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Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School Letter to CRD

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  • Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School Letter to CRD

    Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School Class of 2005
    A Sampling of the Power in Our Youth

    June 25, 2004
    Cosmic Ray Division - Armenia
    Contact: Anahid Yeremian
    Stanford, California
    650 - 926 - 4444
    [email protected]

    As I sat at my desk, pondering the simulation results for a particle
    accelerator injector design, our secretary put an envelop on my desk,
    "Are these Armenian characters?" pointing to the first line of the
    return address. "Yes," I said, "That's the Rose and Alex Pilibos
    Armenian School. I was there two weeks ago to talk about cosmic ray
    science and the cosmic ray stations in Armenia." The Cosmic Ray
    Division (CRD) is the group of scientists in Armenia who conduct
    world-class research on top of Mt. Aragats and we, the Diaspora, have
    been supporting them and proudly following their progress.

    I am always delighted when young people take the time to write to me
    after my visits to their schools. It shows that they were interested,
    it shows that they are polite, it shows that they know how to network.

    So I eagerly opened the envelop and read the letter. In its short 6
    lines it had already brought me to tears of joy and pride by the time
    I got the "Sincerely". It showed all the things I said above, but it
    also showed that these students have compassion and are willing and
    able to take on responsibility. I want to share this letter with you,
    so you too can be proud of our next generation.

    "Dear Representative of CRD friends,

    It was truly an honor and a pleasure to have you as a guest speaker at
    our school. We learned much about your helpful projects, which
    rekindled an even stronger love and respect for our homeland.

    To lend our humble support, enclosed please find $180.00 which we, the
    students have collected. We wish you success in your future endeavors
    and hope to meet you again, this time on the steppes of Aragatz.

    Eleventh Grade Students of
    Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School "

    I wondered, "how many lunches did they have to skip, or which pleasure
    they gave up to save these funds to help their fellow Armenians in
    Armenia?" I was so overwhelmed with pride for them, that I began to
    miss them immediately. I called the school to thank them, but they
    were already gone for the summer, and the accumulated tears in my eyes
    flooded down my cheeks.

    Class of 2005 at Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School, if you are
    reading this article, know that I am extremely proud of you, and I
    thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    Anahid Yeremian