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BAKU: Armitage says USA not to set up military bases in Azerbaijan

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  • BAKU: Armitage says USA not to set up military bases in Azerbaijan

    Top official says USA not to set up military bases in Azerbaijan

    ANS TV, Baku
    27 Mar 04

    [Presenter Leyla Hasanova] Before leaving Baku, US Deputy Secretary of
    State Richard Armitage held a news conference at [Baku's] Heydar
    Aliyev airport.

    [Correspondent] Proposals for the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh
    conflict should be expected not from the top, i.e. the OSCE Minsk
    Group, but from lower ranks, i.e. the conflicting sides, since the
    Minsk Group is only a mediator, US Deputy Secretary of State Richard
    Armitage has told a news conference in Baku. He noted that the
    Karabakh conflict was a complicated problem and expressed his hope for
    its speedy resolution.

    The need for opening the Armenian-Turkish border was also discussed at
    meetings in Baku. Incidentally, in Yerevan, Mr Armitage pointed out
    the expediency of opening the Armenian-Turkish border.

    At his meeting in Baku, however, President Ilham Aliyev told him that
    the opening of the borders could drag out the settlement of the

    They also discussed freedom of the press at the meeting with the
    president. Mr Armitage told the head of state about the need for
    independent press in Azerbaijan and a public TV that is going to be
    set up. The head of state agreed with him, saying that the public TV
    would be independent.

    At meetings with the opposition, Armitage touched on issues related to
    freedom of the press and territorial integrity. Speaking about the
    situation with human rights following the 15-16 October events
    [post-election disturbances], Armitage said the US State Department
    had expressed its view on this in a report which said that the human
    rights situation in Azerbaijan was not desirable and could be
    improved. We hope that this situation will improve, end of quote.

    Armitage said that the USA was not going to set up a military base in
    Azerbaijan and the Baku meetings had not discussed these issues. We
    are not interested in bases and do not have such intentions, end of

    Ali Ahmadov and Ramil Huseynov, ANS.