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Turkey wants progress in relations with Armenia, says FM Oskanian

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  • Turkey wants progress in relations with Armenia, says FM Oskanian

    June 29 2004


    ISTANBUL, JUNE 28, ARMENPRESS: The delegation headed by Armenian
    foreign minister of Armenia Vartan Oskanian arrived June 28 in
    Istanbul to attend NATO Summit.
    Within the framework of the visit the foreign minister had
    meetings with the Turkish deputy prime minister, foreign affairs
    minister Abdullah Gul. During the meeting, according to Oskanian,
    obstacles impeding progress in bilateral Armenian-Turkish relations
    were outlined. "These obstacles are known to both sides and I think,
    we will be able to focus on them and will try to eliminate them in
    order to be able to register progress. I think that Turkey wants
    progress but it seems that the time did not come for it yet", said
    Oskanian. In his words, because of some recently voiced comments on
    Armenia's position, he once again reaffirmed that Armenia is ready to
    normalize relations with Turkey without pre-conditions, to start
    trade and establish diplomatic relations. During the dialogue the
    issue of Nagorno Karabagh was also discussed. "I informed Mr. Gul
    about the results of my meeting in Prague with Azerbaijan's Elmar
    Mamedyarov ", said Oskanian.
    The meeting between Armenian, Azeri and Turkish foreign ministers,
    initiated by Turkish side, was also held. Speaking to the reporters
    after the meeting, the parties expressed satisfaction with it. Mr.
    Gul particularly said that the South Caucasus was recently involved
    in EU's "Wider Europe" program and must develop a corresponding
    policy, promote economic development and cooperation. The three
    ministers also discussed economic, political and other issues.
    The foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov said that it
    was decided to continue the meetings in such format. "Everything must
    be done to establish security, peace and stability in the region", he
    Oskanian also assessed the meeting as constructive and useful,
    saying that this was the first trilateral meeting with the
    participation of Azeri foreign minister Elmar Mamedyarov. He said
    that there was no agenda prepared in advance for this meeting. He
    said that the conversation went on in the context of international
    and regional developments. "The issue is to form a new concept for
    the region in accordance with the recent developments, which are NATO
    enlargement and new strategic approach to the countries of Caucasus
    and Central Asia. The other is the EU enlargement", said Oskanian.
    During the trilateral meeting the sides also touched upon the
    issue of Nagorno Karabagh. The sides did not go into details as, in
    Oskanian's words, Turkey is not a mediator. "This was a meeting
    between the three equal sides which have interests and benefits in
    the region", he concluded.