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ANKARA: Turk FM: Sides In Iraq Should Fulfill Their Responsibilities

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  • ANKARA: Turk FM: Sides In Iraq Should Fulfill Their Responsibilities

    Anadolu Agency
    June 26 2004

    Turkish F.M.: Sides In Iraq Should Fulfill Their Responsibilities

    ISTANBUL - Sides in Iraq should fulfill their responsibilities and
    not make wrong estimations, Turkish Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime
    Minister Abdullah Gul said on Saturday.

    Speaking at a conference ''The New Atlantic Alliance At a New
    Crossroads'' jointly organized by Turkish Economic and Social Studies
    Foundation (TESEV) and U.S. think-tank organization German Marshall
    Fund, Gul said that he supported the idea of change in the Islam
    world, but there were some conditions before that change.

    Gul noted that those conditions could occur by establishing
    partnership not intervention, and with the support of regional
    countries not by imposition.

    Turkey was not playing a role as a model, Gul stated.

    Gul said that a democratic Iraq, the territorial integrity of which
    was not deteriorated and the sources of which were used by its own
    people and for the sake of its own people, would be the supported of
    peace and welfare in its region.

    Turkey would continue to extend every kind of support to people of
    Iraq, which was undertaking a new era, Gul pointed out.

    Gul said that success reached in Iraq's transition period would be
    for everybody's benefit.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Gul said that ongoing political conflicts in
    Iraq and Palestine did not help regional social and economic reform

    Those political problems would not be a reason to delay some urgent
    responsibilities, Gul pointed out.

    Gul said that countries should abide themselves by changing
    conditions and fulfil some responsibilities due to new threats.

    Security was face to face with some threats from terrorism to
    proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Gul stated.

    Gul said that Turkey would play an important role in solution of
    regional chronic problems thanks to its relations with two sides of

    Turkey's geographical location and its historical and cultural
    heritage offered good opportunities to Turkey to contribute to
    regional security, cooperation, Gul stated and stressed that Turkey
    did not miss those opportunities.

    Gul said that Turkey's attitude towards peaceful settlement of the
    Cyprus issue bewildered many people.

    The real target was to protect security and rights of Turkish
    Cypriots, Gul stated.

    Gul expressed Turkey's expectation that the international community
    to lift unjust and inhumane limitations on Turkish Cypriots.

    Turkey's importance would increase thanks to its European Union (EU)
    membership process, Gul said.

    Gul said that ''he was surer today than any time'' that the EU would
    start negotiations with Turkey.

    Missions Turkey had undertaken in Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina and
    Afghanistan had been appreciated, Gul stated.

    Gul noted that Turkey continued its efforts aiming at solution of
    Karabakh issue and restoration of stability in Georgia.

    Any step that Armenia would take to end its occupation of Azerbaijani
    lands would help final solution of Upper Karabakh dispute, Gul
    pointed out.

    Gul said that Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad al-Alawi demanded that NATO
    train Iraqi security forces, and noted that this could be one of
    NATO's contributions to Iraq when replying to a question on possible
    contributions of NATO to Iraq.