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CENN Electronic Bulletin (English Version) - March 2004 - Issue 66

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  • CENN Electronic Bulletin (English Version) - March 2004 - Issue 66

    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network

    66 Electronic Bulletin:
    Caucasus Environmental News


    1. Announcements
    1.1. Public can access online register of industrial pollution
    1.2. Small grants program on sustainable development of Caspian coastal
    1.3. OECD Forum 2004: Health of Nations
    1.4. EIA reports submitted to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia
    1.5. Invitation to comment on the country strategy for Georgia

    2. News from Georgia
    2.1. Time for action to save Georgia's forests
    2.2. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline going to schedule - operator
    2.3. Animal Rights Committee against using natural fur
    2.4. The role of mass media in building democracies
    2.5. The president of Georgia warns of plans to thwart oil pipeline
    2.6. Visit in Bolnisi Information Center
    2.7. WWF warns of BTC eco-threat
    2.8. `Georgian Bank' and BTC reach coop agreement
    2.9. Georgians demand action to save their homes from oil pipeline
    2.10. 3rd Georgia International Oil, Gas, Energy and Infrastructure
    Conference and Showcase -- GIOGIE 2004
    2.11. Georgian president: nothing threatens project of oil and gas
    transportation from Caspian via Georgia
    2.12. Association Green Alternative - Statement
    2.13. Accident investigated in Georgia

    3. News from Azerbaijan
    3.1. Kazakhstan may join Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project
    3.2. Kazakh section of Caspian Sea being cleared from oil pollution
    3.3. Internet forum on green plantations protection of Baku city held
    3.4. Azerbaijani pipeline workers down tools
    3.5. Azerbaijan has enough oil to keep Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline busy
    - president
    3.6. Kazakhstan confirms interest in Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
    3.7. `Ecological stability' instills ecological patriotism
    3.8. Economic University focused state poverty reduction program
    3.9. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan to sign BTC pipeline agreement in 2004 -
    3.10. Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan talks on oil for Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    pipeline in 'final stage'
    3.11. Penalty for the illegal logging
    3.12. The contracts of BP are verified according to the observance of
    the environmental standards
    3.13. Azerbaijan participants in Berlin international tourist exhibition

    3.14. Azerbaijan expects Baku-Erzerum gas pipeline to open in 2006
    3.15. Workshop - «Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline monitoring problems»
    3.16. Convention on legal status of Caspian discussed
    3.17. Disagreements at the Baku five sided negotiations on the Caspian
    3.18. One reserve for three countries

    4. News from Armenia
    4.1. Gili rehabilitation works temporarily stopped
    4.2. Change threaten freedom of information in Armenia
    4.3. USA to allocate 1m dollars to boost safety of Armenian nuclear
    4.4. A hidden ecological disaster
    4.5. Sale of pest-killers out of control
    4.6. Garbage presentation
    4.7. Amb. Kirakossian meets with National Geographic Society's
    4.8. IT as a tool for Armenian tourism industry

    5. Legal News
    5.1. 10th anniversary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

    6. NGO News
    6.1. Civil Society Statement online for comments
    6.2. Islands tour
    6.3. Alternative energy -- The first solar village in Georgia

    7. International News
    7.1. First regional meeting on education for sustainable development
    7.2. Commission's judiciary specialist group plans for Bangkok
    7.3. First reading agreement reached with POPs
    7.4. Botas to finish Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline on time
    7.5. Cambridge university press partners with UCN academy of
    Environmental Law
    7.6. First meeting of the UN ECE PRTR working group
    7.7. UNEP youth meeting preparation to Budapest -2004
    7.8. Second high-level meeting on EU-EECCA water initiative

    8. New Publications
    8.1. Water Resources Systems Planning and Management
    8.2. Stakeholder Forum announces the publication of its new book: How to
    Lobby at Intergovernmental Meetings

    9. Calendar (International)
    9.1. Ninth International Journalism Summer School "Modern Media
    Management and Marketing"
    9.2. OECD forum 2004: Health of Nations



    The European Commission and the European Environment Agency have
    launched the European Pollutant Emission Register, the first register of
    industrial emissions into air and water in all the European Union
    countries. It has been seven years in the planning. The Register makes
    available to the public information on pollution from around 10,000
    large industrial facilities in the EU and Norway, allowing the user to
    group information and compare, by pollutant, sector, air and water, or
    country. It is hoped that groups "will engage local industries in a
    dialogue about how emissions can be further reduced". It will be
    available in all EU languages in the coming months.


    Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) announces
    the beginning of receiving of the applications under the EU-funded Small
    Grants Program on Sustainable Development of Caspian Coastal

    The Program aims to assist selected Caspian coastal communities that are
    experiencing a combination of economic difficulties and environmental
    pressure, by financing a number of community-based projects for
    development of alternative, environmentally sustainable sources of

    Deadline for application - May 28, 2004

    Detailed information is available at or contact:
    Araz Abbasov
    National Coordinator in Azerbaijan
    Sustainable Development of Caspian Coastal
    Communities Small Grants Program
    REC Caucasus Information Point in Azerbaijan
    370000 Baku, Azerbaijan
    82, Azadliq Ave., 2nd floor
    Tel/Fax: +99412 411908
    E-Mail: [email protected]


    OECD Forum 2004 "Health of Nations" will tackle some of the key issues
    on the international policy agenda, such as the health of the global
    economy, the health of multilateral co-operation and the health of our
    citizens. The Forum will take place in Paris on 12-13 May 2004. The
    Forum will cover the following issues:

    § World economy;
    § International trade and investment;
    § Sustainable development;
    § Health policy challenges.

    The Forum is a multi-stakeholder summit, which brings together leaders
    from business, government, labor and civil society, and takes place at
    the same time as the annual OECD Ministerial meeting. It involves the
    participation of an important number of OECD and non-OECD Ministers.

    Registration and more information at:,2865,en_21571361_22024020_1_1_1_1_1,00.html


    Source: Newspaper `Sakartvelos Respublica' (`Republic of Georgia'),
    March 19, 2004

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, entrepreneur `Ismail
    Bayramov' submitted EIA report to the Ministry of Environment of Georgia
    to obtain an environmental permit for the activity of second category -
    Geological Study, Mining and processing of the Kizilajlo Basalt Deposit
    in Marneuli region.

    In accordance with the Georgian legislation, entrepreneur `Ismailov,
    Alakhvediev' submitted EIA report to the Ministry of Environment of
    Georgia to obtain an environmental permit for the activity of second
    category - Geological Study, Mining and processing of the Basalt Deposit
    in Tetritskaro region, Village Kotoshi.

    EIA report is available at the press-center of the Ministry of
    Environment (68, Kostava str., VI floor) and at the Department of
    Environmental Permits and State Ecological Expertise (87, Paliashvili
    Str., Tel: 25 02 19). Interested stakeholders can analyze the document
    and present their comments and considerations until May 4, 2004.

    Public hearing will be held on May 4, 2004 at 12:00, at the conference
    hall of the Ministry of Environment.


    In light of recent political developments in Georgia, the EBRD is
    advancing the preparation of its next Strategy for Georgia in order to
    be better able to support the efforts of the new authorities in
    addressing the main challenges in the country. Comments are invited to
    help the Bank in revising its Strategy.

    Comments should refer to the current Strategy for Georgia available at:

    To help in the preparation of the forthcoming Strategy for Georgia, it
    would be useful for the Bank to receive comments on the investment and
    economic environment as it relates to the Bank's operational priorities
    and activities, in particular in the following areas:

    1. Issues related to the investment climate

    This would include issues concerning: (i) the implementation and
    enforcement of laws; (ii) progress in the fight against corruption -
    implementation of the national anti-corruption strategy; (iii) corporate
    governance; and (iv) in particular the investment climate as it relates
    to the development of SMEs/MSEs. We seek your views on how serious these
    issues are for the development of the private sector, priority areas
    which should be addressed by the authorities, and the ways in which the
    EBRD could assist the authorities in improving the investment climate.

    2. Issues related to infrastructure development

    This would include efficiency and payment discipline in the power sector
    and issues related to development of the transport sector, with
    particular attention to issues relating to tariff reform, restructuring,
    and privatization/private sector involvement. Comments are invited on
    priority issues and the role, which the EBRD should play in further
    support for the development of these sectors.

    3. Issues related to access to capital

    Comments are invited on the ease of access to funding by private sector
    enterprises, in particular by micro-, small- and medium-sized
    enterprises, given the current state of development of the banking
    sector, the level of financial intermediation, and the availability of
    funding under various donor and IFI programs. Comments would also be
    welcome on issues related to the early stage of development of
    non-banking financial sector (leasing, mortgages, pensions, insurance).
    What are the main obstacles, what measures should be taken to strengthen
    the banking and non-banking financial sectors, and what type of projects
    should be supported by the EBRD to help alleviate identified gaps?

    The Strategy provides guidance for EBRD activities in a country,
    identifying the main challenges, which the Bank is best, placed to
    confront. As such, the Strategy cannot address all of the development
    issues a country faces and necessarily must be selective in identifying
    issues where the Bank has the experience and ability to play a
    constructive role.

    The Bank will take into account all comments received. A summary of
    these, with staff responses, will be posted on the Web site following
    the Board approval of the revised Strategy. The Country Strategy is,
    however, a Bank document and the responsibility for its contents remains
    with the Bank.

    Please send your comments to the Bank at [email protected] no
    later than 18 May 2004.

    You may also like to send this message to other interested

    Outreach and NGO Relations team, European Bank for Reconstruction and


    Press Notice
    Date: February 21, 2004
    No: 2004/01

    Consultancy and Project Management

    Georgia needs her forests. They provide wood for fuel and industry, food
    for livestock, beautiful areas for recreation and tourism and they
    protect water supplies and prevent soil erosion. But poor management,
    felling on a scale far greater than the natural capacity of the forest
    to regenerate, and over-grazing are degrading the forests. There is no
    dispute about this. The evidence is there for everyone to see. The new
    government needs to act now to tackle the causes of forest degradation.
    The causes are many and include irresponsible and illegal actions
    encouraged by low salaries and the ineffective enforcement of forest
    laws; the lack of alternative energy supplies for villagers, who have
    become almost completely dependent on fuel wood from the forest; the
    lack of opportunities for rural communities to participate the
    management of their local forests; and inadequate support for the sector
    from the state budget.

    The government needs to:

    ž Introduce effective and efficient controls over forest use
    ž Establish effective and efficient monitoring of forest managers and
    enforcement of forest law
    ž Provide support for managers of the Local Forest Fund
    ž Increase community participation in forest management
    ž Ensure that the needs of rural people are met without causing forest
    ž Encourage entrepreneurship in the private sector to increase to income
    available for reinvestment
    ž Guarantee funds for reinvestment in forest protection and

    An action plan addressing all of these points was prepared last year
    under the Forests Development Project supported by a loan from the World
    Bank. Georgia has already invested a large amount of money in the
    Forests Development Project and will invest even more over the next 4
    years. The action plan covers essential changes to forest law,
    reorganization and strengthening of key forest management and law
    enforcement organizations, strengthening forestry education and
    research, and support to the private sector. The plan provides the
    government with a starting point for tackling the problem of forest
    degradation. The government now needs to review, revise where
    necessary, and take ownership of the implementation plan. The government
    needs to show leadership for forest sector and it needs to involve key
    stakeholders from civil society, private business, research and
    education. If the action plan sits on a shelf gathering dust, the money
    will have been wasted, and Georgia's forests will continue to disappear.

