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EU takes the Caucasus under its wing

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  • EU takes the Caucasus under its wing

    Agency WPS
    What the Papers Say. Part B (Russia)
    March 26, 2004, Friday


    SOURCE: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, March 26, 2004, p. 5

    by Rauf Mirkadyrov

    Hejki Talvitije, special envoy of the European Union in the southern
    Caucasus, has been touring the region for almost a week. The visit
    was scheduled to begin with Azerbaijan, but Talvitije changed his
    plans and visited Georgia first, where he himself said he contributed
    to the Adzharian crisis management. In fact, the envoy did not come
    to the region in the first place to settle conflicts between Tbilisi
    and Batumi.

    Talvitije informed regional leaders that the European Union has
    agreed to include them in its New Neighbors Program. The final
    decision will be made before June, he said; the European Union is
    currently working on new recommendations for countries of the
    southern Caucasus.

    Some analysts believe that renewed activity by the European Union in
    the southern Caucasus means it is aiming to challenge the United
    States in the region, rather than Russia. On his recent visit to
    Azerbaijan, Lynn Pascoe of the US State Department said that
    Washington is closely monitoring the activities of the European Union
    in the region, and would not surrender the initiative.

    President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan will visit Brussels, official
    capital of the European Union, in late May or early June. This was
    announced during Talvitije's visit by Antonius de Vries, economic
    representative of the European Union in Azerbaijan. According to de
    Vries, Aliyev is going to Brussels to discuss bilateral relations and
    transportation of the Caspian oil to Europe. Aliyev will meet with
    Romano Prodi of the European Commission and commissars Lajola di
    Palassio (transportation and energy) and Chris Paten (foreign

    Integration of countries of the southern Caucasus into European and
    European-Atlantic structures may squeeze Russia from the region
    altogether. Russia's only strategic ally in the region, Armenia, will
    face a difficult choice - succumbing to Moscow and stay away from
    European structures or turn its back on the Kremlin. Anti-Russian
    slogans could be heard in Yerevan on the eve of Talvitije's visit.
    Said Yerdjanik Abgarjan, a spokesman for Organization Armat and Party
    of National Movement, "Continuation of economic and political
    cooperation with Russia will cost Armenia its future." Adbarjan is
    convinced that the phrase "Armenia is a strategic ally of Russia"
    should be used sparingly and cautiously, that Armenia should join
    powerful international structures like the European Union or NATO, be
    more pragmatic and try to have as little to do with Russia as

    Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia fear that the European Union and
    United States, intent on military-political expansion into the
    region, will facilitate resolution of local conflicts in the manner
    of the Adzharian crisis management. The latter persuaded everyone
    that stability based on simply mothballing conflicts is extremely