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Special Services fight in the name of Allah and Putin

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  • Special Services fight in the name of Allah and Putin

    PRAVDA, Russia
    March 26 2004

    Special Services fight in the name of Allah and Putin

    The following is an interview with Kakiev Said-Magomed Shamaev,
    commander of the "Western" battalion of the mountainous force of the
    United Forces in the Chechen republic, Major of the Russian Army. He
    was born on 22 February, 1970; completed 8 grades in Grozny;
    1989-1991-served in Nagorny Karabakh. Afterwards, he studied at the
    University of Alma-Ata. From 1994 till 1994 served in an anti-Dudaev
    opposition. He is a four-time-hero of the Russian Federation. He was
    awarded with two medals for courage; received two inscribed guns from
    the Minister of Defense.

    Question: Said-Magomed, how long has your resistance against Chechen
    extremists been lasting?

    Said-Magomed Kakiev: After serving in the Sovier Army in Nagorny
    Karabakh in 1991, I returned home, to the epicenter of events. I
    thought I would never come close to weapons ever again. I was wrong.
    Dudaev appeared in Chechnya stirring up major chaos, organized
    several criminal gangs in the region and I did not have any other
    choice but to fight with Dudaev"s bandits. That"s how I joined the

    In 1993, we failed to assassinate Dudaev.when my hand grenade
    suddenly exploded in my hands. I lost an arm, one eye, my nose and
    got four cracks in my skull. My friend died right on the spot. Many
    assumed that I would never fight again; I was an invalid after all.
    However, thanks to the Almighty, I was able to recover, even though
    my appearance was totally changed. Doctors "mended" my entire body in
    a beauty salon in Moscow. I acquired a new face. No one could
    recognize me. I told myself, "I still have one hand; I still have a
    soul which is fully devoted to Russia." To me, Russia and Chechnya
    represent one entity. Personally, I was fighting for this unity; I
    will continue to fight for this unity till the end!

    Question: You participated in the first Chechen campaign, including
    the bloody battle in Grozny.

    Kakiev: I entered the city with my squad. Back then we were apart of
    neither the Ministry of Internal Affairs nor the Ministry of Defense.
    We were motivated by one thing only-patriotism, love for our country
    and a strong will to put an end to Dudaev and his gangs. We were
    moving side by side with the Moscow"s riot squad and with special
    service forces. We were asked to help, since we knew the area pretty
    well, knew the language and could communicate with the locals.

    We engaged in a bloody battle on the territory of "Eletropribor"
    factory in one of the regions of Grozny. We were even involved in
    ruthless bloody fistfights. Luckily, the riot squad and the special
    forces were by our side. One can hardly forget the events of those
    few days. We lost 7 of our guys. But we managed to destroy 29 gang
    members. The enemy had to retreat. Those were the people of commander
    Bazhiev. He is dead, now he is judged by the Almighty Allah.

    Question: Why weren't armored forces used to the fullest extent in
    this invasion of Grozny?

    Kakiev: This was an incredibly ruthless war. I felt terrible for
    those young boys. Many things were unclear.we tried to warn our
    allies, but no one listened to us. Order is an order, period! They
    assumed it was easy to you know how many people we lost?

    Question: There still remain some questions concerning the events of
    August 1996. Did you witness those events?

    Kakiev: On August 6th, I was patrolling Dagestanskaya Street. A house
    of the city's mayor Yakub Deniev was located on that street. His
    family belongs to the real saints. We were attacked by everyone, from
    every side. There was only 50 of us. We were guarding the house. We
    were running out of weapons. 37 women and children were hiding in the
    basement there. Later, negotiations began and the "spirits" swore on
    Koran that they"ll let everyone go: all kids and women>Latest News
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    and the elderly. I did not believe them from the start. We had a
    choice of either staying in the region and trusting those promises of
    the gang members or continue fighting. Everyone stayed. I left the
    place on my own. it took me seven days to leave Grozny.

    The "spirits" in turn shot everyone to death in the house, including
    30 of our troops. They later burned and immured them in the basement.
    It was only after two years that their bodies were recovered and sent
    to the Rostov"s laboratory. When the cortÕge with the bodies was
    traveling from Rostov to Chechnya, every singly militant's post was
    saluting them. As soon as they crossed the Chechen border, those
    Dudaev"s soldiers started yelling "Look at these traitors!" "Bury
    them in Russia!". We will never forget this! We are perfectly aware
    of the names of those beasts who committed such terrible crimes. They
    are Doku Umarov, Ruslan Gelaev and others.

    Question: In 1996 you had to leave Chechnya, what happened then?

    Kakiev: I was called an outlaw by Maskhadov. He promised a title of
    "Hero of Ichkeria" to the one who kills me. I could not get home for
    three years; haven"t seen my relatives. I"ve been living in Moscow
    for all these years. Since 1999, with the help of Allah and Putin, I
    managed to return to the republic. I was appointed assistant of the
    head of Nadterechni region, built two camps for refugees with heating
    and water. Then I signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense and
    left to fight.

    Question: Many things have changed in Chechnya since those times. You
    are currently a chief of the Chechen special military unit.

    Kaiev: True, the situation is different now. I am immensely proud
    that I am an officer of the Russian Army and a commander of the
    "Western" battalion. We cover the mountainous area of the republic.
    There is still much to be done there.

    Question: Tell us about your medal "the hero of Russia"

    Kakiev: I was awarded the title four times. The first time, I was
    awarded for storming Grozny and for raising Russian flag there; the
    second time-for the Komsomolskaya village, in an attempt to get
    Gelaev; afterwards-for a series of operations; finally, the fourth
    medal I received for an unsuccessful operation to neutralize Basaev"s

    Question: Official sources claim that Chechen militants disarm daily.
    Many are undergoing amnesty. How do you feel about it?

    Kakiev: This is a normal process, especially taking into account the
    fact that majority of gang members have been defeated. Amnesty
    however, raises a lot of questions. How can one forgive those who
    were fighting against us? People say different things: that they are
    innocent, that they have not killed any religious leaders and so on.
    What did they do to 18-year-old boys, I wonder? That is why I do not
    understand such amnesty. True, we should forgive those who were
    forced to join the gangs against their will. But amnesty is a
    time-bomb. People have been fighting against a particular country, so
    many soldiers have died, and in the end no one is being held
    responsible? I will never submit to this. We are all mortals. How are
    we going to look in the eyes of those 18-year-olds up there?

    Blood should not be forgiven. One has to be responsible for murder.
    Those bandits lost their dignity. They are not people. Muslims cannot
    do such things.

    It turns out that all terrorist acts are committed by Basaev alone.
    No one else is responsible.

    Yes, war kills people, but to torture dead bodies, that's obsecene.

    We managed to achieve so much with the help of Allah; we will be able
    to do much more to cleanse the land of such monsters.

    German Pronin
    Source: Utro.Ru