    For further information please contact:

    Mike Garforth
    Partner and Director
    Phone: 899 50 48 33

    Manana Simonishvili
    Partner and Director
    Phone: 899 73 09 70
    Office: 832 93 12 31

    The company is registered and based in Tbilisi. For more information,
    please see our web pages at


    Source: News Agency Interfax, March 5, 2004

    According to Michael Townshend, BTC Co Chief Executive Officer, all
    construction works on the Georgian section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    oil pipeline are going to schedule.

    Commenting on an announcement by Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili
    about possible obstacles facing the project, and some ecological issues,
    he said that two thirds of the route in Georgia has already been
    prepared and we are now welding the pipes.

    mr. Townshend said that the pipeline route in Georgia was approved two
    years ago, and that the company does not plan to change anything,
    especially as a lot has already been done. He said that in general he
    does not see any obstacles that might lead to delays in Azerbaijan,
    Georgia or in Turkey.

    He said that he returned from Turkey on March 4, 2004, where he met with
    management from Botas - the project's main construction contractor on
    Turkish territory.

    He said that in Turkey there is a slight delay with certain sections of
    the pipeline and with the construction of four pumping stations. There
    is currently snow in these areas and the company is waiting for the
    weather to improve before continuing work. mr. Townshend said that the
    company is currently involved in preparation work, so as to speed up the
    pace of construction after the snow melts.

    Earlier, participants in the project said that delays in the
    construction of the Turkish section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
    might push back the launch date from the end of 2004 to mid-2005.
    However, Botas promised to speed up construction of the Turkish section.


    Source: Newspaper Georgian Times, March 9, 2004

    Animal Rights Committee of Georgia came out against animal cruelty and
    called Avtandil Tskvitinidze and Maka Assathiany - famous Georgian
    designers to refrain from using natural fur for the collections soon to
    be represented in Moscow fashion show. Recently, Saga Fur Company
    presented Georgian fashion designers Avtandil Tskvitinidze and Maka
    Assathiany with certain amount of fur to design models for the upcoming
    fashion show. And Animal Rights Committee `in response' `granted' the
    designers with an undercover fur farm video narrated by famous fashion
    designer Stella McCartney. The video produced by People for the Ethical
    Treatment of Animals (PETA), describes the plight of animals at modern
    fur farms.

    In a letter enclosed with the video, ARC calls upon Tskvitinidze and
    Assathiany to make the right choice between cruelty and kindness, and
    offers to provide additional information concerning fake fur and leather

    `There are also other organizations that deal against animal cruelty in
    Georgia but we work on global issues. There is negative stereotype
    deeply enrooted in Georgia that violation against animals doesn't matter
    when the rights of human beings are so frequently disrespected. But the
    civilization in the country is measured according to how the animals are
    treated. Besides maltreated animals like street dogs which have
    developed rabies are dangerous for human beings themselves ` - Lekso
    Khubulava, the Chairmen of Animal Rights Committee says.

    Heather Mills, wife of former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney, has joined his
    crusade against the abuse of animals by letting her photographs appear
    exclusively on the cover of the 2004 Shopping Guide for Caring
    Consumers, produced by People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals
    (PETA). Now in its fourteenth year, the PETA Shopping Guide features
    more than 500 companies which have signed a statement promising never to
    test any ingredients or finished products on animals.

    Animal Rights Committee is managed by a group of volunteers who
    contribute their free time and resources to the protection of animals.
    The Committee promotes animal-related laws and regulations. On April 3,
    2003 ARC formally proposed amendments to the Ordinance of the City of
    Tbilisi on the Maintenance of Dogs, Cats and Other Predator Animals. The
    Ordinance was passed by the Sakrebulo (municipality) of Tbilisi on
    November 7, 2001. It also supports use of alternatives to animal
    experiments as a number of educational and medical research institutions
    continue using animals in painful and deadly experiments and
    dissections, also support to establish cat shelter

    Animal Rights Committee introduces a charity sale of postcards designed
    by talented artist Giorgi Akhvlediani. In addition to creating original
    pieces of artwork, Giorgi runs a makeshift cat shelter at the open-air
    Ethnographic Museum of Tbilisi, where he feeds and takes care of
    homeless cats.

    `When Avtandil Tskvitinidze and Maka Assathiany watch how the fur is
    obtained in `modern' animal farms and what kind of psychological stress
    those animals undergo and see their killing methods that are of middle
    ages they will refrain from using natural fur for sure', - Chairmen of
    Animal Rights Committee assured.

    In the meantime the manager of Avtandil Tskvitinidze explained that the
    fur was provided by Saga Fur Company as a gift and they are not going to
    support animal cruelty this way.


    Source: News Agency Internews, March 9, 2004

    On March 8, 2004 a round table meeting took place in the conference hall
    of Courtyard Marriot Hotel, which was organized by Internews Georgia,
    Georgian Young Lawyers' Association and Trade-Industry Chamber of
    Georgia. The meeting included managers and representatives of mass
    media. The employees of the organizations actively working in the CIS
    countries were also invited.

    During the meeting the aspects of TV in modern world were discussed,
    including the work of regional, national and global broadcasters. One of
    the main themes at the meeting was the work of Georgian TV stations
    during the `Rose Revolution'. Participants commented on the activities
    of separate TV companies: `Who do the TV stations serve - governments,
    owners or the public?'

    During the meeting it was particularly noted that at present the main
    problem of Georgia mass media outlets is the financial dependence and
    excessive loyalty towards the new leadership of the country.

    The functions of journalists were also discussed. Participants expressed
    their opinions on who the journalist is first of all, - a professional
    or a citizen, mediator or a tool for manipulation? Participants of the
    meeting particularly stressed the importance of media's influence on
    formation of free society and freedom of speech as a whole. Footage from
    the film made on freedom of expression in Russia was shown to the
    participants of the meeting. The parallels were drawn between the
    activities of journalists in different countries.

    Representatives of international organizations supporting the
    development of electronic mass media throughout the world, state and
    private broadcasters of Georgia, representatives of the authorities,
    print media, leading foreign and local nongovernmental organizations and
    donor organizations took part in discussion of mass media problems in
    the transitional period


    Source: Radio Free Europe /Radio Liberty, March 9, 2004

    In Baku on March 4, 2004 President Saakashvili stated that he
    anticipates an attempt within the next few months by foreign political
    forces to block or change the route of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil
    export pipeline, which is currently under construction, in order to
    delay its completion by up to two years. The first oil is currently
    scheduled to reach Ceyhan during the second quarter of 2005. On 5 March,
    Saakashvili inspected the Sangachal terminal south of Baku, where oil
    from the Azeri, Chirag, and Guneshli oil fields enters the export
    pipeline, Turan reported. On 6 March, Azerbaijani Transport Minister Zia
    Mamedov told journalists that Azerbaijan and Georgia would reduce
    oil-transit tariffs for Kazakh and Turkmen oil exported via their
    countries, Caucasus Press reported.


    Source: CENN Bolnisi Information Center
    Malkhaz Inadz

    On the March 9, 2004 of Professor Kekelidze, Tbilisi State University,
    had visited Bolnisi Information Center with his colleagues from the
    Environment Research Center of Tbilisi State University. After the short
    meeting they went to Mashavera River to take analyses from water
    polluted by Madneuli Copper Mine. The express laboratory they had
    mounted in the small bus gave them some information on the spot and
    another part-after further treatment. The group of scientists was
    accompanied by local TV journalists and environmental activists.


    Source: Caspian Region's Weekly Business, Caspian Business News, March
    10, 2004

    The speedy implementation of the project to construct the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) export oil pipeline poses a threat to the
    flora and fauna of the entire Caspian region, Trend news agency has
    quoted an official of the World Wildlife Fund Frank Merchel as saying in
    a statement.


    Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AzerTag,
    March 13, 2004

    The Georgian Bank and Company BTC signed an agreement on financial
    servicing of the funds assigned by the International Monetary Fund,
    European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Tbilisi on March 12.

    Under the conditions, the Georgian Bank will provide banking services of
    all expenditures for the construction of Georgian section of the
    pipeline. Therefore, the Bank has become a member of the financial
    association, which affiliates 78 companies.


    Official complaint to IFC reveals BTC negligence

    Tbilisi, Georgia, March 16, 2004 -- Residents of Rustavi, Georgia's
    third city, have today submitted an official complaint to the
    International Finance Corporation (IFC) concerning the potentially
    disastrous construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline
    only 250 meters from a settlement of high-rise buildings.

    [1] The residents are taking this step following a prolonged period of
    uncertainty for them and their homes, a lack of information and response
    from officials in Georgia and violent intimidation from the regional
    police force.

    In November 2003, the IFC, the World Bank's private lending arm, agreed
    to provide a USD 250 million loan to the controversial BP-led BTC
    project. The residents' complaint alleges that World Bank Group policies
    and procedures have not been complied with on four counts. [2]

    In January this year, people in Rustavi learned for the first time
    exactly how close the pipeline would come to their homes when heavy
    construction equipment and pipeline workers arrived without warning.
    There was no mention of such proximity (180-250 meters) in the available
    project documentation and maps. The BTC Company (BTC Co) indicates in
    its project literature that there should be a 500-meter `security zone'
    around the pipeline. It turns out that the pipeline will run along the
    nearby Mtkvari river bank, a high level erosion zone, with potentially
    destructive impacts on the most affected homes and the 700 families
    living there.

    Since learning of their plight, the Rustavi residents have sent letters
    to and attempted to engage in dialogue with all the relevant parties -
    the mayor of Rustavi, local representatives from BTC Co. and the IFC -
    and have also taken their case to the Georgian parliament. Their appeals
    have been either ignored or dismissed on the grounds that the pipeline
    will comply with the highest western standards.

    Merab Vacheishvili, one of the residents named in the complaint, said,
    `We are told to shut up, stop wasting the company's time and trust the
    high standards of the project promoters. Yet local people have been kept
    completely in the dark about this pipeline. How can we start trusting

    Frustrated by officialdom, last month 400 residents took part in a
    demonstration that interrupted the pipeline construction for one hour.
    The demonstration, consisting mainly of women and children, was
    violently broken up by the police. A police representative declared that
    the orders had come directly from the government.

    Eleonora Digmelashvili, another resident, commented, "We have applied to
    the IFC Ombudsman as a last resort. There needs to be an independent
    expert analysis of BTC impacts on our homes as well as strong guarantees
    for our and our children's security. If there are no such guarantees
    then the pipeline route must be changed or we should be resettled."


