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ANCA Issues Report Card on the Bush Administration

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  • ANCA Issues Report Card on the Bush Administration

    Armenian National Committee of America
    888 17th Street, NW Suite 904
    Washington, DC 20006
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]

    March 30, 2004
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Review Reveals Largely Negative Policies on Broad
    Range of Issues of Concern to Armenian Americans

    WASHINGTON, DC - The 2004 Armenian American Presidential Report
    Card, issued today by the Armenian National Committee Of America
    (ANCA), gave the George W. Bush Administration low marks for its
    record of broken promises, neglect, and opposition to more than a
    dozen issues of concern to Armenian American voters.

    The ANCA Report Card covers fifteen broad policy areas, beginning
    with the President's broken campaign pledge to recognize the
    Armenian Genocide, and extending through more than three years of
    policy toward Armenia, the Caucasus, and the surrounding region.
    While highlighting certain areas in which the Bush Administration
    has taken positive steps, the Report Card, on balance, reveals an
    Administration that has fallen far short of the Armenian American
    community's expectations.

    "Armenian Americans were profoundly disappointed by President
    Bush's decision - only three months after taking office - to
    abandon his campaign pledge to properly recognize the Armenian
    Genocide," said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian. "Since then, sadly,
    the record shows that the President has broken other commitments to
    our community - most notably to maintain parity in U.S. military
    aid to Armenia and Azerbaijan - and has actively opposed key issues
    of concern to Armenian Americans."

    The Armenian American Presidential Report Card is provided below:

    1) Broken campaign pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide

    Almost immediately after taking office, President Bush abandoned
    his campaign pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide. This
    promise, which he made in February of 2000 as Texas Governor, was
    widely distributed among Armenian Americans prior to the hotly
    contested Michigan primary. It read, in part, as follows:

    "The twentieth century was marred by wars of
    unimaginable brutality, mass murder and genocide.
    History records that the Armenians were the first
    people of the last century to have endured these
    cruelties. The Armenians were subjected to a
    genocidal campaign that defies comprehension and
    commands all decent people to remember and
    acknowledge the facts and lessons of an awful
    crime in a century of bloody crimes against
    humanity. If elected President, I would ensure
    that our nation properly recognizes the tragic
    suffering of the Armenian people."

    Rather than honor this promise, the President has, in his annual
    April 24th statements, used evasive and euphemistic terminology to
    avoid describing Ottoman Turkey's systematic and deliberate
    destruction of the Armenian people by its proper name - the
    Armenian Genocide.

    2) Opposition to the Congressional Genocide Resolution

    The Bush Administration is actively blocking the adoption of the
    Genocide Resolution in both the House and Senate. This legislation
    (S.Res.164 and H.Res.193) specifically cites the Armenian Genocide
    and formally commemorates the 15th anniversary of United States
    implementation of the U.N. Genocide Convention. The Genocide
    Resolution is supported by a broad based coalition of over one
    hundred organizations, including American Values, the NAACP,
    National Council of Churches, Sons of Italy, International Campaign
    for Tibet, National Council of La Raza, and the Union of Orthodox

    3) Failure to condemn Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide

    The Bush Administration has failed to condemn Turkey's recent
    escalation of its campaign to deny the Armenian Genocide. Notably,
    the Administration has remained silent in the face of the decree
    issued in April of 2003 by Turkey's Education Minister, Huseyin
    Celik, requiring that all students in Turkey's schools be
    instructed in the denial of the Armenian Genocide.

    The State Department's 2003 human rights report on Turkey uses the
    historically inaccurate and highly offensive phrase "alleged
    genocide" to mischaracterize the Armenian Genocide. In addition,
    despite repeated protests, the Bush Administration's State
    Department continues to host a website on Armenian history that
    fails to make even a single mention of the Genocide.

    4) The Waiver of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act

    The Bush Administration, in 2001, aggressively pressured Congress
    into granting the President the authority to waive Section 907, a
    provision of law that bars aid to the government of Azerbaijan
    until it lifts its blockades of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh.
    President Bush has subsequently used this authority to provide
    direct aid, including military assistance, to the government of
    Azerbaijan, despite their continued violation of the provisions of
    this law.

