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US Dep State Secretary says US uninterested in bases in Azerbaijan

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  • US Dep State Secretary says US uninterested in bases in Azerbaijan

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    March 27, 2004 Saturday

    US Dep State Secretary says US uninterested in bases in Azerbaijan

    By Sevindj Abdullayeva, Viktor Shulman


    U.S. Administration has no interest in placing its military bases in
    Azerbaijan, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage told a news
    conference here Saturday.

    The U.S. does not have any such intentions, he indicated.

    As he mentioned the problem of the 16 year-old ethnic conflict in
    Nagorno-Karabakh, Armitage said the problem could not be solved upon
    orders from above and the sides would have to reach agreement on
    their own.

    The Minsk group on Nagorno-Karabakh, set under the auspices of the
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is just a
    mediator in a search for solution, Armitage said.

    Had it been so easy to settle the Karabakh dispute, it would have
    long been settled, he said.

    Armitage did not rule out that conflict there might see new relapses
    in the future.

    Recent events in Kosovo show that the situation may change at any
    moment, and that is why early settlement of the issue would
    definitely meet the interests of all the sides, Armitage said, adding
    that more efforts to reach peace in the Karabakh area would follow.

    He stressed the U.S. Administration's conviction that Turkey and
    Armenia would do a good thing if they opened their common border.

    This was one of the issues he had discussed with Azerbaijani
    President Ilham Aliyev, who believes, however, that the
    Turkish-Armenian border opening might impair progress the talks on
    the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement, Armitage said.

    He underlined the reassuring changes that had taken place in
    Azerbaijan since 1992, but said the country could have done better in
    the field of human rights.

    Armitage also insisted that more freedom must be given to the mass
    media here.