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Selling the House Where Tolstoy Lived

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  • Selling the House Where Tolstoy Lived

    The Moscow Times
    Friday, Mar. 26, 2004. Page 1

    Selling the House Where Tolstoy Lived

    By Kevin O'Flynn
    Staff Writer

    Mike Solovyanov / MT

    Two of Alexei Tolstoy's writing desks, standing as they did in his study at
    2 Ulitsa Spiridonovka, where he lived from 1941 to 1945.

    The museum dedicated to Alexei Tolstoy, one of the Soviet Union's most
    famous writers and a distant relative of 19th-century novelist Leo Tolstoy,
    came under threat Thursday as it was discovered that the house in which it
    stands, one of Moscow's finest art nouveau buildings, has been sold to a
    construction company.

    Occupying the rooms at 2 Ulitsa Spiridonovka in the heart of old Moscow,
    where Tolstoy lived from 1941 until his death four years later, the museum
    is in the grounds of Ryabushinsky House, the home of the more well-known
    Gorky Museum.

    The house, named after Stepan Ryabushinsky, a rich merchant who fled Russia
    after the 1917 revolution, is in one of Moscow's most prestigious locations,
    between Pushkin Square and Stary Arbat.

    Turning up for work Thursday, museum workers were shocked to read a letter
    telling them the museum was no longer responsible for paying its communal

    Quite to the workers' surprise, it turned out that the building had been
    sold to construction company Evro- Stroi on Dec. 30.

    Evro-Stroi's general director, who would only identify himself by his last
    name, Simonyan, said the building's previous owner, a charitable fund called
    The Society for the Support of the Arts, had bought the building from the
    Moscow city government.

    The museum and its supporters have decried the deal, saying that it is
    illegal and simply a real estate grab.

    But Simonyan said the sale was legal and that Evro-Stroi had no plans to
    harm the museum. It just wanted to carry out some repairs and use part of
    the building as an office, he said.

    "Have you seen the ceiling, the walls, the roof?" he said. "They are in
    complete disrepair."

    But Simonyan also said the museum did not need the 300-plus square meters it
    now occupies, as Tolstoy's apartment was only 80 square meters when he lived

    "We appreciate culture," he said.

    The State Literature Museum, which is in charge of the Tolstoy museum,
    called the purchase "criminal," saying it would fight the purchase in the
    courts. The Moscow city government has set up a commission to examine how
    the building was sold.

    Mike Solovyanov / MT

    The entrance to the Tolstoy museum is around the corner from Ulitsa
    Spiridonovka, in part of what was the Ryabushinsky estate.

    Museum workers were in shock Thursday as the news spread through the city's
    literary community, fielding phone calls and visits from outraged Muscovites
    coming to show support.

    "Everyone is worried," said museum director Inna Andreyeva, who has worked
    at the museum since it opened in 1987.

    Alexei Tolstoy came to live on Spiridonovka after he became one of the
    Soviet Union's establishment writers under Stalin. He had left Russia after
    the 1917 Revolution, but returned in 1923.

    Tolstoy's serious novels, such as "Peter I" and "The Road to Calvary," are
    less read now. But his children's novels, particularly "The Adventures of
    Buratino," a Russian version of the Pinocchio tale, remain very popular.

    Tolstoy's reputation dimmed in recent years, amid accusations that he was an
    apologist for Stalin's regime. But the family's literary tradition has been
    continued by his granddaughter, Tatyana Tolstaya, also a novelist.

    Tolstoy's wife lived on in the house until her death in 1982, keeping it
    much as it was when the writer died, complete with its valuable collection
    of paintings and antique furniture intact.

    In the museum, Tolstoy's study has his writing desks kept as they were. The
    writer always used all four desks when working, switching from one to
    another as he researched his stories, typed them up on a classic Underwood
    typewriter, and checked his manuscripts.

    The museum also has a small but valuable art collection, including a work by
    Karl Bryullov, the artist most famous for his "Last Day of Pompeii," which
    hangs in the Russian Museum.

    The building is not just important as a museum, but "as a cultural center
    which is alive," Andreyeva said, listing the concerts, lectures and other
    events that take place at the museum, such as the concert of chamber music
    and reading of Spanish poetry in translation planned for Sunday evening.

    Solovyanov / MT

    Since opening in 1987, the museum has hosted many literary and musical

    The museum is in a corner of Moscow that is very special for Russian
    writers, Andreyeva said, pointing out Maxim Gorky's house next door and the
    church a few meters away where Alexander Pushkin got married.

    Other famous literary residents nearby included Alexander Blok, who lived on
    the street when he first came to Moscow, and Ivan Bunin, who used to stay up
    all night playing cards at his friends' a bit further down the road.

    In another part of the grounds, nearer to Malaya Nikitskaya Ulitsa, is the
    Gorky apartment museum, where Gorky lived from 1931 until his death in
    mysterious circumstances in 1936.

    Reactions Thursday to the sale from the literary community ranged from anger
    to resignation.

    "Some con merchants, some bandits bought the building behind our backs,"
    said Natalya Shakhalova, the director of the State Literature Museum.

    As a national culture and architecture monument, it cannot be sold without
    the permission of the federal government, she said.

    Other museum workers, including the worried head of the Chekhov apartment
    museum, phoned during the day to offer their solidarity.

    And despite the assurances of the new landlord, museum workers and many
    Muscovites fear for the fate of the building and the museum. Hundreds of
    historical buildings, many supposedly protected by the state, have been
    knocked down over the last decade.

    One customer brought three flowers, saying that she hoped that it wouldn't
    be two the next time. Russians give an even number of flowers only at

    "It shows that the people in charge of Moscow couldn't care less. Look what
    they have done to Moscow," said one visitor, trying out the antique
    Chippendale wooden chair in the staff room at the museum, who did not want
    to give his name. "They have destroyed the Arbat, Ostozhenka and
    Prechistenka. Now they've gotten to Spiridonovka."

    But Evro-Stroi insists it has no plans to do any work on the building this

    Kommersant quoted the head of the commission investigating the sale,
    Vladimir Avekov, as saying that it was unclear which part of building had
    been sold. He said he believed the sale affected 450 square meters out of
    the building's total area of 800 square meters.

    Avekov said the charity that bought the building first had been founded in
    1999, and that one of its backers was the State Literature Museum.

    "It seems as if they sold it to themselves," the paper reported Avekov as

    But Shakhalova denied Thursday that the State Literature Museum was a
    founder of the fund.