    Merabi Vacheishvili
    Tel: + 995 24 17 34 58
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Eleonora Digmelashvili
    Tel: + 995 93 91 77 05
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Notes for editors:

    1) The official complaint to the IFC's Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman is
    available here:

    2) The four World Bank Group policies and procedures cited in the
    official complaint are:

    o Procedures for public disclosure
    o IFC Operational Policy 4.01 on environmental assessment
    o World Bank Operational Policy 4.30 on involuntary resettlement
    o Procedures for preparation of Resettlement Action Plan

    Background information on the BTC project is available from the
    Bankwatch website:

    Greig Aitken
    Media coordinator
    CEE Bankwatch Network
    Bratislavska 31
    602 00 Brno
    Czech Republic
    Tel: +420-545 214 431, ext 19

    GIOGIE 2004

    Source: Newspaper The Georgian Times, March 22, 2004

    A two-day 3rd Georgia International Oil, Gas, Energy and Infrastructure
    2004 Conference kicked off at the Sheraton Metechi palace Hotel Thursday
    supported by Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Georgia, and Georgian
    International Oil Corporation (GIOC). 180 delegates from 15 countries
    are participating in the conference. Development of BTC pipeline and
    South Caucasian gas pipeline Shah-Deniz-Tbilisi-Erzerum was discussed at
    the conference. Participants include BP, BTC Co., GIOC, Georgian Oil,
    Socar, Botas, Kazmunaigaz, Statoil, Ukransnafta, IFC, EBRD, RAO UES,
    Gazprom, ChevronTexaco, Spie-Petrofac, Marsh, Ernst & Young, AON,
    McConnell Dowell, USAID and many others.

    GIOGIE 2004 sponsors include: GIOC, Batumi Oil Terminal, BP, Statoil,
    Spie-Petrofac, Marsh, Ernst & Young, ENR Russia Invest, Channel Enery,
    BCI, Sercel.

    Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania was expected to open the conference but the
    political standoff between Tbilisi and Batumi has promoted him to stay
    in a Black Sea town Poti, near Batumi to head an anti-crisis center. As
    the entire cabinet of ministers was in Poti Nika Gilauri, Minister of
    Fuel and Energy failed to attend the 3rd International Conference.
    Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy Aleko Khetaguri participated on his

    The construction of the Shah-Deniz-Tbilisi-Erzerum pipeline is scheduled
    to start shortly after the BTC pipeline building is complete. Georgia's
    participation in the projects bears critical importance as it serves a
    kind of transport corridor between Asia and Europe.

    At the conference Commercial Director of BTC Co Andrew McAuslan noted
    that the BTC pipeline energy corridor expands over 700 000 kms.

    The BTC Co representative spoke about the importance of social and
    public projects implemented within the frames of the BTC oil pipeline.
    The projects aimed at improvement of social conditions of the people
    living in the BTC pipeline vicinities. Andrew McAuslan said that the
    population of the villages crossed by the pipeline would be favored when
    hiring personnel for the pipeline. He added that 15 international
    commercial banks are participating in the pipeline project. BTC Co. is
    planning to carry out large-scale infrastructure projects within the
    frames of the project and pledges to care for integration of

    Archil Magalashvili, technical manager of GIOC, said that the BTC oil
    pipeline would be under tight monitoring. High security measures have
    been taken to ensure security of Georgian stretch of the pipeline and
    avoid environment pollution or other accidents.

    Since Georgia is situated in high seismological and landslide risk zone
    the project envisages additional security measures. Archil Magalashvili
    says that additional geological field works have been performed
    alongside with the construction of the pipeline.

    Manager of Statiol Turkey, Kietil Tanlend focused on the
    Shah-Deniz-Tbilisi-Erzerum gas pipeline. He said Statiol, which is a
    shareholder of BTC pipeline project was established in 1972. The company
    produces 1 million barrel oil a day, making the company the third
    biggest oil operator in the world. Statiol is a Norwegian company and is
    one of the leading oil operators in Norway and Scandinavian countries.

    Statoil holds 5.5 shares in BTC oil pipeline and 25.5 percent in
    Shah-Deniz-Tbilisi-Erzerum gas pipeline. Kietil Tanlend pointed out that
    the preparatory work for the South Caucasian pipeline project was
    underway. He said Shah-Deniz-Tbilisi-Erzerum gas pipeline would become
    operational in 2006.

    He spoke about the Georgia as an important and strategic partner in the
    gas pipeline project. The well-developed system will help to implement
    the project in complaisance with European standards.

    The conference was wrapped on March 19, 2004. Organizers of the
    conference were content with the results and say they have worked
    productively in these two days. At the 2nd international conference the
    course of the pipeline project implementation was discussed and the gas
    pipeline project was only theoretically considered. At the March 18-19,
    2004 conference participants spoke about the details of the project and
    dwelled on profits the project willing bring to participating states.

    The next day of the 3rd international conference Viachwslan Axenov,
    advisor to Russia's Energy Council said that Russia honored the request
    of the Georgian Ministry of Fuel Energy and would play an active role in
    the development of Georgia' s energy sector. He added that the Russian
    Energy Council is planning to hold a press conference on the hydro
    energy issue in the near future and proposed the Georgian Ministry of
    Fuel and Energy to participate in the conference. Mr. Axenov believes
    that the rehabilitation of Inguri hydropower station is important for
    country and if the ministry representative attends the conference this
    issue will be also discussed there.

    Viachwslan Axenov did not specify whether or not Russia would contribute
    to the rehabilitation of Inguri station but his appeal to Georgia to
    participate in this conference does hold an answer to the question.

    Russian United Energy Company Rau UES holds 75 percent of Tbilisi power
    distribution facility Telasi shares. Rau UES also owns Gardabani 9 and
    10 energy facilities and two hydropower stations of Kvemo Kartli region
    `Khrami 1' and `Khrami 2'.

    Viachwslan Axenov says that the Russian Energy Council `s strategy is to
    develop Georgia's energy sector, and Rao UES' strategy is to create a
    common energy corridor throughout the Commonwealth of Independent States
    (CIS). Georgian experts well understand the quite clear `Russian'
    accents but as one of the experts said despite the monopoly of the
    Russian companies at the Georgian energy system, the Georgian-Russian
    political relations promises to be less aggressive BTC and
    Shah-Deniz-Tbilisi-Erzerum gas pipelines are not threatened by Russia.

    Experts unanimously exclude Russia's participation in the gas pipeline
    project. Although the shortest route for Russian power export crosses
    Georgia but Russia does not have any claims for
    Shah-Deniz-Tbilisi-Erzerum project, As for Viachwslan Axenov, he
    withheld comments on this comment.


    Source: Russian Information Agency Novosti, March 22, 2004

    Nothing threatens the project of oil and gas transportation from the
    Caspian Sea via Georgia, the country's president, Mikhail Saakashvili
    said on March 22, 2004.

    In his words, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project is being implemented and
    will be completed. This project is politically important for Georgia as
    a country that has commitments to its partners, the Georgian leader told

    He added that previous Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze's
    statement that this project's implementation will bring prosperity to
    the country "is far from reality." The Georgian mass media have been
    enthusiastically discussing the issue of a possible threat to the
    project of oil and gas transportation from Azerbaijan via Georgia to
    Turkey. This topic acquired special urgency after Mr. Saakashvili
    decided to give the building of the Georgian International Oil
    Corporation in Tbilisi to the Georgian Foreign Ministry.

    The construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, whose cost is
    estimated at $3 billion, is to be completed in the end of 2005. In May
    2004, the gas pipeline laying, to be over in late 2006, will start along
    the oil pipeline.


    March 22, 2003 -- Green Alternative lost the court case in the Appeal
    (Regional) Court against the Ministry of Environment of Georgia and the
    BTC Co.

    Last year Green Alternative filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of
    Environment and the BTC Co claiming that constitutional rights of
    Georgian citizens, as well as rights determined by the Aarhus
    Convention, which provide for proper access to information and
    meaningful participation in the decision-making process were violated
    when the decision was taken by the Georgian Government to grant
    environmental permit for the construction of the Georgian section of the
    BTC pipeline.

    In the opening speech BTC Co representative stated that Green
    Alternative has no `moral right' to feel abused and bring any
    allegations, since Green Alternative was one of the most active NGOs
    participating in the process and it is not fair to bring such
    allegations against one of the most prominent, environmentally friendly
    company with high corporate ethics. The `strongest' argument against the
    GA's claim was that cancellation of the environmental permit would harm
    the national interests of Georgia. BTC Co representative also declared
    that BTC Co took all the necessary measures to ensure proper access to
    information and the public participation, met all its obligations and
    even more, met the obligations of the Ministry of Environment of
    Georgia. He argued that the most important is the fact that the
    obligations are met, it does not matter who was responsible to meet

    During hearing the representative of the Ministry of Environment could
    not refused the fact that the ministry did not follow the requirements
    of the Georgian law. He admitted that the ministry did not make any
    public announcement and hold public meeting before taking decision to
    grant environmental permit, as the law required it. However, this
    statement was not taken into account by the judges. The fact that the
    judges were biased became more obvious when they gave `interpretation'
    of the articles of the Georgian Constitution and the Aarhus Convention
    stating, that it does not matter when you (GA) got the information,
    before or after the decision was taken. The only thing that a matter is
    that at the end you (GA) got it.

    The court took the decision on dismissal of Green Alternative's
    complaint substantiating its decision by the argument that the rights of
    Green Alternative were not violated, since Green Alternative actively
    participated in the process and was provided with all necessary

    Green Alternative keeps right to apply to the Supreme Court of Georgia
    as well as to the Aarhus Convention compliance mechanism.

    For contacts:

    Manana Kochladze
    Nino Gujaraidze

    Visiting address: Rustaveli avenue. 1. Entrance I. Floor 4
    Mailing address: Chavchavadze 62, Tbilisi, Georgia, 380062
    Tel: 99532 93 24 03, 99 04 72
    Fax: 22 38 74
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Source; BTC Bulletin, March 26, 2004

    BTC Co has completed an incident investigation and lessons learned
    report following a fatal accident in Georgia on February 25, 2004. Two
    sub-contractors suffered electric shocks as they were undertaking work
    to put up warning posts either side of a railway equipped with overhead
    electrical power lines. One of the workers died from his injuries; the
    other is expected to make a full recovery. As a result of the
    investigation, BTC Co is reviewing its planning processes for such tasks
    with contractors. BTC Co deeply regrets the incident and has offered
    assistance to the victims' families.


    Source: Online Newspaper Baku Today News, February 28, 2004

    At a press conference in Astana, the President of the Kazakh Repubilc
    KazMunayGas Uzakbay Karabalin stated that Kazakhstan would probably join
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project,

    Mr. President said, that Kazakhistan government is likely to sign an
    agreement to confirm the government's decision. However, he said, Kazakh
    government needs studying legislation and tax differences between
    Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan first.

