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Battle for Batumi

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  • Battle for Batumi

    Agency WPS
    What the Papers Say. Part A (Russia)
    March 30, 2004, Tuesday


    SOURCE: Kommersant, March 29, 2004, p. 10

    by Gennady Sysoev

    In fact, Moscow supported Adzharian authorities in the opposition
    between Tbilisi and Batumi. It can be explained not only by Moscow's
    striving for confirmation of the role of guarantor of Adzharian
    autonomy and for defense of Russian citizens, who live there. To all
    appearances, Adzharia should play a key-role in the counter game,
    which Russia tries to carry out in the region in order to resist the
    growth of influence of the US.

    Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs determined Russian position
    concerning the opposition between Georgian and Adzharian authorities
    at the very beginning of the present conflict. "There are some
    grounds for supposing that Tbilisi plans to use force. Georgian
    authorities should understand that it can have severe and
    unpredictable consequences for Georgia. In case of the crisis,
    Georgian authorities will bear the whole responsibility for it," the
    official representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated.

    So, in fact, Moscow began to support Adzharian authorities in the
    opposition between Tbilisi and Batumi. Moreover, this position hasn't
    been changed by yesterday's parliamentary election in Georgia.

    Besides, Adzharian leader Aslan Abashidze became a regular visitor at
    Moscow. He was in Moscow for over a week last November during "the
    rose revolution" and warned the Kremlin about guileful plans of new
    Georgian authorities concerning Adzharia. Mr. Abashidze tried to
    persuade Russia to support Adzharia in the probable armed conflict
    between Tbilisi and Batumi during his visit to Moscow.

    Moscow defended Adzharia and its leadership not because of its
    special affection for the Georgian autonomy, but because of its
    strategically important position in the region. Adzharia is the basic
    exit to world for Tbilisi. Another way passes through Abkhazia, which
    declared its independence, and it is practically inaccessible for
    Georgian authorities. In fact, the loss of Adzharia will block the
    entry to the Black Sea and connection with turkey for Tbilisi (a
    small part of Georgian border near Poti is situated between Abkhazia
    and Adzharia and that's why it is vulnerable). So, Moscow can get a
    powerful instrument of influence on Tbilisi if it establishes special
    relations with Adzharia and its leader.

    However, it isn't the most important thing for Moscow. The main thing
    is that, to all appearances, Adzharia should play a key-role in the
    counter-game, which Russia tries to carry on in the region in order
    to resist the growth of the influence of the US.

    The construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline should be
    over by the end of next year. It is a thing of key-importance for
    Washington in its strategy in the region. The oil pipeline should
    become an axis of US military and strategic construction, which
    includes Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

    Some Central Asian republics have already placed their territories at
    the disposal of US military bases. As for Georgia, Americans don't
    intend to construct bases there. In any case, their official
    representatives say so. However, it isn't necessary for them. The US
    has an opportunity for using Georgian territory for needs of its
    armed forces if it is required. At that, one shouldn't ask Tbilisi
    for any special resolution, because the necessary infrastructure and
    legislative basis already exists. The US would like to establish an
    analogous scheme in Azerbaijan. The negotiations about it are being
    carried out.

    The strengthening of US military presence in the region is being
    accompanied with cutting down of presence of Russia there. In
    accordance with Istanbul agreements, Moscow has already removed its
    two military bases in Georgia. As for other two bases in Akhalkali
    and Batumi, Russia's Western partners and Georgian authorities remind
    Russian President Vladimir Putin of the necessity of their removal.
    If this process is carried to its conclusion, Armenia, the key (to be
    more precise, the last) ally of Russia in Transcaucasia, will blocked
    and cut off from Russia. Moreover, Russian bases in Armenia will lose
    their military significance and sense.

    In this situation, Moscow should have started a search for any
    counter-game. It seems that it found this variant.

    When Yuri Luzhkov came to Batumi at the very height of the
    opposition, his circle explained the sense of his unexpected visit by
    the following fact: Yuri Mikhailovich decided to check how the
    agreements about construction of several objects in Adzharia by
    Moscow builders were being realized. A lot of people doubted those
    explanations than.

    Highway Batumi-Akhalkali (Georgia) - Gyumri (Armenia) is among other
    objects, which Moscow builders intend to construct in the region. To
    all appearances, it should become a shank of the construction, which
    Moscow wanted to create as a counterbalance to US one. The highway
    would allow Russia to avoid the cutting off of Armenia, provide an
    entry to sea for Russia's ally, cut oil pipe-line Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    and give the opportunity for the control of the latter.

    There are Russian military bases in all three key-points of the
    highway - in Batumi, Akhalkali and Gyumri. At that, the authorities
    in Batumi are Gyumri are absolutely loyal to Moscow and Javakhetia,
    an ethnically Armenian region in Georgia with administrative center
    Akhalkali, is under the control of Armenia. In case of Tbilisi's
    total control of Adzharia, the strategic significance of highway
    Batumi-Akhalkali-Gyumri would lose its sense.

    That's why the result of the struggle for Batumi is very important
    for Moscow (however, for the US too). Of course, it isn't so
    important that it could plunge Russia and the US into a new
    confrontation. The control of Adzharia will allow the US to construct
    its system in the region for a long time. However, it will allow
    Russia, at least, to participate in this construction.

    Translated by Gregory Malyutin