    At the Council of Europe, Strasbourg
    June 23, 2004

    Mr. Schwimmer, Mr. Schieder, Mr. Prime Minister, and Mr. President,

    Armenians have long been fascinated by and grateful to the Norwegian
    Fridtjof Nansen. And not because he could ski 50 miles in a day or because
    he explored Greenland and survived the North Pole.

    As great as Nansenıs interest was in adventure and the sciences, following
    the first World War, he became deeply engaged in international affairs. And
    this bore great significance for Armenia and Armenians. He supported the
    Covenant of the League of Nations and advocated the rights of small nations.
    He repatriated hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war. He mustered help
    for millions in Russia dying of famine.

    And, he helped establish and lead the office of High Commission for
    refugees. In that capacity, Nansen tried to solve the problem of Greek
    refugees and arranged for an exchange of 1.2 million Greeks living on
    Turkish soil for about 1/2 a million Turks living in Greece. Nansen invented
    the Nansen Passport, a document of identification which was recognized by
    dozens of governments and which provided an identity to hundreds of
    thousands of refugees, including great numbers of Armenians rendered
    homeless by genocide, massacres and deportation, at the turn of the 20th

    He helped the stateless and homeless whose causes appeared politically
    intractable. He helped the human victims on both sides of political and
    military conflicts.

    Before the creation of international aid and development programs, he drew
    up a political, industrial, financial plan for creating a national home for
    Armenians. He did this at the invitation of the League of Nations. And
    although the League failed to implement the plan, Armenians and others
    interested in justice and equal rights believe he accomplished a great deal
    - by putting on the international agenda the rights of peoples to their own

    This man, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, was a Norwegian from a well
    to do family. Perhaps it was because he never had to struggle to assure his
    own survival, that he had the time and the wherewithal to take on the
    struggles of others.

    The same can be said for the country and people of Norway who have been
    blessed with natural wealth, and the wisdom to use it wisely. From the work
    of the Nobel Committee to that of Transparency International, Norway has
    found ways to encourage and reward those who make efforts to truly integrate
    human rights and democratic values and good governance in their own
    societies. With Norway at the helm of the Council of Europe, we look forward
    to working together to follow Fritjof Nansenıs example: to recognize that
    which is good and right in society, and to work to improve those aspects
    which are still incomplete.

    In Armenia, we are thankful for the work of the Norwegian Refugee Council,
    and we recognize that todayıs refugees are more fortunate than those whose
    fate Fritjof Nansen tried to affect. Yet, judging by the number of those who
    still regard the Nansen passports with pride, we can justifiably say that
    Nansen gave documents and a sense of belonging to one generation, but his
    legacy to succeeding generations is the recognition of a universal
    responsibility to acknowledge each individualıs right to live not as victims
    but as equals, in charge of their own lives and their own destiny.

    So we offer this modest exhibition, moved by the commitment of this great
    humanist, and are proud that it is presented here, in the halls of the
    Council of Europe, an organization which espouses the ideas and principles
    around which Fridtjof Nansen lived his life.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress