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Kocharian speech to Council of Europe turning point for Karabakh

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  • Kocharian speech to Council of Europe turning point for Karabakh

    Armenian leader's speech to Council of Europe turning point for Karabakh -

    Hayots Ashkarh, Yerevan
    25 Jun 04

    Armenian President Robert Kocharyan's speech to the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe has moved the settlement of the
    Nagornyy Karabakh conflict to the legal plane, according to an article
    in an Armenian newspaper. Kocharyan played Armenia's "trump card",
    when he said that Karabakh had never been part of independent
    Azerbaijan, so recognition of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity had
    nothing to do with Karabakh, according to the article. "Europe can use
    its real weapon, great international and political authority, and at
    one stroke, by means of the NKR's independence, cut the Karabakh knot
    and ensure stable peace in the whole region," the article concluded.
    The following is the text of Vardan Grigoryan's report in Hayots
    Ashkarh on 25 June headlined "The real way of peace":

    It should be said that by means of Robert Kocharyan's speech in
    Strasbourg Armenian foreign policy has made that turning point in the
    Karabakh negotiating process, which society was expecting for over 10
    years. This was the transfer of the Karabakh settlement process to the
    legal plane.

    Robert Kocharyan's strict, full and logical speech from the PACE
    [Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe] rostrum and
    explanation of separate points of the Karabakh issue during the
    briefing with deputies, was a turning point in the history of the
    positions adopted by Armenian diplomacy on Karabakh. Saying that
    Armenia has always been in favour of a peaceful settlement of the
    conflict, has always accepted the proposal of the mediating parties
    for a common state, the Paris principles, the Key West accords, at the
    same time from the high European rostrum the Armenian president
    revealed the trump card of the Armenian party: the legal content of
    the Karabakh issue. That is:

    a) The NKR has never been within an independent Azerbaijan, for this
    reason recognition of the territorial integrity of the latter has
    nothing to with Nagornyy Karabakh;

    b) Nagornyy Karabakh declared its independence along with Azerbaijan
    (and even a little earlier) and on the same legal basis, the USSR
    constitution and laws, two independent states were formed on the
    territory of the former Soviet Azerbaijan;

    c) The legal grounds of the NKR independence are flawless, so in such
    conditions, instead of the trite "compromises" often applied by the
    world community, these grounds should be discussed and gain their
    strict assessment, which have the same meaning;

    d) From the point of view of preserving peace only the package option
    for a settlement poses a lesser danger than today's status quo. So any
    breaking of the latter, without including all the important problems
    connected with the Karabakh conflict, will unavoidably lead to a drop
    in the parties' motivation to reach a final settlement and this may
    have unpredictable consequences.

    All this complex of questions shows that at the current moment in the
    negotiating process Armenia is trying to solve three main problems:

    1. In proclaiming its devotion to the Paris principles and Key West
    accords, which have become a logical ending of the model for a
    political settlement, Armenia has been presented before the world
    community as a constructive party which is ready for mutual

    2. Being ahead of Azerbaijan in terms of constructiveness and
    commitment to the accords, at the same time the Armenian party
    strictly sets its bottom line - the Key West accords, from which it
    cannot retreat;

    3. As Azerbaijan is the initiator of revising the accords, the
    Armenian party supports the world community in transferring the
    problem to the legal plane in order to get out of the deadlock, that
    is, in international law not to look for the "golden mean" but to
    decide who Nagornyy Karabakh, which is strictly preserving all the
    laws proclaimed in its independence, belongs to? We think that in this
    way we may reach a quick and fruitful settlement of the Karabakh
    issue. That is, by discussing the legal grounds of the NKR's
    independence and establishing that they are flawless Europe may settle
    all the problems in one go and enter our region. In these conditions
    Azerbaijan will have no option but to recognize the fact, as the main
    subject of the argument - Nagornyy Karabakh will be immediately taken
    out of the field of competition between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Europe
    can use its real weapon, great international and political authority,
    and at one stroke, by means of the NKR's independence, cut the
    Karabakh knot and ensure stable peace in the whole region.