    According to him, 10 million tons of Kazakh oil could run via
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline.


    Source: News Agency AssA-Irada

    The Ministry of Environment sent a letter to the Kazakh government late
    in January to express its concerns over the pollution of the Kazakh
    section of the Caspian Sea with oil.

    The ministry told AssA-Irada that the letter sent from the Kazakh
    Ministry of Environmental Protection reads that oil spots were observed
    around some wells on a suspended onshore oil field while conducting
    researches in the Caspian Sea last December.

    The letter also reads that a special commission has been set up to stave
    off the oil pollution and review the polluted area.


    Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan AzerTag,
    March 1, 2004

    Internet-forum on the subject `Green plantations protection of the city
    of Baku' with the participation of the representative of the Ministry
    for Environment Fakhraddin Aliyev, specialist of the protection of
    entrails and flora section of Absheron-Baku regional ecological
    department (ABRD) was held at the American humanitarian organization

    Answering the questions of the representatives of NGOs and mass media,
    F. Aliyev noted that the major reason of cutting down of trees in Baku
    is newly erected buildings. Since January 2004, executive power
    interrupted agreement on allocation plots under construction with the
    Ministry of Environment. The last inventory of the green plantations of
    the capital was carried out in 2002, according to which, 1163 ha covers
    green plantations of Baku city. Unfortunately, the trees are planted
    without consent of the Ministry of Environment. Because of few annual
    precipitation in Baku, it is necessary to plant trees / Eldar pine,
    pistachio-tree, olive and others/ steady to drought, erosion of soils
    and winds F. Aliyev added.

    The Forum was organized on the initiative of the non-governmental
    independent information-public organization `In the name of us - Life.
    Alternative. Development'.


    Source: News Agency Interfax, March 2, 2004

    According to the information of the press service of BP-Azerbaijan, on
    February 28, 2004 a group of workers on one of the Azerbaijani sections
    of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline went on strike on Sunday to demand
    better wages and conditions

    "About 200 people out of 600 workers living in the construction camp
    near Kurdamir, 150 km west of Baku, halted work. For the most part these
    were drivers. They demanded better wages and better living conditions,"
    the source said.

    The company said that management from the company CCIC, the general
    contractor for the construction of the Azerbaijani section of the
    pipeline, held talks with workers and explained that they are ready to
    consider all demands, but only if they are fair and legally justified.

    "The CCIC representatives said that they may increase wages, but only in
    individual cases for workers, depending on the volume of work carried
    out. The average wage for workers in the camp is several times higher
    than the average wage in the country. As regards living conditions, the
    camp at Kurdamir has all the necessary modern conditions and there
    should be no complaints," the source said.

    The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project has already been hit by labor disputes -
    workers in Georgia also downed tools, demanding better wages.


    Source: News Agency Interfax, March 2, 2004

    On March 1, 2004 Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of
    Azerbaijan stated, that Azerbaijan has enough oil to keep the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline fully operational.

    "We have been saying that we are building the BTC to pump Azerbaijani
    oil. But we want oil from other countries to flow across Azerbaijan and
    the country to become a transit country," he said. Kazakhstan is also
    interested in alternative routes for exporting its oil, he said.

    "We already have two routes operational [Baku-Supsa and Baku-
    Novorossiysk], and a third one [BTC] is under construction. All of us
    understand the benefit of this," he said.

    Speaking of the possibility of the Caspian countries competing with
    OPEC, he said they could influence the world market only if new oil
    fields are discovered and oil production is increased.


    Source: News Agency Interfax, March 2, 2004

    Kazakhstan has confirmed its interest in the use of the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline currently being built as an alternative
    route for exporting Kazakh oil.

    "We understand the exclusive importance [of the pipeline] for both the
    foreign and domestic policy of Azerbaijan itself. It is very important
    for us as an alternative for exporting our energy resources to the
    foreign market. I am sure Kazakh oil will be sent via this pipeline,"
    Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said at a joint press conference
    with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Astana on March 1, 2004.

    At the initial phase of hydrocarbon production on the Kazakh shelf of
    the Caspian Sea, oil could be transported on tankers across the Caspian,
    Nazarbayev said.

    After production on Kazakhstan's shelf of the Caspian increases to 20
    million tones a year or more, "it would probably make sense to think
    about the pipeline," Nazarbayev said. "I believe this is a question for
    the future."

    "The main point of conflict" at the negotiating process concerning
    Kazakhstan's joining the pipeline project is in tariffs on the transit
    of Kazakh oil, in particular, through Georgia, he said.


    Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan AzerTag,
    March 3, 2004

    The non-governmental organization `Ecological stability' has long been
    engaged in environmental enlightenment of the Azerbaijan public. Ayten
    Poladova, the president of the NGOstated that the project being realized
    due to grants given by the World Bank and Open Society Institute was
    aimed at instilling love for nature in young generation. `We have been
    cooperating with Children's House N3 in Khatai district for several
    years, and established relations with the Ministry of Environment of the
    Republic. Results of our activity are reflected in the recently
    published `Ecology of Azerbaijan through Children's Eyes' containing
    children's opinions on environmental problems,' she said.


    Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan AzerTag,
    March 6, 2004

    Meeting of the representatives of the Secretariat of `State program for
    poverty reduction and economic development' functioning under the
    Ministry of Economic Development with the students and pedagogues was
    held at the State Economic University of Baku, on March 5, 2004.

    In his opening speech, acting rector Telman Huseynov, stated that
    poverty was one of the key problems, the countries face with. Main
    factor of poverty in CIS space is consequences arisen from transit to
    market economy.

    Expenditure of incomes received from realization of the new oil strategy
    for improvement of social situation of the citizens, first of all,
    refugees and IDPs, development of non-oil sector, reinforcement of state
    concern for entrepreneurship are important steps in that way.

    Arrangements undertaken in that field are `State program for poverty
    reduction and economic development' for 2003-2005s, and ` State program
    of social-economic development of the regions of Azerbaijan Republic'
    for 2004-2008s.

    Coordinator of the information project of Secretariat Sakit Huseynov,
    experts Yadulla Hasanov, Vafa Mutallimova, Amin Cherkezov dwelt on
    `State program for poverty reduction and economic development', on the
    work carried out in that way last year. They noted that 400
    arrangements, for realization of which 3 bln dollars requires are
    planned to implement in the frame of the program.


    Source: News Agency Interfax, March 9, 2004

    Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan will sign an intergovernmental agreement for
    the transportation of Kazakh oil through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    pipeline in 2004, Natik Aliyev, president of the State Oil Company of
    the Azerbaijani Republic (SOCAR), told journalists.

    "Talks on this issue, which began two years ago, are nearing completion
    and we will sign it. There is no reason for us to rush because the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline has not yet been launched and
    Kazakhstan has not yet got the volume of oil to transport through the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. We are trying to resolve all issues that
    may arise in the future," Aliyev said.

    He said that to fully regulate all issues it would be necessary to
    resolve a number of disputed areas. "Kazakhstan does not want to ratify
    the agreement in parliament. Investors are demanding ratification, so
    that this law does not change in the future, even if there are changes
    in legislation and new regulatory acts are passed for customs and
    taxes," he said.

    "I think that this issue can also be resolved. Investors will agree to
    an additional document, if the intergovernmental agreement is not
    ratified,' Aliyev said.

    He said that the working group for the preparation of the
    intergovernmental agreement would next meet in April.


    Source: News Agency Rosbalt, March 10, 2004

    Negotiations on an agreement between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan on
    Kazakhstan oil moving through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline are
    in the final stage, according to Natik Aliyev, president of the State
    Oil Company of Azerbaijan. Mr. Aliyev said the agreement would be signed
    sometime this year but would not be more specific. He said the date
    would depend on the intensity of the talks.

    Mr. Aliyev said the agreement would constitute the legal basis needed by
    investors. It will set out the details of tax; customs and trade
    arrangements connected to the movement of oil as well as specify the
    manner of resolving ecological problems. He said the agreement would be
    in line with existing treaties between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.


    Source: News Agency «Now», March 12, 2004

    Hussein Bagirov, the Minister of Environment of Azerbaijan, declared
    that the Ministry has toughened the control over the illegal logging in
    the country.

    According to the data of last year 2,379 cases of violation of the law
    on sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection
    were revealed. Due to these violations were imposed a penalty in amount
    of 578,451 thousand manats, out of which 190,054 thousand manats are
    already paid.

    During the last year were revealed 346 cases of violation of the law on
    conservation of the water resources. Penalties amount of 74,756 thousand
    manats were imposed according to this cases. Out of which 30,158 manats
    are already paid.


    Source: News Agency «Now», March 12, 2004

    Within the next few days will be ready the conclusion on the
    correspondence of the BP's activities with the standards of
    environmental security. The group of experts that are caring out this
    verification consists of specialists from BP and the Ministry of
    Environment of Azerbaijan. They are verifying the correspondence of the
    BP contracts with the legal regulations and requirements on
    environmental security. This verification is held due to the fact that
    the most significant damage to the environment is caused through the
    activities of the oil companies.

    Hitherto the Ministry of Environment has not preferred a charge against
    BP for the damage caused to environment and has not imposed a penalty.

    In view of the violations in the environmental field the court case is
    proceeding from the last year between the Ministry of Environment of
    Azerbaijan and `Salian Oil' oil company.

    According to the information of Mr. Hussein Bagirov, the Minister of
    Environment of Azerbaijan, Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal of the
    `Salian Oil'. In the nearest future should be held one more court case
    concerning the issue of the payment of the penalty, in amount of 500
    million manats.

    Among the big infringers bringing the most important damage to the
    environment is `Garadag-Cement'.

    Mr. Bagirov noted that during the last month due to the nonobservance of
    the environmental standards about 20 different companies were closed.


    Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan AzerTag,
    March 15, 2004

    The `International Tourist Exhibition 2004 arranged by the World Tourist
    Organization with the assistance of the German Ministry of Economy and
    Labor and the International Exhibition Center' gathered over 10 thousand
    travel agencies from 178 countries in Berlin.

    Each country has its separate exhibition section in the Berlin
    international Exhibition Center covering 170 hectares area. The
    Azerbaijan's exposition assembled under the supervision of the Ministry
    of Youth, Sports and Hotel `Grand Europa' at the 50 square meters hall
    Ή5 and greets the visitors with the words Welcome to Azerbaijan' on
    entrance. The exposition includes models and pictures of Azerbaijan's
    ancient cultural monuments, as well as modern Hotel complexes combined
    Western and Eastern architecture, photos of picturesque surroundings of
    the country, samples of national clothes, carpets etc. The visitors show
    interest in maps reflecting tourist opportunities, Great Silk Road,
    related booklets and brochures and other promotional materials.

    Head of the Azerbaijan delegation, Minister of Youth, Sports and Tourism
    Abulfaz Garayev addressing the opening ceremony updated local a foreign
    journalists on outlooks of tourism development in the country.

