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BAKU: Daily Blames Govm't for change in Turkey's stance on Armenia

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  • BAKU: Daily Blames Govm't for change in Turkey's stance on Armenia

    Azeri daily blames government for change in Turkey's stance on Armenia

    Yeni Musavat, Baku
    28 Jun 04

    Turkey no longer puts forward the liberation of Azerbaijani lands as a
    precondition for establishing ties with Armenia, the Azerbaijani
    opposition daily Yeni Musavat has said. The Azerbaijani authorities
    are to blame for this since they have failed to support Turkey in the
    Cyprus issue, the daily reported. The following is an excerpt from
    Konul Samilqizi's report by Azerbaijani newspaper Yeni Musavat on 28
    June headlined "Turkey responds to Ilham Aliyev's betrayal";
    subheadings inserted editorially:

    Ankara intends to establish ties with Armenia and no longer puts
    forward the Karabakh issue as a precondition for that. Remarks of
    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan give grounds to say so.

    Responding to questions at the international conference "NATO at a new
    turning point", financed by the German Marshall Fund of the USA,
    Erdogan said: "We do not want to sever ties with Armenia. We want to
    preserve them. We have always wanted to remove obstacles and achieve
    peace. We are trying to quickly resolve the grievances and conflicts
    we have with our neighbours. However, if Armenia runs away we will go
    after it only up to a certain point. We advise the following to
    Armenia: should they continue with this 'genocide', then they will not
    get a result. Leave this issue for historians. We are building the
    future world. Otherwise, the future generations will not have a good
    opinion of us."

    Erdogan said that what matters now is how the Armenian people live and
    this should be taken into consideration. He even criticized Turkey's
    stance by saying that "Turkey did not have positive and good relations
    with its neighbours for years". He said that Turkey had suffered
    economic losses as a result. Relations are improving now and trade is
    on the increase, Erdogan said.

    Karabakh no longer on agenda

    It can be seen from Erdogan's answer that the only main precondition
    set for establishing ties with Armenia is that the Armenians drop
    their fake "genocide" claims. This amounts to a step back in the
    Turkish leadership's position because until now Ankara cited
    liberation of Azerbaijan's lands occupied by Armenia among the main
    preconditions. In effect, Turkey has now rejected the Karabakh

    In the view of Qabil Huseynli, deputy chairman of the Musavat Party
    and a political analyst, Azerbaijan never used to be on top of
    conditions put forward by Turkey in exchange for improving relations
    with Armenia. "This was only one of the demands. It is clear to
    everyone that Turkey is first of all interested in resolving its own
    problems and therefore demands that the fake 'genocide' claim be
    dropped. Because this issue threatens Turkey's foreign policy
    interests. I personally have never believed that Turkey does not
    establish relations with Armenia only because of the Karabakh
    problem. This condition could have been a diplomatic move or maybe it
    pursued propaganda objectives. Now it has been dropped completely."

    Huseynli said that this was caused by global processes and Turkey's
    role in them.

    [Passage omitted: Turkey's relations with the USA and the European

    Cyprus vote

    Obviously, Azerbaijan's clan-based regime has played an important and
    perhaps a crucial role in Turkey's decision to drop the Karabakh
    condition. Regardless of their propaganda and diplomatic objectives,
    Turkish officials have been defending Azerbaijan's interests over the
    past several years.

    The regime established in October 2004 in Azerbaijan - with assistance
    from the Erdogan government - has taken many steps damaging the
    strategic partnership with Turkey. It is enough to recall the
    Azerbaijani government's stance on the Cyprus issue to understand the
    position of Turkey. Our attentive readers probably remember that the
    clan's MPs did not attend the PACE [Parliamentary Assembly of the
    Council of Europe] vote on Cyprus. Commenting on this, the head of the
    delegation, MP Samad Seyidov, openly said that this was a deliberate
    political move - the deputies with ill-gotten mandates did not vote on
    Cyprus because they thought about Karabakh.

    [Passage omitted: Azerbaijan criticized by the Turkish press]

    Greek president's visit

    Incidentally, we must note that during a press conference held jointly
    with Greek President [Konstandinos Stefanopoulos], [Azerbaijani
    President] Ilham Aliyev did not respond when a Greek journalist
    described Turkey as an "invader". What is more, Aliyev promised not
    to recognize [the Turkish Republic of Northern] Cyprus. When one takes
    into consideration this pledge to the Greeks and the non-participation
    in the Cyprus vote, Erdogan's remarks do not look surprising. Our
    newspaper said in the wake of that press conference that Turkey will
    not leave this betrayal unanswered. The response came faster than
    expected and in an unforeseen form.