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Glendale: GUSD rejects longer break

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  • Glendale: GUSD rejects longer break

    Glendale News Press
    March 26 2004

    GUSD rejects longer break

    School board drops three-week winter holiday idea from 2004-05 school
    year calendar proposals.

    By Gary Moskowitz, News-Press

    NORTHEAST GLENDALE - A surge of disapproval from local parents about
    a proposed three-week winter break has encouraged Glendale school
    board members to drop the idea.

    The school board submitted two 2004-05 school year calendar proposals
    to the Glendale Teachers Assn. for consideration, and neither
    includes a three-week winter break.

    A three-week winter break would have included the Jan. 6 Armenian
    Christmas. About 35% of the district's 29,200 students - more than
    10,000 students - are of Armenian descent, and most of them do not
    attend school Jan. 6, officials said.

    Since the Glendale Unified School District earns about $25 per
    student per day in state Average Daily Attendance funds, the district
    lost more than $250,000 on Jan. 6 because so many students did not
    show up for class.

    Several parents, during recent board meetings, said they were
    "disappointed" and "dismayed" because the board did not consult with
    parents' groups about extending the winter break and shortening the
    summer one.

    "The feedback I've received, from about 160 people who have been
    e-mailing me, is that they didn't like that proposal," board
    President Pam Ellis said. "I don't think they liked their children
    going to school longer because they wanted longer summer vacations. I
    think we need to move on this because people need to make their
    plans. [The proposal] seemed to be too close to a sacred thing.

    "If I could wave my magic wand, we would start after Labor Day next
    year, but it would be my wish that over the next several years we
    start in August, so students can finish the semester before winter
    break. One of the problems people have is that kids come back from a
    break and go right into final exams," Ellis said.

    Both calendar proposals submitted by the board include giving all
    students and employees the day off Jan. 6.

    Both proposals also include giving students the day before
    Thanksgiving off, which the district's current calendar does not
    include. Students always get the day after Thanksgiving off, and the
    proposals would continue that.

    Students would make up for the extra days off either at the beginning
    or the end of the school year, officials said.

    The difference between the two proposals is the school year start
    date. One proposal is to start the year before Labor Day, and the
    other is to start school after the holiday. The district started the
    2003-04 school year on a scattered schedule Tuesday and Wednesday
    after Labor Day. The district opened the year on two days because of
    teacher training sessions that could not be rescheduled.

    School board members are expected to vote on the calendar at
    Tuesday's board meeting, which will begin at 3:30 p.m. at district
    headquarters, 223 N. Jackson St. The teachers' union plans to vote to
    approve the calendar sometime in April.

    The board and the union need to vote to approve the school year

    A survey of teachers in the union showed that about 63% were in favor
    of starting after Labor Day, and about 37% were in favor of starting
    before, said Sandy Fink, the union's president.

    "Academically, it's better for kids to start earlier so they have
    more time to prepare for exams," Fink said. "Some parents were
    concerned about their kids coming to school in August at schools
    without air conditioning. It's hard for kids to concentrate when it's
    110 degrees and there is no air conditioning. I think teachers would
    prefer taking exams before winter, that way kids can be done and
    enjoy their vacation. We basically have decided to keep the calendar
    about the same next year, and we'll have to revisit this again."