    Heads of delegations participating in the exhibition highly praised the
    exposition of Azerbaijan and stated they intended to sign cooperation
    agreements with Azerbaijan on tourists exchange.


    Source: News agency Rosbalt, March 15, 2004

    Construction of the Baku-Erzerum gas pipeline will be completed by the
    end of 2006, Azerbaijan President Ilkham Aliyev declared Friday at a
    leadership meeting of Azerbaijan's ruling party, Eni Azerbaijan,
    Rosbalt. learned at the party press office.

    The president said the line would make possible movement of Ajeri gas to
    Turkey and then to Europe. Aliyev also said the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    export oil pipeline would be in operation by the end of 2004. He said
    additional countries were now seeking to be linked to the pipeline, the
    press office said.

    According to expert figures, Azerbaijan will be producing approximately
    50 billion cubic meters of natural gas from its sector of the Caspian
    Sea by early 2007. The republic itself will need about 20% of this


    Source: REC, Electronic News, March 17, 2004

    On March 11, 2004 the Baku Branch of the Open Society Institute (OSI)
    organized workshop dedicated to the `Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline
    Monitoring Problems' in the meetings room of Hotel Europe.

    OSI to ensure further development of civil society plans to support
    public monitoring of construction and exploitation of the pipeline with
    a focus on environmental impact, social developments and human rights
    with the participation of stakeholders.

    Representatives of OSI, BP Company, Entrepreneurship Development
    Foundation, International NGO - Catholic Relief Services (CRS), National
    Coordinator of REC Caucasus Mountain Project as well as representatives
    of the leading NGOs of Azerbaijan attended the Workshop.

    The second part of the workshop was dedicated to the identification of
    the main aims and ways of the monitoring fulfillment. All these as well
    as the tools of networking with the oil companies were discussed during
    the round tables.


    Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan AzerTag,
    March 17, 2004

    Regular (13th) session of deputy foreign ministers of the Caspian
    littoral states commenced on March 16, 2004 in Baku.

    Discussed was the Draft of the Convention on legal status of the
    Caspian. The key goal of the arrangement is preparation for the session
    of foreign ministers of the Caspian coastal countries, due in April
    current year in Moscow.

    Opening the session, foreign minister of Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Vilayat
    Guliyev noted that Azerbaijan strives for quick definition of legal
    status of the Caspian, and expressed hope that in this time the sides
    would reach concrete decision.

    The sides mostly exchanged views on the issues that were not coordinated
    in the Draft of Convention.

    `We try that the Draft included much more items. Though the Caspian
    states agreed on the principle of mid-line, the discussions on
    definition and application of datum point are still going', deputy
    foreign minister of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov said.


    Source: Russian Information Agency Novosti, March 17, 2004

    At negotiations in Baku, half of the articles of the Convention on the
    Caspian Sea have been agreed on, Viktor Kalyuzhny, the leader of the
    Russian delegation at the session of the working group on the Caspian
    Sea, said on March 17, 2004.

    "Of the 22 articles of the convention, 11 have been fully agreed upon,"
    he said.

    "There are many unsolved issues in the remaining articles, and the
    delegations take a time out to coordinate positions with their leaders,"
    Mr. Kalyuzhny added.

    At this session the sides discussed the possibility of laying the oil
    and gas pipelines along the bottom of the Caspian Sea.

    Russia proposed that such projects be realized on the basis of consensus
    rather than unilaterally or bilaterally.

    Only Iran supported the proposal; the vote was 2-3 against Russia.

    Meanwhile, Mr. Kalyuzhny said that the opinion that the main source of
    problems was how to divide the Caspian Sea was erroneous.

    According to him, this issue is "certainly vitally important for the
    newly created states in the context of developing power engineering.
    However, the social aspect of Caspian Sea problems, including ecology
    and preservation of bio-resources is no less important."

    Mr. Kalyuzhny also pointed out that special attention should be paid to
    regional security issues, and, above all, to threats connected with
    terrorism and the drug business.

    Experts from all five Caspian states - Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan,
    Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan - took part in the talks.


    Source: News Paper "Dagestanskaia Pravda' The Truth of Dagestan'

    World Wild Fund (WWF) is initiating the establishment of the
    transboundary reserve on the territory of Azerbaijan, Georgia and

    WWF proposes to establish this reserve on the basis of `Tlaritinski'
    reserve (Dagestan). The issue was discussed in Sochi on the meeting of
    the employees of the reserves of Russia. The representatives of the
    Association of Reserves and National Parks of Caucasus also attended the

    The Azerbaijan environmentalists are supporting the initiative of the
    WWF. Elchin Sultanov, candidate of biological sciences in the interview
    with the newspaper `Echo', stated that the establishment of such kind of
    reserve would have a positive influence on the animals, living in this
    zone. According to the words of Mr. Sultanov, in the transboundary
    reserve animals would be protected from three sides - Russia, Azerbaijan
    and Georgia.

    Gulnaz Bagvanova, Head of the NGO `Environmental Journalists', considers
    that broadening of the territories of reserves is essential for the
    strengthening of the works in the field of environmental protection.
    This would toughened the control over the territory of the reserve,
    would promote the coordination f the efforts to protect the reserve, and
    monitor the borders, -- stated Gulnaz Bagvanova. According to her in the
    zone of transboundary reserve could be included Shakhdagski national


    Source: Armenian News Agency, Armenpress, February 27, 2004

    A major environmental project, launched in 2002 to rehabilitate Lake
    Gili has encountered a strong opposition from farmers of nearby Norakert
    village, who demand huge money compensations for the land that was
    privatized by them in early 90-s. The lake was situated in the
    southeastern part of Lake Sevan basin in the mouth of Masrik river. It
    was a wetland complex with surface of about 1,000 hectare and was known
    to be a nesting area for more than 100 species of migratory water birds.
    Lake Gilli also showed a number of endemic and very rare kinds of

    Thanks to its geographical position and unique microclimatic conditions,
    Lake Gilli has acquired international significance. This is also due to
    the scarcity of wetland habitats in Armenia. The majority of other large
    rivers, lakes, and ponds do not contain wetland vegetation and therefore
    do not provide good habitat for near-water birds and waterfowls that are
    present in Armenia, or using Armenia as a migratory path.

    In 1960, the government of the Soviet Republic of Armenia decided to
    drain the lake Gilli and turn its land into agricultural activities. The
    river Masrik, the water source of Lake Gilli, was redirected away from
    the lake. The result has been a drastic decrease in the lake's area and
    a severe impact to the associated biodiversity. However, while the
    wetland ecosystem took a serious blow, the lake could not be completely
    drained. The particular type of soil and a water table close to the
    surface helped to preserve some sections of this wetland and its
    associated biodiversity.

    The impact to local biodiversity took the form of first a drastic
    decrease in species and populations that followed the initial drastic
    change in the lake water level. But a less noticeable impact has been
    taking place along the years, since the preservation of some wetland
    areas has not stopped the gradual and steady erosion of the remaining

    Finally, in 1978, or eighteen years after the attempt to drain the lake,
    the Government of Armenia founded Sevan National Park and expressed its
    desire of restoring Lake Gilli thus providing a viable habitat for local
    rare and endemic species.

    While certain irreversible changes have taken place, there is a
    considerable potential for rehabilitation of significant existing
    biodiversity. This Medium Size Project aims to restore Lake Gilli, thus
    halting the degradation of the wetland and ensuring the protection of
    the existing endemic and rare species.

    The restoration would need to redirect the Masrik River back to Lake
    Gilli area, an objective that counts with the strong support of local

    The ministry says despite their previous accord to offer their own labor
    as an in-kind contribution to the restoration activities, locals have
    drastically changed their views, though their involvement in the project
    supposes community development sub-projects and establishment of small
    enterprises for production of milk, meat, flour, confectionary and stone
    dressing. The project was approved by international donor organizations
    and is financed by the Global Ecology Fund, UNDP, Armenian government
    and "Khazer" non-governmental organization with a budget of $1.


    Proposed amendments to the Armenian Freedom of Information (FOI) law
    threaten to undermine the right of access to information just five
    months after it was adopted. In a letter to the Armenian Parliament, the
    Open Society Justice Initiative on February 25, 2004 called for the
    amendments to be withdrawn and for a renewed commitment to implementing
    the existing FOI law.

    The amendments put forward by the Ministry of Justice provide greater
    scope for exemptions and classification of information by allowing other
    legislation to override the FOI law. They also reduce the information
    state bodies must make available automatically. In addition, they
    broaden the law to cover all private entrepreneurs, placing an undue and
    inappropriate burden on small businesses.

    "The proposed changes pose a serious threat to government transparency
    and anti-corruption initiatives in Armenia," said Helen Darbishire,
    Senior Program Manager at the Justice Initiative. "If adopted, the
    amendments would turn a decent law in line with international standards
    into a weak and ineffective piece of legislation."

    The Armenian Freedom of Information law was adopted in September 2003.
    Some of the more effective features of the current law would be lost if
    these amendments are introduced. Major changes include:

    ž Exemptions from the principle of public access would no longer be
    limited to those defined in the FOI law, but expanded to include those
    defined in any law.

    ž Current law prohibits refusal of information requests relating to
    environmental protection, public security or health. The amendments
    would allow refusal of such requests.

    ž The five-day time frame for disclosing information would be increased
    to 15 days.

    ž The "right to seek and get information from its owner" would be
    narrowed to a "right to seek information in a way that is not forbidden
    by the law" and "to get [information] from its owner in the ways and
    cases defined by the law."
    ž An appropriate transparency obligation on private bodies performing
    public functions would be expanded to burden all private entrepreneurs.

    ž State bodies would no longer have to make available significant
    categories of information, including the following: budget;
    environmental impact of activities; register of public information along
    with procedures for accessing it statistics on information enquiries
    under the FOI law, including grounds for refusal to provide information.

    For additional information, please contact:
    Helen Darbishire, Tel. + 1 917 361 5618
    Eszter Filippinyi, Tel. +361 327 3100 ext 2328

    Full text of the Open Letter available at:


    Source: Mediamax News Agency, March 4, 2004

    The US State Department will allocate more than 1m dollars to improve
    the level of the physical security of the Armenian Nuclear Power

    The deputy general-director of the plant, Musheg Shaginyan, stated that
    the financial assistance would be provided as part of the US Energy
    Department's activities to improve the security of all the nuclear power
    plants in post-Soviet republics.

    The funds provided by the American side will be channeled into the
    modernization of the physical security of the Armenian Nuclear Power
    Station in 2004-2005.

    The modernization of the physical security of the Armenian Nuclear Power
    Station aims to prevent possible terrorist acts and to protect the plant
    from external interference.


