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BAKU: US official denounces idea of Karabakh's annexation - Azeri TV

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  • BAKU: US official denounces idea of Karabakh's annexation - Azeri TV

    US official denounces idea of Karabakh's annexation - Azeri TV

    ANS TV, Baku
    27 Mar 04

    US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage had a one-hour meeting
    with the chairman of the Musavat Party, Isa Qambar, the chairman of
    the People's Front of Azerbaijan Party, Ali Karimli, independent
    political scientists Nazim Imanov and Tamerlan Qarayev, and MPs Samad
    Seyidov and Anar Mammadxanli at the US embassy at 1000 [0600
    gmt]. They mainly discussed two issues - the Karabakh conflict and the
    post-election situation in the country.

    Nazim Imanov, Tamerlan Qarayev, Samad Seyidov and Anar Mammadxanli
    expressed their concern over recent reports coming from
    Armenia. Qarayev told ANS that Armitage had expressed a negative
    attitude to the idea of the Armenian and the so-called Karabakh
    parliaments to annex the occupied territory to Armenia. Armitage said
    that such a decision would create serious problems to the settlement
    of the conflict.