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Remarks by President George W. Bush in Istanbul, Turkey

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  • Remarks by President George W. Bush in Istanbul, Turkey

    June 29, 2004

    Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: Laura and I are grateful for the
    warm hospitality we have received these past three days in the Republic of
    Turkey. I am honored to visit this beautiful country where two continents
    meet - a nation that upholds great traditions, and faces the future with
    confidence. And America is honored to call Turkey an ally and a friend.

    Many Americans trace their heritage to Turkey, and Turks have contributed
    greatly to our national life - including, most recently, a lot of baskets
    for the Detroit Pistons from Mehmet Okur. I know youre proud that this son
    of your country helped to win an NBA championship, and America is proud of
    him as well.

    I am grateful to Prime Minister Erdogan and President Sezer for hosting the
    members of NATO in an historic time for our alliance. For most of its
    history, NATO existed to deter aggression from a powerful army at the heart
    of Europe. In this century, NATO looks outward to new threats that gather in
    secret and bring sudden violence to peaceful cities. We face terrorist
    networks that rejoice when parents bury their murdered children, or bound
    men plead for their lives. We face outlaw regimes that give aid and shelter
    to these killers, and seek weapons of mass murder. We face the challenges of
    corruption and poverty and disease, which throw whole nations into chaos and
    despair - the conditions in which terrorism can thrive.

    Some on both sides of the Atlantic have questioned whether the NATO alliance
    still has a great purpose. To find that purpose, they only need to open
    their eyes. The dangers are in plain sight. The only question is whether we
    will confront them, or look away and pay a terrible cost.

    Over the last few years, NATO has made its decision. Our alliance is
    restructuring to oppose threats that arise beyond the borders of Europe.
    NATO is providing security in Afghanistan. NATO has agreed to help train the
    security forces of a sovereign Iraq - a great advantage and crucial success
    for the Iraqi people. And in Istanbul we have dedicated ourselves to the
    advance of reform in the broader Middle East, because all people deserve a
    just government, and because terror is not the tool of the free. Through
    decades of the Cold War, our great alliance of liberty never failed in its
    duties - and we are rising to our duties once again.

    The Turkish people understand the terrorists, because you have seen their
    work, even in the last few days. You have heard the sirens, and witnessed
    the carnage, and mourned the dead. After the murders of Muslims, Christians,
    and Jews in Istanbul last November, a resident of this city said of the
    terrorists, "They do not have any religion ... They are friends of evil." In
    one of the attacks, a Muslim woman lost her son Ahmet, her daughter-in-law
    Berta, and her unborn grandchild. She said, "Today Im saying goodbye to my
    son. Tomorrow Im saying farewell to my Berta. I dont know what [the killers]
    wanted from my kids. Were they jealous of their happiness?"

    The Turkish people have grieved, but your nation is also showing how
    terrorist violence will be overcome - with courage, and with a firm resolve
    to defend your just and tolerant society. This land has always been
    important for its geography - here at the meeting place of Europe, Asia, and
    the Middle East. Now Turkey has assumed even greater historical importance,
    because of your character as a nation. Turkey is a strong, secular
    democracy, a majority Muslim society, and a close ally of free nations. Your
    country, with 150 years of democratic and social reform, stands as a model
    to others, and as Europes bridge to the wider world. Your success is vital
    to a future of progress and peace in Europe and in the broader Middle East -
    and the Republic of Turkey can depend on the support and friendship of the
    United States.

    For decades, my country has supported greater unity in Europe - to secure
    liberty, build prosperity, and remove sources of conflict on this continent.
    Now the European Union is considering the admission of Turkey, and you are
    moving rapidly to meet the criteria for membership. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
    had a vision of Turkey as a strong nation among other European nations. That
    dream can be realized by this generation of Turks. America believes that as
    a European power, Turkey belongs in the European Union. Your membership
    would also be a crucial advance in relations between the Muslim world and
    the West, because you are part of both. Including Turkey in the EU would
    prove that Europe is not the exclusive club of a single religion, and it
    would expose the "clash of civilizations" as a passing myth of history.
    Fifteen years ago, an artificial line that divided Europe -- drawn at
    Yalta - was erased. Now this continent has the opportunity to erase another
    artificial division - by fully including Turkey in t

    Turkey has found its place in the community of democracies by living out its
    own principles. Muslims are called to seek justice - fairness to all, care
    for the stranger, compassion for those in need. And you have learned that
    democracy is the surest way to build a society of justice. The best way to
    prevent corruption and abuse of power is to hold rulers accountable. The
    best way to ensure fairness to all is to establish the rule of law. The best
    way to honor human dignity is to protect human rights. Turkey has found what
    nations of every culture and every region have found: If justice is the
    goal, then democracy is the answer.

    In some parts of the world, especially in the Middle East, there is wariness
    toward democracy, often based on misunderstanding. Some people in Muslim
    cultures identify democracy with the worst of Western popular culture, and
    want no part of it. And I assure them, when I speak about the blessings of
    liberty, coarse videos and crass commercialism are not what I have in mind.
    There is nothing incompatible between democratic values and high standards
    of decency. For the sake of their families and their culture, citizens of a
    free society have every right to strive peacefully for a moral society.