    Source: Association of Investigative Journalists of Armenia, March 5,

    "The toxic-waste dump containing 500 metric tons of insecticide, located
    east of the Vardashen-Verin Jrashen neighborhood in the district of
    Erebuni, is on the verge of collapse," says geologist R. Yadoyan.
    Yadoyan, who heads the geo-ecological laboratory of the Institute of
    Geology of the National Academy of Science, has come to the conclusion
    that "the horticultural zones, and the zones of the Vardashen and
    Erebuni communities, are threatened with destruction." His studies show
    that the toxic-waste dump is situated in an area of active landslide.
    The fissures and depressions here provide visual confirmation. In
    addition to natural causes, Yadoyan stipulates that the activation of
    the landslide has been caused by the utilization of the decrepit water
    pipes-part of the Voghjaberd irrigation pipeline that supplies the
    Dzoraghbiur summer cottages-that pass through this territory. "The
    pipeline passes through the upper part of the insecticide dump, and in
    an emergency, the water flows into the dump. That's what happened a few
    years ago," an irrigation network employee tells us.

    In 1972 the Soviet government outlawed the use of certain agricultural
    insecticides, and 500 metric tons of the prohibited substances were
    collected from villages and warehouses throughout Armenia. Among these
    were persistent organic pollutants that don't decompose for 30-40 years,
    and when they do, give rise to metabolites with the same toxic
    characteristics. In the 1970s, burial was considered the safest and most
    effective method of destroying insecticides. In 1982, by government
    decree, a concrete underground dump was built near the village of
    Bardzrashen in the Artashat region (today this territory lies within the
    limits of the Erebuni district of Yerevan). The dump was covered with
    clay to prevent the insecticides from seeping into the soil. "I was a
    child when they dug out a huge pit in the hillside, and then filled it
    up with bags of some toxic substance," Razmik from Jrashen recalls.

    The insecticides were thrown into the pit and covered with earth. The
    territory had fence and a guardhouse. In previous years, inspections
    were carried out periodically to prevent seepage. Because of the gradual
    landslide, topsoil has built up over the dump, which is now on the verge
    of collapse. There have been no inspections for 15 years. There is no
    guardhouse, and the fence is destroyed. This dangerous territory is
    completely open. In recent years, land in the area has been allocated
    for gardening. Houses have been built and people are living here. Many
    of them are unaware that they live next-door to a toxic dump, and they
    use the land as pasture.

    "In the human organism, any kind of persistent organic pollutants
    contribute to the development of malignant tumors. This is an emergency
    not only for those living in the neighborhood, since pollutants affect
    people through the air as well," says an employee of the Center for
    Control and Prevention of Epidemics, who didn't want to give us his
    name. Insecticides affect certain people's immune and nervous systems,
    causing lung and kidney problems. "Residents often get sick, mainly from
    nephritis, bronchitis, gout, and tuberculosis. In the summer, there are
    many cases of intestinal infections," says Zhanna Gevorgyan, a doctor
    for the Mushakan and Jrashen communities.

    In the 1980s, Doctor Henrik Hambardzumyan investigated the impact of
    insecticides on human health. His comparative analysis showed that
    residents of villages where insecticides had been used died mainly
    because of malignant tumors and diseases of the nervous and respiratory
    systems. Children were born underweight and showed signs of slowness in
    school. His studies proved that the majority of diseases in all age
    groups were directly related to the quantity of insecticides used. His
    was the only such study in Armenia. "If the dump collapses, the
    insecticides will flow into the territory of the summer cottages and the
    Vardashen Gorge, and will reach the center of Yerevan. When it rains,
    that's the direction the muddy water flows. They could also flow in the
    Getar River to Artashat," conjectures Vazgen, a resident of Mushakan.

    "When we saw prohibited insecticides in the store, we first thought that
    they had been taken from the dump. We later found out that the dump is
    closed, but is facing an emergency," says Lia Simonyan, a member of the
    NGO Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment. Back in 2001,
    the organization wrote to the Ministries of Agriculture and Ecology and
    the Yerevan Mayor's Office, warning that the neglected state of the dump
    posed a threat to the environment. "We couldn't do anything else. We
    thought that the state agencies would begin to worry and would take
    appropriate measures," adds the NGO chairman, Yelena Manvelyan. The
    ministries just made inquiries about whom the territory belonged to and
    who was responsible. They found out that it lies within the limits of
    the Erebuni district, but since the collapse of the Soviet Union, it
    doesn't belong to any department. The mayor's office claims that they
    forwarded the letter to the Department for Emergency Situations (DES),
    but the head of the DES Division on Prevention and Liquidation of the
    After-Effects of Emergencies, Ludwig Nazaryan, denies receiving it.
    Nazaryan told us that they had learned of the problem from a December
    2003 letter from the same NGO.

    In 2003, Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment recommenced
    the study of the toxic-waste dump. "We had Yadoyan's study at our
    disposal, and we tested the burial layer of soil within a 50-meter
    radius. We discovered that the concentration of insecticides in the soil
    is above the permissible limit. We again sent all this data to the
    ministries concerned and to the Department for Emergency Situations,"
    says Lia Simonyan. After the DES received yet another letter, this time
    from the Association of Investigative Journalists, it carried out
    preliminary testing. According to the deputy head of the department,
    Wilhelm Stepanyan, test results show that the landslide is located in
    the central part of the dump, and will eventually be activated.

    "We can't say anything definitive yet, since we have to do additional
    testing in the spring," Stepanyan says. After having received the
    opinions of two geologists stating that the dump is situated in the
    middle of a landslide, the DES writes in its letter to us, "There is no
    immediate threat to the site at present." A. Nazaryan, the head of the
    DES's Division of Technological Disasters assures us, "The underground
    dump cannot collapse since in the event of a landslide, it will sink
    further and will be covered by a wider layer of earth." Ludwig Nazaryan,
    also of the DES, believes that there is no need to take the studies on
    the presence of the insecticides in the soil seriously. "Seepage is
    impossible; there is no logic here," he explains. And the head of the
    Division of Technological Disasters argues that it is possible that some
    persistent insecticides that live for years were present before the
    toxic-waste dump was built.

    "We have carried out only preliminary investigations over a short period
    of time. We should wait until spring to conduct serious studies," Ludwig
    Nazaryan says. But ecologists and doctors are of a different opinion -
    the toxic-waste dump may collapse at any moment and cause an ecological


    Source: Armenian News Agency, Armenpress, March 9, 2004

    The Armenian government has ordered creation of an inter-agency body,
    tasked to make a thorough investigation and registration of all expired
    medications and pest-killers, circulated in health, agriculture and
    customs sectors and suggest mechanisms for their destruction.

    A spokesman for nature protection ministry stated that though Armenia
    has undersigned Stockholm and Rotterdam conventions on destruction of
    steady organic waste, however the use of pest-killers remains
    uncontrolled, as a result pest-killers manufactured still a decade and
    more ago are still on sale. According to the spokesman, Artsrun
    Pepanian, the existence of around 100 tons of expired medications is
    another major problem, which is to be addressed too.


    Source: A1plus News from Armenia, March 9, 2004

    In 2003 an agreement between Armenian Town Planning Ministry and
    European Union was signed on implementing an experimental management
    project of hard domestic waste in the settlements of Ararat and Vayotc
    Dzor Districts.

    As the employee of Town Planning Ministry informed, 1.3-1.5 million
    cubic meters of solid domestic waste are annually accumulated in Armenia
    and 20% of them in the rural areas.

    It is equivalent to 370-430 kg garbage per capita. The waste is
    transported and accumulated in the 60 trash dumps of Armenia and in the

    'I hope this process to be a model, which will be applied in the other
    districts, too. European Union finances the project and 3 international
    and 2 national experts work on it', Lia Sighurdt, the international
    councilor of Town Planning Ministry, says.

    European Union has allowed 150.000-160.000 Euros only for studies. The
    project was launched this January and will last for 5 months.

    P.S. CENN Armenia office would like to note that it is already taking
    part in discussions with the experts mentioned in this article and hopes
    to contribute to public awareness efforts to learn of the needs of local
    populations and to help raise their awareness about waste management and
    collection, and to contribute to the studies mentioned above for
    improvement of waste management infrastructure.

    For more details regarding this study, please contact:
    Ursula Kazarian
    [email protected].

    March 16, 2004
    Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
    2225 R Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20008
    Tel: 202-319-1976, x. 348; Fax: 202-319-2982
    Email: [email protected]; Web:

    On March 16, 2004, Armenian Ambassador to the U.S., Dr. Arman
    Kirakossian visited the National Geographic Society where he met with
    Mr. John Fahey, President and CEO of the National Geographic Society and
    other executives of the NGS and the National Geographic Magazine. On
    behalf of the Government, Ambassador Kirakossian expressed satisfaction
    with the article "The Rebirth of Armenia" that appeared in the March
    2004 issue of the National Geographic Magazine and generated great
    interest towards Armenia in the United States.

    Ambassador Kirakossian presented issues relating to modern Armenia's
    history, culture, and traditions. Issues related to travel and tourism
    in Armenia was also discussed during the meeting.


    Source: Arminfo News Agency, March 23, 2004

    Tourism was declared a priority in Armenia in 2001 when the country was
    celebrating the 1,700 anniversary of its proclaiming Christianity as a
    state religion. In the following years the number of foreign visitors to
    Armenia grew by 92%. In January 2001 the governments of US and Armenia
    set up the Armenian Tourism Development Agency (ATDA). In September 2001
    sponsored by the International Executive Service Corps, ATDA opened
    "ARMENIANInformation" the first information center in the South
    Caucasus. Armenia possesses vast cultural and historical treasures but
    they can hardly make the country a tourist attraction unless given an
    appropriate information frame. Experts say that to become a developed
    tourist country Armenia needs strong information backing. It's here that
    Armenia's second priority, information technologies, come in helpful.

    Angela Sax, ATDA Deputy Executive Director, stated that the key
    objective of the agency is to present Armenia abroad and to shape its
    image of a developed tourist country. They work in three directions:
    first, to get involved and to involve other tourism companies in
    international exhibitions; second, to actively cooperate with foreign
    journalists and tour operators; and third, to arrange various events,
    like the Kenats festival, and to ensure their broad coverage in the
    foreign mass media.

    Information Technologies are simply indispensable for Armenia, a country
    almost unknown by the world, `I mean on the tourism side,' added Angela
    Sax. Internet has long become a part of lifestyle abroad. People even
    grasp the information easier when it is presented electronically. That's
    why internet-promotion is so important for shaping the country's image.

    Quite recently was opened a web site by this agency complying with all
    the modern standards. The development of the new web-portal: was sponsored by USAID and with technical
    assistance by International Executive Service Corps (IESC) and TIB,
    Armenian software Development Company.

    The portal presents Armenia's sights, cultural and historical values,
    national parks, and art galleries. All this content will make tours
    unforgettable. From interactive maps of cultural landmarks to a
    comprehensive and easily accessible database of tour agents, hotels,
    restaurants, travel agencies and so much more, the ATDA portal has
    become the web's one-stop, on-line, Armenian tourism venue.

