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Karabakh Refugees Protect Their Rights

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  • Karabakh Refugees Protect Their Rights


    Azat Artsakh, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
    June 25 2003

    At last there is an organization in Nagorni Karabakh which unites the
    refugees. At last because there were refugees in Karabakh since 1988
    and so far neither the government, nor the international organizations
    have established an agency that would attend to the numerous problems
    of the refugees. The fact that the committee was established on these
    days causes anxiety. There are a number of factors accompanying this
    process. First, from the beginning of this year the interest of a
    number of international, particularly European organizations in the
    Karabakh problem became apparent. For example in February
    representatives of British and American organizations visited
    Stepanakert. these organizations have joined in a consortium for the
    implementation of the joint program of assistance to the settlement of
    the Karabakh conflict and maintenance of an atmosphere of confidence
    in the region. As the director of LINKS, which is member of the
    consortium, Stephen Nash said, the program is funded by the British
    government. Within the framework of the consortium LINKS will deal
    with working out alternative ways of conflict regulation, the
    organization "Alarm International" will regulate parliamentary
    cooperation, the "Service of Catholic Aid" will assist to the
    development of the non-governmental sector and "Conciliation
    Resources" will deal with the international coverage of the conflict
    and work with the local mass media. Within the framework of the
    program several separate projects were already funded: the newspaper
    "Demo", Karabakh page in the Internet site of BBC, several other
    projects with Karabakh public organization. This is the first
    factor. Second, it is apparent that the special representatives of the
    European organizations on the Karabakh conflict are interested in the
    problems of common people. If formerly different reporters did not
    consider it necessary to visit Karabakh for preparing their reports,
    this year both Terry Davis and Goran Lenmarker who prepared reports on
    Karabakh arrived here. What is more, all of them refuse to participate
    in the political settlement of the conflict charging the OSCE Minsk
    Group with this mission, and speak about the social and humanitarian
    aspects of the problem. As a rule they meet with refugees, imply on
    the probability of providing humanitarian aid and so on. Is the
    growing interest of Europe favourable for us? On the one hand yes,
    because this means an inflow of finance for the spheres of
    democratization, development, for which the state has not possibility,
    or wish. On the other hand, shifting the problem from the political to
    the humanitarian plain may have bad consequences for Karabakh. Without
    a political regulation, and recognition of the status of Karabakh any
    social and economic assistance will be temporary. We considered this
    long preface necessary for showing the background against which the
    Committee for Refugees was founded. We talked to the chairman of the
    committee S. Saroyan who mentioned that they plan a seminar for
    refugees in mid-July which will be organized by the LINKS with the
    participation of the Armenian organization "Millenium". According to
    him, the chief aim of the organization is the recognition of the
    refugees resettled during the Karabakh conflict both by Nagorni
    Karabakh and international organizations. The refugees of Shoushi
    particularly mentioned about this during the meetings with the
    European guests who visited Shoushi. The thing is that not only the
    international community but also the government of Karabakh did not
    recognize these people as refugees. Even the law "On refugees" was
    adopted only in 2003. Many people and even the refugees explain this
    by the fact that the Karabakh authorities tried to solve the problems
    of refugees without any status. Many are provided with flats, jobs,
    have registration. Then the war started and the refugees fought, got
    wounded and killed shoulder to shoulder with the people of
    Karabakh. Later a part managed to solve their problems although it is
    natural that for them it was much difficult to recover from war than
    for the natives of Karabakh. Nevertheless, there are people who still
    live in dormitories, consider themselves refugees and think that if
    they left their homes against their will, then both the country that
    received them and the international community must help them.
    Besides, as the deputy chairman of the Committee for Refugees Ashot
    Harutiunian mentioned, all the inhabitants of Shoushi are in the sense
    of their situation refugees because all of them were resettled, lost
    their property and actually returned to their ruined town. In answer
    to our question why the problem is raised only now we were told that
    formerly nobody reacted to these demands as there was neither a law,
    nor interest. Apparently the refugees are not informed on the changes
    either. At the Department for Migration, Refugees and Resettlers we
    were told that after the adoption of the law not a single refugee
    applied for registration. According to Sanasar Saroyan, the committee
    today carries out works for bringing together the refugees in
    Stepanakert and regions for the settlement of their problems and
    providing information on their rights. S. Saroyan mentioned that the
    organization intends to become international. The former Armenian
    inhabitants of Baku and Sumgait live not only in Karabakh. For uniting
    efforts the leadership of the committee has established relationships
    with the World Armenian Organization (Ara Abrahamian), Armenian
    experts on refugees (Alexander Manassian), former Baku Armenians
    living in America (Mikhail Avanessian) and others. The committee
    already cooperates with the organization "Country and Culture" which
    implements significant programs in Armenia and Artsakh. One of the
    important problems that the committee is going to extend to the
    government is the necessity of introducing legislative changes in the
    law on refugees. It turns out that according to the law the refugees
    do not have the right to occupy high positions in Karabakh. Or if the
    refugee marries a native of Karabakh, he or she loses their
    status. There are also questions related to the procedure of granting
    the status of refugee. The second question: the committee was
    established in Shoushi. One of the aims set by the members of the
    committee is the renaissance of the town, investments and development
    of business. According to S. Saroyan, nobody is going to return to
    Baku or Sumgait. "But if we were offered to settle down in Shahoumian,
    Getashen, we would agree gladly," said S. Saroyan. According to the
    deputy chairman S. Harutiunian Azerbaijan does everything possible to
    make maximum political and financial profit from using the problem of
    refugees. Quite recently through the state and international funds
    about 500 apartments were built for Azerbaijanis close to the Karabakh
    border, in the region of Aghdam. "What is this if not a starting
    point," says Ashot Harutiunian. Our authorities must show a similar
    approach. Moreover, the stress should be put on the fact that
    Karabakh is a sovereign state where people have equal rights. "The
    unification with Armenia has no prospects for the upcoming several
    years. We voted for independence and we want independence. And in this
    context the recognition of the Karabakh refugees by the international
    community is our legal claim," said A. Harutiunian. S. Saroyan
    mentioned that the organization intends to present the regulations of
    the committee. The authorities promised to aid with the office and
    computers. The committee cooperates with the department for migration
    and refugees. There have already been organized meetings in the
    regions. In short the work has already started.
