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From Armenia, a novel product

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  • From Armenia, a novel product

    Pictorial Gazette, CT
    June 29 2004

    >From Armenia, a novel product

    By: Jason Fell 06/29/2004

    ESSEX - "It's really amazing how a couple bucks and a little
    confidence can change the lives of people that live across the
    world," says Peter Kwasniewski.

    He should know. Kwasniewski has dreamed up a business that not only
    benefits the owners, but a number of families in a mountain village
    in Armenia.
    Peter just launched Peter K Designs, an online business retailing
    designer belts and dog collars, which are hand-stitched by Armenian
    women from the village of Noembrayan, in the country's northeast
    corner. The unusual partnership was conceived after Peter and his
    wife Stephanie returned from a two-year stint in Armenia with the
    Peace Corps.
    It happened like this. While working with the villagers - Peter as a
    business consultant and Stephanie as an English teacher-trainer -
    they noticed that a number of women and girls were exceptionally
    skilled in the art of petit needlepoint and embroidery, which is
    similar to cross-stitching only the stitches are much smaller. The
    women would try to sell 6-by-11-inch embroidery designs - which took
    about 150 hours to make - to foreign merchants who occasionally
    traveled through the village looking for craft items. If the women
    were lucky, they'd get $4 for each item. Sometimes the merchants
    would just take the work, promising to pay later but would never
    Armenia is a country about the size of Maryland and is located in
    southwestern Asia, just east of Turkey. Since gaining independence
    from the former Soviet Union in 1991, villages across the country
    have been struggling to maintain normal living standards.
    "When the Soviets left Armenia, they took with them the knowledge of
    running everyday operations," Peter explained. "The Armenians didn't
    know anything because they never had to. Everything was done for
    Noembrayan, where Peter and Stephanie worked, is located near the
    border with Azerbaijan. The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
    over control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region, has also contributed to
    the country's economic and social decline. According to recent
    studies, 50 percent of the population lives below the poverty line,
    while the unemployment rate is about 20 percent.
    "There's a lot of anger and frustration there," Stephanie said,
    "especially with the men. Many of the jobs available now, culturally,
    the men are not allowed to do. Men can't run a shop or work in a
    restaurant. Many sit around the village all day or play backgammon. A
    number of men have moved out of the country, mainly to Russia or the
    United States, in hopes of finding work. The women are left trying to
    provide for their families."
    Peter and Stephanie were impressed not only by the craftsmanship of
    Noembrayan women but also their strong work ethic.
    "These women would do anything to make money," Peter said. "Somehow I
    knew this was an unfinished part of my life. I knew their struggles.
    I wanted to do something to not only ensure they wouldn't be
    exploited but also to put a significant amount of money in their
    And help is precisely what he's doing. Even before they returned to
    Essex, Peter and Stephanie began selling the embroidered rectangles
    to friends in the United States, who framed them as works of art. The
    couple soon discovered, however, that the market for these was
    limited. So they decided to develop a new business strategy.
    Friends Bob and Eva Potts introduced Peter to Cecil Lyon, owner of
    Leather Man Ltd. in Old Saybrook, producer of a nationally known line
    of embroidered belts. Lyon suggested having the embroidery put on
    belts. Peter liked the idea, feeling belts had better commercial
    possibilities, because the designs were unique.
    Having maintained relationships with the villagers, Peter employs 85
    women - he hopes to someday employ 200 to 300 - to make the
    needlepoint for the belts and dog collars. He supplies them with the
    materials and pays them for their work once he receives it. Then
    Peter will purchase the finishing materials, the leather straps and
    brass findings and buckles, from Leather Man. Finally, all components
    will be sent to Cindy Layton of Cindy's Loft in Deep River to be sewn
    "Since I haven't sold anything yet, I've fronted a lot of my own
    savings to pay these women," Peter said with a laugh. "But I know the
    women are happy to have the work. They're competing with each other
    since the pay is by far better than what they're used to."
    The belts and dog collars will be available exclusively online. They
    come in a variety of motifs, including cities of the world, golfing
    and sailing and can be monogrammed with up to three initials.
    According to Peter, the industry standard for embroidered belts is 17
    stitches per inch, but his are 24 stitches per inch, or 576 stitches
    per square inch.
    "These belts are finer than other belts available now," Peter said.
    "The detail is fabulous."
    Although the Web site is up and running, the belts and collars have
    not yet been finished. Peter hopes to be able to start filling orders
    within a couple weeks. He expects to sell each belt for $165 and each
    dog collar for $60.
    "If I'm helping these women to save money to send their children to
    college or to put food on the table, that makes me happy," Peter
    said. "I'm hopeful this will start working out very soon."
    For further information about Peter K Designs, either call 767-3176
    or log onto