    `Today we enjoy wide contacts abroad established mainly through
    international exhibitions. The first question we are always asked is
    whether we have a web site. Quite natural as in five minutes we cannot
    tell everything about ATDA and Armenia while those concerned want to
    know the most of the country they are going to visit. Nowadays,
    Information Technologies are the most effective and the cheapest way to
    disseminate information and to keep in touch with people,' stated Angela


    On March 21, 2004 in a message marking the 10th anniversary of the UN
    Framework Convention on Climate Change, which has entered into force in
    March 2004, Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of the UN Environment
    Program (UNEP) noted that fighting climate change makes economic sense
    in the long run because using energy more efficiently will ultimately
    produce enormous financial and green benefits. The re-insurance agents
    last year estimated that the cost of climate-related disasters reached
    $65 billion.

    Mr. Toepfer called on governments, businesses and citizens to show
    `imagination, vision and, above all, courage' to harness new
    technologies that can use energy more efficiently and cause less damage
    to the environment.

    The high representative of the UNEP also urged countries to ratify the
    treaty's Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
    to earlier levels. The Protocol, which sets legally binding targets and
    timetables for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, will enter
    into force after it is ratified by at least 55 countries. Although the
    Protocol has 121 parties, including the European Community, the vast
    majority are developing countries and it has not entered into force.
    Most of the industrialized countries have not yet ratified the Protocol.

    6. NGO NEWS

    The Healthy Planet Forum is inviting NGOs and other groups to comment on
    a draft Civil Society Statement that will be issued parallel to the
    Budapest Declaration. Representatives of the European Eco-Forum and the
    European Public Health Alliance have compiled it. Comments can be posted
    on the Healthy Planet Forum website, and will be integrated by the
    drafting committee, and form part of the political activities of the
    Forum in Budapest. The NGO Brussels Statement and Conference Report is
    also on the website
    See: and


    Source: State Telegraph Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AzerTag,
    March 24, 2004

    Ecological NGO ` Pilgrim' jointly with initiative group `Caspian
    Atlantida' elaborate projects on tourist routes to the islands of Baku
    and Absheron archipelagos.

    Nature of islands rich in monuments of nature, such as mud volcano will
    undoubtedly attract tourists, stated Yury Valuyev head of `Pilgrim'.

    For today, members of this organization work out a project on
    preparation of the attendants for tourist objects located on mountainous
    regions of the country.


    Non-governmental organization `Sun and Earth' through its activities
    supports development of the sustainable development in Georgia. The NGO
    supports promotion of alternative energy, particularly solar energy. The
    evidences of this are ten accomplished practical projects.

    At the end of the last year NGO implemented original project `Solar
    village'. This is the first solar village in Georgia. Though little, but
    the first village solar village in country, only seven householders live
    in this village.

    The project sponsors are Josefina Andorferer, the Austrian citizen, in
    love with Georgia and the international NGO `MADI'.

    The beautiful village Ukanapshavi, is situated 1750 meters above

    Out of the sixty families of village for today only seven families are
    stayed in the district. Since the people are deprived of almost all the
    fundamental living conditions, -- lighting, the last bus station is
    located in 16 kilometers form the village.

    According to the project in each family was installed micro electric
    power station with the 35 watt. In the quarters were installed and
    repaired electric wiring and lamps, were distributed radio sets and
    lanterns, chargeable with solar energy.

    For today in the village has its television. Solar station with power of
    250 watt was installed in the center of the village, together with the
    satellite antenna, as well as TV for public use.

    This project demonstrates that implementation of such kind of projects
    in the different mountain areas of Georgia would support development of
    the region and improvement of living conditions.

    "NGO - Sun and Earth"
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The First Regional Meeting on Education for Sustainable Development
    (ESD) took place on February 19-20, 2004 in Geneva, following the
    decisions taken by the 10th session of the Committee on Environmental
    Policy (CEP-10, October 2003).

    Documents for the meeting in English and Russian can be found at: (click at Education for Sustainable Development
    and go to 'First regional meeting on ESD')


    Source: The World Conservation Union Web Page, March 1, 2004

    The IUCN Commission on Environmental Law will be hosting forum on the
    role of the judiciary and the rule of law on 17 November 2004 as part of
    the 3rd IUCN World Conservation Congress (WCC) in Bangkok. The forum
    will include a wide range of speakers, including many judges from around
    the world. The intention is to draw wide attention to the crucial role
    of the judiciary in the field of environmental law and the need for
    national States to support judicial capacity building programs, judicial
    independence and integrity. The Commission on Environmental Law
    Specialist Group on the Judiciary met from 15 to 18 February at Pace
    University School of Law in White Plains, New York at which the forum
    was endorsed. Among the many topics discussed was the planning for the
    North American Regional Judges Conference on Environmental Law scheduled
    for late November/early December 2004 in New York.


    The production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), as well
    as trade in these substances must be phased out and health and
    environment put first. This was the message Parliament sent on February
    26, 2004 when adopting a first reading compromise to a proposed
    regulation on POPs. The MEPs tighten up the measures the Commission is
    proposing the EU should take to comply with the global Stockholm
    Convention on POPs, signed in May 2001. The political compromise was
    reached with the Council after the Parliament's Committee on Environment
    adopted a report by Pernille FRAHM (EUL/NGL, DK) in the middle of

    By adopting the compromise in first reading of co decision the
    Parliament ensures that the regulation enters into force soon. In the
    compromise negotiations the MEPs were able to tighten the regulation and
    have a certain POP, HCH (including lindane) prohibited by the end of
    2007 at the latest. Parliament established as well detailed provisions
    regarding waste containing or contaminated by any of these pollutants.
    It specified the regulation by saying that disposal or recovery
    operations that may lead to recycling or re-use of the pollutants shall
    be prohibited. On the other hand the Parliament gave the Member States
    more freedom to waste disposal in exceptional cases. One amendment
    obliges the Member States, when preparing their national implementation
    plans, to give the public early and effective opportunities to
    participate in the process.

    The POP best known to the average citizen is DDT. Others include aldrin,
    chlordane, hexachlorobenzene, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex,
    toxaphene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), chlordecone,
    hexabromobiphenyl, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans

    Press enquiries:
    Leena Maria Linnus - tel. (32-2) 284 2825
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Source: News Agency Interfax, March 9, 2004

    Turkish state pipeline company BOTAS plans to complete the Turkish
    section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline on time.

    According to the information of Botas head office in Ankara, "The
    Turkish side is able to build its section of the Baku-Tbilisi- Erzurum
    pipeline on time, so gas supplies from the Shah Deniz field will begin
    in 2006-2007, as expected".

    Participants in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project said earlier that bad
    weather in Turkey is delaying construction work on the Turkish section
    of that pipeline.

    As a result, experts said that the construction delays may push back the
    launch date for the pipeline, which would in turn lead to delays for the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline. The two pipelines are being built in one
    corridor, using the same construction resources. Therefore, construction
    of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline can only begin once the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan is completed.

    The BOTAS source said that "at the moment research work is continuing
    for the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline project and no deviation from
    schedule is expected."

    According to plan, the capacity of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum, which
    stretches 225 km in Turkey, will amount to 30 billion cubic meters per

    Reserves at the Shah Deniz field are estimated at 625 bcm of gas and 101
    million tones of gas condensate.

    Shareholders in the project to develop the Shah Deniz field include BP -
    25.5%, Statoil - 25.5%, LUKAgip - 10%, TotalFinaElf - 10%, SOCAR - 10%,
    National Iranian Oil Company - 10% and TPAO - 9%.


    Source: The World Conservation Union Web Page, March 1, 2004

    The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law yesterday signed a publishing
    agreement with the Syndicate of the Press of the University of
    Cambridge, to publish the research works of the IUCN Academy of
    Environmental Law. Prof. Nicholas A. Robinson, Chair of the IUCN
    Commission of Environmental Law, signed on behalf of the IUCN Academy of
    Environmental Law, with John Berger representing the Cambridge
    University Press, at the Pace University School of Law Center for
    Environmental Legal Studies. "Cambridge University Press has an
    outstanding set of publications in the field of environmental law," said
    Prof. Robinson at the signing ceremony. The IUCN Academy's first
    volumes, which Cambridge expects to publish in October of 2004, will be
    results of the Academy's pioneering research into the Law of Energy for
    Sustainable Development. These works were peer reviewed and presented at
    the 1st Colloquium of the Academy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, in
    Shanghai, China, on 4-8 November 2003.


    First meeting of the UN ECE Working Group on Pollutant Release and
    Transfer Registers (PRTR) took place in Geneva, February 16-18, 2004. It
    was attended by delegations from the 28 Governments, the Commission of
    the European Community, representatives of UNITAR, UNEP, OECD, REC CEE,
    and Globe Europe.

    The meeting of the UN ECE PRTR Working Group started on February 16,
    2004. Mr. Kaj Barlund, Director of the UN ECE Environment and Human
    Settlements Division, opened it. He emphasized that while the process of
    negotiating the Protocol had been difficult, the end result was a major
    achievement: the adoption of the Protocol in Kiev represented a step
    forward in international environmental law which would eventually bring
    transparency and shed light on polluting activities.

    ECO-Forum made three interventions related to Item 3 of the Agenda on
    Relevant developments and activities since the adoption of the PRTR
    Protocol. The role of NGOs and expected activities on PRTR in countries
    were emphasized. ECO-Forum Brochure "Your Right to Know About Sources of
    Pollution ", which is a brief introduction to the Protocol, was
    presented. It was pointed out that the booklet is a guide to PRTR and
    explains some of the concepts on the use of data.

    Special attention at the meeting was given to Agenda Item 4: National
    preparations for ratification and implementation of the Protocol. All
    EECCA countries participating in the meeting indicated the need for
    capacity building, awareness raising and financial support. These three
    issues became the main topics of all EECCA presentations made by
    Armenia, Belarus and Uzbekistan. Armenia also mentioned the need to
    elaborate guidance on diffuse sources indicating that transport will be
    the only diffuse source in this country. The need to elaborate
    methodological guidance to the Protocol was indicated as well as the
    necessity to harmonize methodology for reporting. The importance to
    strengthen cooperation between NGOs and regulators was emphasized by all
    EECCA delegations.

    The European Commission presented its plan to extend EPER (European
    Pollution Emission Register) into European PRTR. The EC will be in a
    position to ratify the Protocol by 2006 and the first reporting under
    European PRTR will be 2007.

    Several countries indicated that ratification on the national level in
    these countries would follow the process of the European Community. But
    most of the delegations were not in a position to indicate even an
    approximate date of the ratification or accession to the Protocol.

    Discussion on Item 5 of the Agenda (capacity building) was very
    fruitful. Presentations were made by the Secretariat that presented an
    informal paper on the needs and prospects for capacity building,
    technical support and information exchange in PRTR development.
    Presentations were also made by UNEP, UNITAR, REC CEE. They reported on
    capacity building projects that they carried out or were in the process
    of carrying out.

