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10 Nominees for NKR municipalities

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  • 10 Nominees for NKR municipalities

    Azat Artsakh, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
    June 28, 2004


    June 24 was the last date of candidate nomination for the municipal
    governments. The chairman of the NKR Central Election Committee
    Sergey Davtian informed that for the 202 posts of head of community
    404 persons were nominated, and for the post of member of the
    community council 1707. 10 persons were nominated for the post of
    mayor of Stepanakert. They are Hamik Avanessian, mayor of
    Stepanakert; Pavel Najarian, does not work; Vazghen Hayrapetian,
    lawyer, NKR Union of Lawyers; Iosif Adamian, president of `Iosif and
    Sons' Ltd.; Sergey Grigorian, executive director of `Stepanakert
    Industrial Factory' State CJSC; Shahmar Atanessian, does not work;
    Vladimir Sarghissian, architect, `Narineh' Ltd.; Edward Aghabekian,
    chairman of the NKR National Assembly permanent committee for social
    questions; Garik Jhangirian, head of Stepanakert Tax Department;
    Hrant Melkumian, head of the control service of the NKR government
    administration. From June 25 to July 18 the registration of the
    candidates will be done, election campaign will last from July 20 to
    August 7. The election to the municipalities will take place on
    August 8. According to S. Davtian, during the nomination of the
    candidates they noticed interest among the population. In many
    villages more than two people were nominated. In the regional center
    of Askeran 11 candidates were nominated, in the village Sos of the
    region Martouni 5, in the village Aygestan of the region of Hadrout
    5, and 3 candidates in the small village Ughtasar. In reference to
    the statement of the chairman of the CEC of Azerbaijan that official
    Baku will prevent the participation of international observers in the
    elections to the municipalities, Sergey Davtian mentioned that
    inviting observers is the business of the NKR authorities and not of
    the chairman of the CEC of Azerbaijan.
