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Armenia's Software Advantage

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  • Armenia's Software Advantage

    Armenia's Software Advantage

    McKinsey Quarterly
    2004 Issue 1
    p12, 3p

    By Andre Andonian, Avetik Chalabyan and Pierre Gurdjian

    Geopolitical problems and macroeconomic reforms are currently
    preoccupying Armenia, but to achieve long-term growth and lift itself
    out of poverty the former Soviet republic must also grapple with
    microeconomic policy. Armenia should focus on developing the industry
    sectors that have the best chance of competing globally and on
    eliminating any barriers to productivity within them. Our study of this
    landlocked economy in the Caucasus (Exhibit 1) suggests that software
    and IT services are among its most promising sectors.

    With annual growth of more than 20 percent since 1999, software and IT
    companies now account for 2 percent of Armenia's GDP -- a proportion
    comparable to that of India, the world's leading offshore IT
    destination. Businesses in this sector achieve much higher productivity
    than the average for Armenia's economy as a whole (11.5 percent of the
    US level). Why the relatively strong performance? The software and IT
    services sector is especially suited to exploit Armenia's three
    competitive advantages. First, it has a well-educated workforce with an
    emphasis on science, a result of the country's heritage as the Soviet
    Union's high-tech center. The second advantage is low wages: a software
    and IT services specialist earns $2,400 to $6,000 a year, a quarter of
    the average salary such a worker receives in India. The third is a five
    million-strong diaspora across Europe and North America. Many of these
    overseas Armenians are successful businesspeople and professionals in
    the IT and software field and provide access to international business
    networks as well as funding for Armenia's development.

    Foreign-owned and domestic companies in Armenia's software and IT sector
    have different average levels of productivity and somewhat different
    barriers to
    raising it. Some 25 foreign software companies, owned mostly by
    businesspeople of Armenian descent, have set up offshore subsidiaries in
    the country to develop
    customized applications for their corporate parents. To attract the best
    programmers and thus achieve the best labor productivity, these foreign
    units offer salaries twice as high as domestic IT firms do. But labor
    productivity is still only half of the US level, partly as a result of
    the shortcomings of Armenia's higher-education system, which produces
    excellent programmers but not enough skilled project managers. For the
    85 or so domestic companies that develop, program, market, and sell
    packaged software at home and abroad, improving total productivity --
    which currently stands at 25 percent of the US level -- is even more
    crucial. Among the managerial shortcomings these companies face is a
    lack of market knowledge and business know-how. Furthermore, they don't
    always know what higher-value-added products to make for international
    markets, and they sometimes don't possess the business skills needed to
    market and sell sophisticated products abroad (Exhibit 2, on the
    previous page).

    We recommend a series of steps in two areas to remove productivity
    barriers and stimulate the growth of Armenia's software and IT sector.
    First, increasing the capacity and quality of the educational system is
    critical for delivering the highly qualified graduates needed to improve
    the sector's programming and management skills. To this end, the
    government should try to attract and retain teachers, professors, and
    researchers by raising their salaries, which a: $100 to $200 a month are
    low even by domestic standards. Partnerships between companies and
    universities can also help. A large foreign-owned software company, for
    example, currently supports a multidisciplinary university course that
    combines semiconductor design and IT programming -- important for the
    development of higher value added products. One university cooperates
    closely with IT start-ups by providing them with work space on its
    premises. Computer science curricula should be modernized so that
    technical courses are enriched by business know-how, such as project
    management and business-case writing. Second, the government and the
    domestic financial and high-tech sectors should team up to establish a
    major investment fund and a promotional agency to channel private equity
    money from the diaspora and other foreign sources into the software and
    IT sector and thereby stimulate its growth.

    Increasing the productivity of software and IT services alone won't
    carry Armenia's economy to the next level, however. A handful of other
    sectors -- diamonds and jewelry, tourism, and health care -- should also
    be development priorities. Successful initiatives in the four sectors
    could double their productivity, generate double-digit increases in
    revenues annually through 2010, and raise their aggregate employment to
    102,000, from 71,000. By first focusing on these potentially high-growth
    sectors, Armenia could increase its foreign earnings and use the influx
    of cash to raise domestic demand and boost other parts of the economy.

    Armenia must still resolve its conflict with neighboring Azerbaijan over
    the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region and carry out macroeconomic reforms
    to complete the transition to a market economy. But concentrating on
    specific sectors such as software and IT services should allow Armenia
    to move beyond basic stabilization and take the next steps on the road
    to prosperity.

    DIAGRAM: EXHIBIT 2: Armenia's productivity gap: Estimated labor
    productivity, index: total productivity for software/IT sector in United
    States = 100

    MAP: EXHIBIT I: Armenia in context: Major economic indicators, 2002