    The last part of the second day was devoted to the format of the
    suggested Guidance document. The latest version of the possible format
    as the Working Group and additional information on the outcomes of the
    official meeting agreed it could be obtained from the Secretariat:

    Mr. Michael Stanley-Jones
    Aarhus Convention
    Environment and Human Settlements Division
    E-mail: [email protected]

    The text of the ECO-Forum Declaration on Necessary Steps for Improving
    Public Participation in the Implementation of Kiev Protocol on PRTR can
    be obtained from:

    Mary Taylor, Friends of the Earth, UK, [email protected]
    Olga Speranskaya, Eco-Accord, Russia, [email protected]
    Ondrej Velek, Environmental Partnership, Czech Rep., [email protected]


    The UNEP Tunza Youth Meeting in preparation for Budapest Ministerial
    Conference on Environment and Health took place in Soesterberg, the
    Netherlands, on March 13-14, 2004. UNEP Regional Office for Europe and
    ANPED - the Northern Alliance for Sustainability, organized the meeting.

    The young people had an opportunity to explore the links between health
    and environment and to share experiences of youth activities in this
    area. They also discussed the main documents of the Budapest conference,
    i.e. the Children Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe with the
    Table of Actions, and the Ministerial Declaration. The young people
    stressed the lack of legally binding commitments and ambition in
    preparation to the Budapest conference and the lack of political will to
    implement previously agreed commitments.

    They have called for priority attention by governments to such issues

    § Food Security and Quality, including the moratorium on GMOs;
    § Air Pollution, including mainstreaming of alternative forms of clean
    and sustainable transportation;
    § Waste, including reduction of waste production through more
    sustainable lifestyles, and the prohibition of export of nuclear waste;
    § Access to clean water;
    § Tobacco control, including ban of all tobacco advertisement.

    Noting that youth was invited too late to contribute to the Budapest
    preparatory process, young people developed a set of specific actions to
    involve youth in the follow-up to the Budapest conference. In
    particular, the youth requested that young people are involved in the
    process of creating national children environment and health action
    plans and in the implementation of the Table of actions. They have also
    stressed the need for funding to be made available to support youth lead
    initiates on environment and health.

    The Soesterberg meeting gave an impulse to the preparatory process of
    young people to Budapest conference. The participants agreed to work
    further for providing a meaningful and effective input to Budapest-2004
    and its follow-up, as well as for strengthening and expanding the
    European Tunza Youth Network. All interested young people are invited to

    For more information and the text of 'Soesterberg Youth Statement for
    Budapest Conference' contact:
    Tomislav Tomasevic
    UNEP Youth Advisor for Europe
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Source: Water Digest of Eco-Accord and ECO-Forum's EAP IssueGroup,

    On February 26-27, 2004 Moscow hosted the second High Level Meeting on
    EU Water Initiative, the component on Eastern Europe, Caucasus and
    Central Asia. The participants discussed "building blocks" submitted by
    governments, international organizations and stakeholders (see building
    blocks at

    After the First High Level Meeting (Moscow, 5-6 March 2003), some 270
    building blocks were submitted. Around 15% of blocks refer to Central
    Asia, 13% - to the Caucasus, 31% - to Russia and 19% - to Belarus,
    Ukraine and Moldova.

    NGOs prepared two presentations for the second High-Level Meeting.
    Eco-Accord (Russia) presented the Review of Building Blocks Submitted by
    Citizens' Organizations (see The Review
    stresses the lack of participation of citizens' organizations of Central
    Asia and the Caucasus in submission of building blocks. It also notes
    that a limited number of organizations from other EECCA countries
    participated in submission of building blocks. The Review describes
    typical topics of building blocks of citizens' organizations: raising
    awareness, public participation, and capacity building; activities in
    specific basins; large-scale works and research; access to safe drinking

    At the special session on awareness and education in water issues, NGO
    "Ecoline" (Belarus) presented the outcomes of an independent survey (see
    report at
    Representatives of NGOs from 11 countries took part in the survey. The
    survey describes the existing level of public awareness and education in
    water issues as insufficient in all EECCA countries.

    The issue of financing was a key topic at the meeting. The outcomes of a
    Donor Survey showed the tendency of decreasing donor assistance (-17%).
    However representatives of Western countries stressed that this picture
    was not adequate since many countries had not decided yet on the figures
    of assistance and projects to be financed. The participants had an
    opportunity to see a presentation of the Regional TACIS Program where
    the European Commission allocated 35 mln. Euro for water projects in

    The participants discussed the results of the survey on the state of
    preparedness of Integrated Water Resource Management plans in EECCA
    countries. All countries should develop such plans by 2005, in
    accordance with the outcomes of Johannesburg Summit. The main conclusion
    of this survey implemented by the Global Water Partnership and Denmark)
    is that IWRM is not a priority for policy and practice of governance and
    development in EECCA countries. Another report, prepared by COWI, shows
    that achieving by 2015 the MDG target on water and the target on
    sanitation in EECCA countries would require 5-14 bln. Euro (for water
    target) and 2-7 bln. Euro (for sanitation target). During the discussion
    of financial issues, it was several times highlighted that the main part
    of funding should come from the EECCA countries themselves. The meeting
    also discussed the development of effective finance strategies, aimed to
    ensure efficient use of domestic resources, to mobilize additional
    resources and to introduce/improve strategic planning.

    S.K. Jain , National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, Uttaranchal, India

    V.P. Singh , Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
    Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA

    This book is divided into four parts. The first part, Preliminaries,
    begins by introducing the basic theme of the book. It provides an
    overview of the current status of water resources utilization, the
    likely scenario of future demands, and advantages and disadvantages of
    systems techniques. An understanding of how the hydrological data are
    measured and processed is important before undertaking any analysis. The
    discussion is extended to emerging techniques, such as Remote Sensing,
    GIS, Artificial Neural Networks, and Expert Systems. The statistical
    tools for data analysis including commonly used probability
    distributions, parameter estimation, regression and correlation,
    frequency analysis, and time-series analysis are discussed in a separate

    Part 2 Decision Making, is a bouquet of techniques organized in 4
    chapters. After discussing optimization and simulation, the techniques
    of economic analysis are covered.

    Part 3 deals with Water Resources Planning and Development. This part
    discusses the concepts of planning, the planning process, integrated
    planning, public involvement, and reservoir sizing.

    The last part focuses on Systems Operation and Management. After a
    resource is developed, it is essential to manage it in the best possible
    way. Many dams around the world are losing some storage capacity every
    year due to sedimentation and therefore, the assessment and management
    of reservoir sedimentation is described in details. No analysis of water
    resources systems is complete without consideration of water quality. A
    river basin is the natural unit in which water occurs. The final chapter
    discusses various issues related to holistic management of a river

    For the more detailed information please visit:

    By Felix Dodds with Michael Strauss

    Organizations spend considerable resources taking staff to international
    meetings, often without understanding how these meetings work.

    § How to Lobby at Intergovernmental Meetings is a unique guide on how to
    participate and be heard at intergovernmental meetings, whether as a
    stakeholder or a government official.
    § Based on 10 years of lobbying at the international level this book
    provides detailed advice on the preparation and presentation of ideas,
    the consultation and negotiating process, and practical and logistical

    It contains a wealth of essential reference material including tips for
    navigating the intergovernmental hot spots of New York and Geneva, lists
    of UN Commissions, conferences and permanent missions, contact details
    of key international organizations, NGOs and stakeholder groups and
    useful web addresses.

    If you have never lobbied or just want to have a better understanding of
    how the intergovernmental governance process works, this book is the
    essential resource to make your work much easier.

    For more details on this publication and to order your copy, please fill
    out the attached order form and send to:
    Email: [email protected]
    Fax: +44 (0) 20 7089 4310
    Web site:


    29 June - 7 July 2004
    Mass Media Center
    School of Journalism, St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg,

    The Mass Media Center of the School (Faculty) of Journalism at St.
    Petersburg State University (SPbGU) is inviting journalists, scholars,
    educators, students, and communication specialists from around the world
    to take part in the Ninth Annual International Journalism Summer School,
    beginning June 29. This is the excellent opportunity to widen the view
    on media studies studying Russian media and journalism in the political,
    social, economic, legal, ethnic and cultural perspective.

    Leading university professors and professional journalists will lead
    this course, which will include lectures and practical workshops devoted
    to several issues, questions and problems related to the development of
    the Mass Media. The main subject of the Ninth Summer will be "Modern
    Media Management and Marketing". Participants will have the opportunity
    to discuss this topic with professional journalists during the site
    visits to media outlets as well as during a roundtable scheduled for
    July 7. The best faculty and staff of the School of Journalism at
    St.Petersburg State University and experienced professionals give
    courses from a wide variety of St.Petersburg Media.

    Working languages: English and Russian. The program will be conducted in
    Russian, with English interpretation.

    Registration deadline: June 1, 2004.

    For more information, including application materials, contact the Mass
    Media Center of the SPbGU Journalism School at:
    1-aya Liniya V.O. Dom 26, Office 606. 199004. St. Petersburg, Russia.
    Telephone / Fax: (7-812) 323-00-67, 321-01-72.
    E-Mail: [email protected]
    Web site: and

    Contact person:
    Dmitry A. Ruschin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of the
    International Journalism Summer School and Winter School on Public
    Relations at St.Petersburg State University
    E-Mail: [email protected].


    OECD Forum 2004 "Health of Nations" will tackle some of the key issues
    on the international policy agenda, such as the health of the global
    economy, the health of multilateral co-operation and the health of our
    citizens. The Forum will take place in Paris on May 12-13, 2004. The
    Forum will cover the following issues:

    § World economy;
    § International trade and investment;
    § Sustainable development;
    § Health policy challenges.

    The Forum is a multi-stakeholder summit, which brings together leaders
    from business, government, labor and civil society, and takes place at
    the same time as the annual OECD Ministerial meeting. It involves the
    participation of an important number of OECD and non-OECD Ministers.

    Registration and more information at:,2865,en_21571361_22024020_1_1_1_1_1,00.html

    ************************************************** *************************

    Subscribing Information

    This CENN lists are created to maintain e-mail discussions of Caucasus
    Environmental NGO Network members. By sending the letter on address
    [email protected], all subscribers will receive it.

    To subscribe or unsubscribe from CENN mailing list service, please send
    an email message to [email protected] and places the subscribe or
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    if a mailing list called CENN, one would subscribe or unsubscribe by
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    blank. For more information, please visit CENN web page at:

    CENN, on behalf of the Caucasus Environmental NGOs, would like to
    express gratitude to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
    (SDC) for provision of financial support for regional environmental
    networking program.

    For more information about the program, please visit CENN web-page:
    ************************************************** *************************

    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

    E-mail: [email protected]

    ************************************************** *************************

    Editorial policy: CENN both solicits and accepts submissions for
    environmental information to the Caucasus Environmental News Bulletin.
    Although, CENN retains the right to edit all materials both for content
    and length. The information provided for the Bulletin does not
    necessarily represent the opinion of CENN and SDC.

    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

    Tel: ++995 32 92 39 46
    Fax: ++995 32 92 39 47
    E-mail: [email protected]