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Free Oral Histories for Amenian American Veterans

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  • Free Oral Histories for Amenian American Veterans

    WATERTOWN, MA 02472
    Contact: Gregory H. Arabian
    Tel (617)926-8600
    Fax (617)926-8822
    Email: [email protected]

    Myron Khederian took a year to give up his story. Combat engineer,
    rifleman and flame thrower in WWII, he claimed he `never did anything
    worth mentioning.'

    When his Armenian American AMVETS Post asked him to participate in
    its Oral History, Myron's family, reading the Newsletter, urged him to
    tell his story without success. One day, just before a meeting, Oral
    History Director and Judge Advocate Major Greg Arabian cajoled
    Myron. He persuaded him to `just tell us a few things' about his
    military experience. Myron gave an Oral History that later proved
    invaluable to his family who never knew about it. A year later, Myron
    died. At church, fellow veteran Arthur `Libby' Arakelian presented the
    family with Myron's Oral History taken a few months before. Myron's
    family was flabbergasted, surprised and thankful - all at the same
    time. In a letter to Major Arabian, they described how they urged him
    to participate, how he repeatedly and stubbornly refused, and now, how
    indescribably valuable and precious it was for them to have this
    permanent taped record of his amazing military history.

    `It's always the same,' says Arabian. `Great veterans with great
    stories who won't talk about it unless and until you cajole, persist,
    insist, and gently draw it out of them. It is a gentle art.' In less
    than two years, Arabian completed over 55 Oral Histories of a Post of
    mostly Armenian American combat veterans, at no charge, at no cost to
    the veteran. At the expense of his professional time, he travels from
    his small law office to his Post, coordinating his time with days when
    these elderly veterans can make it. Every veteran receives a copy of
    his Oral History in less than a week. `We lose over 1000 veterans a
    day, ` says Arabian. `That means that as every day that goes by, we
    lose over 1000 Oral Histories that never made it. That is why I had to
    do more.'

    Supported by the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress,
    Arabian now conducts Oral Histories of all Armenian American veterans
    of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. He
    has enlisted the support of a videographer, purchased camera and
    recording equipment, practiced the latest techniques and refined Oral
    History to an art far beyond his initial dreams. He looks everywhere
    for new recruits, will go anywhere within reason to get them, and
    takes great pleasure in his ever improving techniques. He simply likes
    veterans. Those who know anyone of the dying breed of the Greatest
    Generation and especially now, those veterans who have a story to tell
    would do our country a great service by contacting him at The Armenian
    American Veterans Oral History Project, 489 Mount Auburn Street,
    Watertown, MA 02472 or contact him at [email protected]. You will be
    pleasantly surprised.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress