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Armenian pressure group condemns president's CoE speech

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  • Armenian pressure group condemns president's CoE speech

    Armenian pressure group condemns president's Council of Europe speech

    A1+ web site
    26 Jun 04

    25 June: The Defence of the Liberated Territories public initiative
    has sharply condemned President Robert Kocharyan's speech at the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE] today.

    "Recently, the Armenian president personally spoke for the first time
    from an international rostrum about Armenia's disgraceful readiness to
    cede the territories. Answering a question from the head of the
    Azerbaijani delegation in PACE, he confessed that he had agreed to
    cede the liberated territories in Key West. The territories have not
    been ceded yet only because of Azerbaijan's firm position.

    "Some representatives of the opposition bypassed this issue and
    hurried to approve of the Karabakh-related section of Kocharyan's

    "We sharply condemn every phrase which hints at the possible return of
    the liberated territories to Azerbaijan, partly or in full. We state
    that neither the president nor other figures who make such statements
    have the right to speak on behalf of the people of Armenia and ignore
    its opinion. The return of even an inch of our liberated territories,
    as well as a speech containing statements which contribute to this,
    are a betrayal.

    "It becomes obvious that a positive solution to the Artsakh [Nagornyy
    Karabakh] war requires a change of the political elite.

    "All the liberated territories are an inseparable part of our
    motherland and any attempts to thrust another solution upon the
    Armenian people are doomed to failure," the statement said.