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"Well done, Ramil"

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  • "Well done, Ramil"

    Pan Armenian Network, Armenia
    March 26 2004


    A manifestation of young men supporting Ramil Safarov who killed in
    Budapest the Armenian officer took place in Baku.

    On March 21 the time set by the Hungarian Court for the preliminary
    investigation of the Azeri Ramil Safarov who killed the officer of
    the Armenian army Gurgen Margaryan ran out. However, the
    investigative bodies did not manage to finish and the court elongated
    the imprisonment for another month. It is supposed that the
    investigation will be completed in mid April and Safarov will be
    accused of murder with aggravating circumstances.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ As expected, in Azerbaijan they are doing their
    best so that the trial becomes a propaganda show. For this purpose,
    while meeting Safarov in Budapest his advocate Elchin Usubov
    instructed him about his behavior during the trial. He told him to
    change some of the accents of his evidences in order to achieve a
    maximum propaganda effect. But the legend is the same - Safarov
    killed him under the impression of the events of Khojalu and the
    occupation by Armenians of his village in Cebraili region. In Baku
    they hope that thanks to this it will be possible once more to
    underline the ''Armenian aggression''.

    The investigator agreed to attach the documents concerning the events
    of Khojalu and Cebrail to the case. During few days in Baku they
    prepared and translated in English a huge pack of documents. The
    advocate Usubov and the head of department of international relations
    of the Prosecutor's office of Azerbaijan Ruslan Gajiyev took them to
    Budapest. However, the investigator did not accept the materials as
    they were not formulates as ''established by the Law''. It is
    difficult to understand what it means. According to Azerbaijan, this
    is because the documents were in English and not in Hungarian. But
    maybe also that the investigator has noticed the propaganda character
    of the materials, however, the Azeris now elaborate a new package and
    translate the documents in to Hungarian.

    Safarov now remains in a single cell of the isolator. Judging from
    Baku press, he feels himself as in a resort. Eats three times a day,
    every Thursday his relatives or their representatives visit him.
    There is a TV set, radio, hot and cold showers in the cell. He calls
    frequently his parents in Baku who are now going to visit him, so,
    the murderer feels himself rather comfortably.

    Meanwhile, the calls to recommend Safarov for a state decoration
    continue to be pronounced in Baku. Recently a member of the committee
    on protection of Ramil Safarov, parliamentarian Zahid Oruj met the
    murderer and told about how his compatriots loved him. Last week the
    presentation of the official internet site of Safarov containing
    propaganda took place in Baku. More than $30 thousand was collected
    on the bank account on the name of his father. The head of the
    organization of national unity businessman Nadir Aliyev said he will
    pay a certain sum each month to the father of the murderer.
    Meanwhile, we should remind that his case supposes life imprisonment.
    However, if he is released he will become a hero. This should
    understand the investigative bodies of Hungary and, first of all, the
    Judge who will read the verdict. He himself will commit a crime if he
    sets him free some day.