    5) Reduction in aid to Armenia

    In the face of the devastating, multi-billion dollar impact of the
    Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades on the Armenian economy,
    President Bush has, in each of the past three years, proposed to
    Congress that humanitarian and developmental aid to Armenia be

    6) Abandonment of the Military Aid Parity Agreement

    The Bush Administration abandoned its November 2001 agreement with
    Congress and the Armenian American community to maintain even
    levels of military aid to Armenia and Azerbaijan. Instead, the
    Administration, in its fiscal year 2005 foreign aid bill, proposes
    sending four times more Foreign Military Financing to Azerbaijan
    ($8 million) than to Armenia ($2 million). This action tilts the
    military balance in favor of Azerbaijan, rewards Azerbaijan's
    increasingly violent threats of renewed aggression, and undermines
    the role of the U.S. as an impartial mediator of the Nagorno
    Karabagh talks.

    7) Mistaken Listing of Armenia as a Terrorist Country

    The Bush Administration, through Attorney General John Ashcroft,
    sought, unsuccessfully, in December of 2002 to place Armenia on an
    Immigration and Naturalization Service watch list for terrorist
    countries. This obvious error was reversed only after a nation-
    wide protest campaign. Neither the White House nor the Department
    of Justice has apologized for the offense caused by this mistake.

    8) Neglect of U.S.-Armenia relations

    While the Bush Administration has maintained a formal dialogue with
    Armenia on economic issues through the bi-annual meetings of the
    U.S.-Armenia Task Force, it has, as a matter of substance, failed
    to take any meaningful action to materially promote U.S.-Armenia
    economic ties. Specifically, the Administration has not provided
    leadership on legislation, spearheaded by Congressional Republicans
    and currently before Congress, to grant Armenia permanent normal
    trade relations (PNTR) status. Nor has the Administration
    initiated any steps toward the negotiation of a Tax Treaty, Social
    Security Agreement, Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, or
    other bilateral agreements to foster increased U.S.-Armenia
    commercial relations.

    The President neither visited Armenia nor did he invite the
    President of Armenia to visit the United States.

    9) Failure to maintain a balanced policy on Nagorno Karabagh

    The Bush Administration, to its credit, took an early initiative to
    help resolve the Nagorno Karabagh issue in the form of the Key West
    summit meeting in 2001 between Secretary of State Powell and the
    presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan. After Azerbaijan's failure
    to honor its Key West commitments, however, the Administration
    failed to hold Azerbaijan accountable for unilaterally stalling the
    Nagorno Karabagh peace process.

    10) Increased grants, loans and military transfers to Turkey

    The Bush Administration has effectively abandoned America's
    responsibility to link aid, loans, and arms transfers to Turkey's
    adherence to basic standards for human rights and international
    conduct. The most notable example was the $8 billion loan package
    provided to Turkey in 2003 despite Turkey's refusal to allow U.S.
    forces to open a northern front during the war in Iraq.

    11) Taxpayer financing of the Baku-Ceyhan bypass of Armenia

    The Bush Administration is supporting American taxpayer subsidies
    for the politically motivated Baku-Ceyhan pipeline route that, at
    the insistence of Turkey and Azerbaijan, bypasses Armenia.

    12 Refusal to pressure Turkey and Azerbaijan to end their

    The Bush Administration has not forcefully condemned the Turkish
    and Azerbaijani blockades as clear violations of international law,
    nor, outside of occasional public statements, has it taken any
    meaningful steps to pressure the Turkish or Azerbaijani governments
    to end their illegal border closures.

    13) Lobbying for Turkish membership in the European Union

    The Bush Administration has aggressively pressured European
    governments to accept Turkey into the European Union, despite
    Turkey's consistent failure to meet European conditions for
    membership, on issues ranging from the blockade of Armenia and the
    Armenian Genocide to the occupation of Cyprus and human rights.

    14) Down-grading relations with the Armenian American community

    Breaking with the tradition of the last several Administrations,
    the Bush White House failed to reach out in any meaningful way to
    our nation's one and a half million citizens of Armenian heritage.
    While the State Department, Pentagon and National Security Council
    maintained their long-standing policy-level dialogue with the
    Armenian American community leadership, the White House itself
    essentially neglected Armenian Americans as a political
    constituency. Perhaps the most telling example of this is that,
    during the course of the past three years, despite repeated
    requests, the President did not hold any community-wide meetings
    with the leadership of the Armenian American community, nor did his
    Secretary of State or National Security Advisor.

    15) Armenian American appointments

    The President appointed Joe Bogosian to an important Deputy
    Assistant Secretary position at the Commerce Department, John
    Jamian to a key maritime position in the Department of
    Transportation, and Samuel Der-Yeghiayan as a Federal Judge in the
    Northern District of Illinois.