    Democratic values also do not require citizens to abandon their faith. No
    democracy can allow religious people to impose their own view of perfection
    on others, because this invites cruelty and arrogance that are foreign to
    every faith. And all people in a democracy have the right to their own
    religious beliefs. But all democracies are made stronger when religious
    people teach and demonstrate upright conduct - family commitment, respect
    for the law, and compassion for the weak. Democratic societies should
    welcome, not fear, the participation of the faithful.

    In addition, democracy does not involve automatic agreement with other
    democracies. Free governments have a reputation for independence, which
    Turkey has certainly earned. That is the way democracy works. We deal
    honestly with each other, we make our own decisions - and yet, in the end,
    the disagreements of the moment are far outweighed by the ideals we share.

    Because representative governments reflect their people, every democracy has
    its own structure, traditions, and opinions. There are, however, certain
    commitments of free government that do not change from place to place. The
    promise of democracy is fulfilled in freedom of speech, the rule of law,
    limits on the power of the state, economic freedom, respect for women, and
    religious tolerance. These are the values that honor the dignity of every
    life, and set free the creative energies that lead to progress.

    Achieving these commitments of democracy can require decades of effort and
    reform. In my own country it took generations to throw off slavery, racial
    segregation, and other practices that violated our ideals. So we do not
    expect or demand that other societies be transformed in a day. But however
    long the journey, there is only one destination worth striving for, and that
    is a society of self-rule and freedom.

    Democracy leads to justice within a nation - and the advance of democracy
    leads to greater security among nations. The reason is clear: Free peoples
    do not live in endless stagnation, and seethe in resentment, and lash out in
    envy, rage, and violence. Free peoples do not cling to every grievance of
    the past - they build and live for the future. This is the experience of
    countries in the NATO alliance. Bitterness and hostility once divided France
    and Germany... and Germany and Poland ... and Romania and Hungary. But as
    those nations grew in liberty, ancient disputes and hatreds have been left
    to history. And because the people of Europe now live in hope, Europe no
    longer produces armed ideologies that threaten the peace of the world.
    Freedom in Europe has brought peace to Europe - and now freedom can bring
    peace to the broader Middle East.

    I believe that freedom is the future of the Middle East, because I believe
    that freedom is the future of all humanity. And the historic achievement of
    democracy in the broader Middle East will be a victory shared by all.
    Millions who now live in oppression and want will finally have a chance to
    provide for their families and lead hopeful lives. Nations in the region
    will have greater stability because governments will have greater
    legitimacy. And nations like Turkey and America will be safer, because a
    hopeful Middle East will no longer produce ideologies and movements that
    seek to kill our citizens. This transformation is one of the great and
    difficult tasks of history. And by our own patience and hard effort, and
    with confidence in the peoples of the Middle East, we will finish the work
    that history has given us.

    Democracy, by definition, must be chosen and defended by the people
    themselves. The future of freedom in the Islamic world will be determined by
    the citizens of Islamic nations, not by outsiders. And for citizens of the
    broader Middle East, the alternatives could not be more clear. One
    alternative is a political doctrine of tyranny, suicide, and murder that
    goes against the standards of justice found in Islam and every other great
    religion. The other alternative is a society of justice, where men and women
    live peacefully and build better lives for themselves and their children.
    That is the true cause of the people of the Middle East, and that cause can
    never be served by the murder of the innocent.

    This struggle between political extremism and civilized values is unfolding
    in many places. We see the struggle in Iraq, where killers are attempting to
    undermine and intimidate a free government. We see the struggle in Iran,
    where tired and discredited autocrats are trying to hold back the democratic
    will of a rising generation. We see that struggle in Turkey, where the PKK
    has abandoned its ceasefire with the Turkish people and resumed violence. We
    see it in the Holy Land, where terrorist murderers are setting back the good
    cause of the Palestinian people, who deserve a reformed, peaceful, and
    democratic state of their own.

    The terrorists are ruthless and resourceful, but they will not prevail.
    Already more than half of the worlds Muslims live under
    democratically-constituted governments - from Indonesia to West Africa, from
    Europe to North America. And the ideal of democracy is also powerful and
    popular in the Middle East. Surveys in Arab nations reveal broad support for
    representative government and individual liberty. We are seeing reform in
    Kuwait, and Qatar, and Bahrain, and Yemen, and Jordan, and Morocco. And we
    are seeing men and women of conscience and courage step forward to advocate
    democracy and justice in the broader Middle East.

    As we found in the Soviet Union, and behind the Iron Curtain, this kind of
    moral conviction was more powerful than vast armies and prison walls and the
    will of dictators. And this kind of moral conviction is also more powerful
    than the whips of the Taliban, or the police state of Saddam Hussein, or the
    cruel designs of terrorists. The way ahead is long and difficult, yet people
    of conscience go forward with hope. The rule of fear did not survive in
    Europe, and the rule of free peoples will come to the Middle East.

