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Glendale: Breaking down barriers

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  • Glendale: Breaking down barriers

    Glendale News Press
    March 26 2004

    Breaking down barriers

    Bilingual students often help bridge the communication gap
    English-language learners might have.

    By Gary Moskowitz, News-Press

    GLENDALE - That Sona Markaryan speaks English and Armenian fluently
    makes her, and students like her, an asset in many Glendale Unified
    School District classrooms.

    Nearly 40% of the students enrolled in the district speak a primary
    language other than English, and nearly all of those students are
    enrolled in the district's English Language Development program.

    English-language learners typically receive about two hours per day
    of specialized instruction in reading, speaking and writing. The rest
    of the day, they sit in classes with proficient English speakers.

    With more than 35 students in some high school classrooms, bilingual
    students can prevent the more limited English speakers from getting
    completely lost during class discussions, said Sona, a senior at
    Glendale High School and student member of the district's Board of

    "I think [bilingual students] step in a lot and help, without being
    asked to," said Sona, 17. "It's just common sense. It's like a human
    thing to do. You can sense that [the English learners] need help.

    "I was born in Armenia, and came here when I was 4, so I never had
    trouble with the language. But kids who come here when they are older
    can get confused when the teacher explains things. Lots of times, I
    will explain things in Armenian, and then go back and say the same
    thing in English, to tie it together," Sona said.


    Edison Elementary School Principal Linda Conover said bilingual or
    multilingual students helping English learners keep up in class
    happens naturally, without teachers having to ask for it.

    "It happens without us even knowing, sometimes," Conover said.
    "Sometimes we formally assign students to help other students, but
    many times it's informal, and students come together and help each
    other. Many of them are very compassionate and very empathetic.
    There's a lot of commonality and camaraderie.

    "What students do mostly is help with translating, but it's not a
    formal English-language lesson. They let them know what's going on,
    and it's extremely successful. The [bilingual student] becomes
    someone they can identify with and communicate with. It bridges a
    gap," Conover said.


    All English learners in the program must pass five levels of English
    Language Development classes to be considered fluent. To graduate,
    they need to pass through the five levels of proficiency in addition
    to normal graduation requirements in all subject areas, said Mary
    McKee, an assistant superintendent for educational services for the

    Students who do not meet those requirements have a few options. They
    can stay on an extra year as "Super Seniors," take extra English
    classes at Glendale Community College or pursue their General
    Educational Development degree, which is equivalent to a high school

    By law, the district is only responsible for students through the age
    of 18, but if a student is showing promise and is cooperating, the
    district can make exceptions, McKee said.

    "It is not easy," McKee said. "They have to work very hard. If they
    come in as a 10th-grader, it's hard. As a junior or senior, it's
    almost impossible. We can't do four years of instruction in one or
    two years. Keep in mind that these kids are then going into math
    classes and history classes while still trying to learn words in

    "We have to support them with translations where necessary and enough
    modeling and examples so that they understand the concepts that are
    being taught. In teaching the meaning of 'democracy,' just
    translating is not enough. We have to make enough relevant
    connections, and you just can't just say it once," McKee continued.

    "Teachers try to make connections to what students are already
    familiar with. They connect by understanding what it's not, or what
    it's different from."


    Crescenta Valley High School senior Mary Paik entered the English
    Language Development program as a sophomore after moving here from
    Korea. She spoke very little English.

    She recently finished the program and is now considered a fluent
    English speaker by state standards. Her parents speak Korean at home,
    but Mary mostly speaks English with her younger brother, Howard, who
    is a sophomore at her school. Mary will graduate this summer.

    After two years in the ELD program, Mary said that, overall, she is
    glad she took the English learner classes but sometimes felt like her
    time was being wasted.

    "I liked the classes, because they helped me a lot with my grammar,
    writing and listening, and taught me about the culture of America,"
    said Mary, 17. "I think if classes were shortened a little bit, it
    might be better, so you could take other classes you want to take.
    It's not hard to understand if you study at home.

    "I think sometimes teachers think your intelligence is lower than it
    is, and that hurts. Once, a teacher asked us to color pictures, and I
    felt like I was in elementary school," Mary said.