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South Ossetia blocks buses with Georgian passengers

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  • South Ossetia blocks buses with Georgian passengers

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    June 28, 2004 Monday 6:33 AM Eastern Time

    South Ossetia blocks buses with Georgian passengers

    By Eka Mekhuzla

    TBILISI, June 28

    Police of South Ossetia, Georgia's enclave, has stopped six passenger
    that were en route from different cities of Russia to the Georgian
    capital Tbilisi.

    More that 150 Georgian passengers, including 40 children, have
    entered South Ossetia's Dzhavsky district from Russia through the
    Roksky tunnel, and have been stranded for about 24 hours, a spokesman
    at the office of the Georgian state minister for conflict settlement
    told Itar-Tass on Monday.

    Several passengers managed to make telephone calls to Tbilisi, saying
    that they were running out of food.

    They said South Ossetian authorities demanded that Georgia release
    two trucks with fuel cargoes that Georgian police seized last week as

    South Ossetian Interior Minister Robert Guliyev has confirmed the
    fact of blocking the busses at a migration control post.

    "The ban on the traffic of the private passenger and cargo transport
    has been introduced for the time until Georgia lifts the economic
    blockade of South Ossetia and returns the trucks confiscated from our
    citizens," Guliyev told Itar-Tass by phone from Tskhinvali.

    He added that "this measure applies only to those who live in
    Georgia; Russians Azerbaijanis, Armenians and citizens of other
    countries can calmly travel in transit through the territory of South