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BAKU: Azerbaijani deputy urges committee of ministers to be active

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani deputy urges committee of ministers to be active

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    June 24 2004

    [June 24, 2004, 20:20:13]

    Newly appointed chairman of the COE Committee of Ministers, Foreign
    Minister of Norway Jan Petersen delivered a summary report on the
    PACE session, June 22. According to existing rules, following the
    summary report chairman of the Committee of Ministers is questioned.
    These questions are presented to the secretariat for a day and then
    published. In the course of the session, following chairman's answer
    deputy who asked the first question is enabled to question once more.

    18 European deputies questioned J. Peterson this time. The first
    question was asked by Azerbaijani deputy Rafael Huseynov. The
    question says: how may the contribution of the Council of Europe to
    the resolution of conflicts be evaluated? What steps can be taken to
    settle conflicts existing in the Caucasus region?

    Mr. Jan Petersen stressed in responce that the Caucasian region is
    always in the focus of attention of the Council of Europe and noted
    that he would handle problems of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia and
    visit the region.

    Taking the opportunity, the Azerbaijani deputy drew the Chairman's
    attention to Armenia's aggression against Azerbaijan. R. Huseynov
    noted that whenever the issue of COE's active participation in the
    resolution of the conflict is raised, it points to lack of mandate to
    settle the conflict since the OSCE Minsk Group is directly involved
    in the issue. When asked about the approach and efforts towards
    information exchange between COE and OSCE, in particular, Minsk
    Group, and conflict resolution J. Petersen stated that he would do
    his best for the settlement of the conflict.