    Leaders throughout that region, including some friends of the United States,
    must recognize the direction of events. Any nation that compromises with
    violent extremists only emboldens them, and invites future violence.
    Suppressing dissent only increases radicalism. The long-term stability of
    any government depends on being open to change, and responsive to citizens.
    By learning these lessons, Turkey has become a great and stable democracy -
    and America shares your hope that other nations will take this path.

    Western nations, including my own, want to be helpful in the democratic
    progress of the Middle East, yet we know there are suspicions, rooted in
    centuries of conflict and colonialism. And in the last 60 years, many in the
    West have added to this distrust by excusing tyranny in the region, hoping
    to purchase stability at the price of liberty. But it did not serve the
    people of the Middle East to betray their hope of freedom. And it has not
    made Western nations more secure to ignore the cycle of dictatorship and
    extremism. Instead we have seen the malice grow deeper, and the violence
    spread, until both have appeared on the streets of our own cities. Some
    types of hatred will never be appeased; they must be opposed and discredited
    and defeated by a hopeful alternative - and that alternative is freedom.

    Reformers in the broader Middle East are working to build freer and more
    prosperous societies - and America, the G-8, the EU, Turkey, and NATO have
    now agreed to support them. Many nations are helping the people of
    Afghanistan to secure a free government. And NATO now leads a military
    operation in Afghanistan, in the first action by the alliance outside
    Europe. In Iraq, a broad coalition - including the military forces of many
    NATO countries - is helping the people of that country to build a decent and
    democratic government after decades of corrupt oppression. And NATO is
    providing support to a Polish-led division.

    The government of Iraq has now taken a crucial step forward. In a nation
    that suffered for decades under brutal tyranny, we have witnessed the
    transfer of sovereignty and the beginning of self-government. In just 15
    months, the Iraqi people have left behind one of the worst regimes in the
    Middle East, and their country is becoming the worlds newest democracy. The
    world has seen a great event in the history of Iraq, in the history of the
    Middle East, and in the history of liberty.

    The rise of Iraqi democracy is bringing hope to reformers across the Middle
    East, and sending a very different message to Teheran and Damascus. A free
    and sovereign Iraq is also a decisive defeat for extremists and terrorists -
    because their hateful ideology will lose its appeal in a free, tolerant,
    successful country. The terrorists are doing everything they can to
    undermine Iraqi democracy, by attacking all who stand for order and justice,
    and committing terrible crimes to break the will of free nations. The
    terrorists have the ability to cause suffering and grief, but they do not
    have the power to alter the outcome in Iraq: The civilized world will keep
    its resolve ... the leaders of Iraq are strong and determined ... and the
    people of Iraq will live in freedom.

    Iraq still faces hard challenges in the days and months ahead. Iraqs leaders
    are eager to assume responsibility for their own security, and that is our
    wish as well. So this week at our summit, NATO agreed to provide assistance
    in training Iraqi security forces. I am grateful to Turkey and other NATO
    allies for helping our friends in Iraq to build a nation that governs itself
    and defends itself.

    Our efforts to promote reform and democracy in the Middle East are moving
    forward. At the NATO summit, we approved the Istanbul Cooperation
    Initiative, offering to work together with nations of the broader Middle
    East to fight terrorism, control their borders, and aid the victims of
    disaster. And we are thankful for the important role that Turkey is playing
    as a democratic partner in the Broader Middle East Initiative.

    For all of our efforts to succeed, however, more is needed than plans and
    policies. We must strengthen the ties of trust and good will between
    ourselves and the peoples of the Middle East. And trust and good will come
    more easily when men and women clear their minds, and their hearts, of
    suspicion and prejudice and unreasoned fear. When some in my country speak
    in an ill-informed and insulting manner about the Muslim faith, their words
    are heard abroad, and do great harm to our cause in the Middle East. When
    some in the Muslim world incite hatred and murder with conspiracy theories
    and propaganda, their words are also heard - by a generation of young
    Muslims who need truth and hope, not lies and anger. All such talk, in
    America or in the Middle East, is dangerous and reckless and unworthy of any
    religious tradition. Whatever our cultural differences may be, there should
    be respect and peace in the House of Abraham.

    The Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk has said that the finest view of Istanbul is
    not from the shores of Europe, or from the shores of Asia, but from a bridge
    that unites them, and lets you see both. His work has been a bridge between
    cultures, and so is the Republic of Turkey. The people of this land
    understand, as Pamuk has observed, that "What is important is not [a] clash
    of parties, civilizations, cultures, East and West." What is important, he
    says, is to realize "that other peoples in other continents and
    civilizations" are "exactly like you."

    Ladies and gentlemen, in their need for hope, in their desire for peace, in
    their right to freedom, the peoples of the Middle East are exactly like you
    and me. Their birthright of freedom has been denied for too long. And we
    will do all in our power to help them find the blessings of liberty.

    Thank you, and God bless the good people of Turkey.

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