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Uzbekistan supports Azerbaijan's claims in the NK conflict

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  • Uzbekistan supports Azerbaijan's claims in the NK conflict

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    March 29, 2004, Monday


    Official visit of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to Tashkent
    ended on March 24. Signing The Declaration of Mutual Strategic
    Partnership became the main result of his talks with Uzbek President
    Islam Karimov. However, Islam Karimov's statements related to the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict in Nagorny Karabakh aroused the biggest
    interest for the meeting of both leaders.

    Referring to Azerbaijani sources, Interfax agency has been citing
    Uzbek president: "Mikhail Gorbachev and his team" had become a cause
    which had given rise to the Nagorny Karabakh conflict. Mr. Karimov
    accused former Soviet president of doing nothing to avert the
    conflict; therefore, he's supposed to be responsible for it. In
    opinion of Uzbek president, package settlement of the conflict has no
    future. The by-stage principle seems more practical to him.
    "Liberation of the occupied areas if the first and indispensable
    step," Mr. Karimov said and noted that the Armenian side won't like
    his words. In his opinion, the status of Nagorny Karabakh could only
    be defined after that.

    This evaluation of, probably, most hard-to-solve and inveterate
    conflict in post-Soviet area obtained from a CIS leader is an
    extraordinary event. Mentioning the Karabakh problem, all CIS states
    usually recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. None of
    them dared to take the side of any particular conflicting party like
    Mr. Karimov has done that.


    It should be admitted that the stance of the Uzbek president looks
    consistent. As far back as 1999, explaining the causes of Tashkent's
    withdrawal from the Collective Security Treaty (CST), Mr. Karimov
    noted his disappointment for functioning of this structure. In his
    words, Russia was reinforcing Armenia, one of the conflicting
    parties, since the arms supplies to that country amount to $1
    billion. Meanwhile, this was when Azerbaijan pulled out of the CST.

    Source: Vremya Novostei, March 25, 2004, p. 5

    Translated by Andrei Ryabochkin