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Newsletter from, date: 02-03-2004 to 10-03-2004

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  • Newsletter from, date: 02-03-2004 to 10-03-2004

    [09-03-2004 'Armenia-Azerbaijan']
    ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
    Source : Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter (Armenia)

    On March 9, 2004 4 public organizations of Armenia - Yerevan Press
    Club, Helsinki Committee of Armenia, Civil Society Institute and
    Caucasian Center of Peace Initiatives - disseminated a joint statement
    on the assassination of Armenian officer Gurgen Margarian by his
    Azerbaijani colleague in Budapest.

    `We, similarly to all our compatriots, were greatly shattered by the
    barbarous murder of Armenia officer Gurgen Margarian by Azerbaijani
    peer Ramil Safarov. The tragic incident in Budapest provoke numerous
    thoughts: about the hate incitement towards Armenian in Azerbaijan
    that forms the moral and psychological ground for such crimes as well
    as about the connivance of certain international structures to the
    destructive policy in Baku, narrowing down the prospects of dialogue
    with Armenia.

    At the same time the irresponsible statements by several Armenian
    political and public figures, the publications in media during the
    recent days cannot but cause our serious concern. In particular, the
    Chairman of the Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs of the RA
    National Assembly Airmen Rustamian, during the commemoration action
    for victims of Sumgait pogroms and the head of the Parliament faction
    of Republican Party Galust Sahakian during a briefing at NA on March
    4, speaking about the assassin of Gurgen Margarian indulged into
    unacceptable generalizations to the address of Azerbaijan nation as

    These statements by politicians of such a high rank, representing a
    governing political coalition, are all the more unacceptable since
    they can be qualified as an official position of ours state, can
    create new obstacles for the negotiations on the peaceful resolution
    of Karabagh conflict and the normalization of relations between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    The artificial intensification of anti-Armenian sentiment in
    Azerbaijan and its consequences are to be most strongly criticized,
    but they can in no way become a justification for dissemination of
    racist and chauvinist ideas, alien to our society.

    However hard are our experiences related to Budapest tragedy, we call
    to display political reticence and hope that common sense and
    democratic values will remain guiding for our country', the statement
    of the Armenian NGOs says.

    [08-03-2004 'Region']
    Source : "Turkish Daily News" newspaper (Turkey)

    U.S. Department of State senior Turkey desk officer Larry Silverman
    said Turkey's European Union membership was one of greatest priorities
    of the U.S. administration.

    Speaking at a meeting of the American-Turkish Association of
    Washington DC (ATA-DC), Silverman said Turkey is expecting a blunt,
    not a conditional, "yes" at the EU summit scheduled for December 2004
    and added that recent signals from the EU reflected an inclination in
    that direction. Silverman noted that Turkey played a key role in
    policies on a wide range of issues regarding energy, terrorism,
    economic development, human rights, the Middle East, Central Asia and
    the Caucasus and said, "Turkey's success is of special importance to
    the whole world."

    Silverman also praised recent reforms in Turkey, saying, "Turkey has
    realized such reforms that it has even gone further than us on some
    issues. For instance, if we wanted to join the EU, we wouldn't be able
    to do that because we have the death penalty in our laws. However,
    Turkey has abolished the death penalty as part of the reforms its
    Parliament has passed."

    He said Turkey had passed these reforms since they were to the
    advantage of the country rather than for the purpose of joining the

    Turkey's Parliament has recently legislated a series of democratic
    reforms including limiting the power of the military, abolishing the
    death penalty and granting greater rights to its Kurdish citizens and
    it is expecting to get a go-ahead from the EU in December.

    [05-03-2004 'Armenia-Azerbaijan']
    Source : "Echo" newspaper (Azerbaijan)
    Author: T. Tushiev

    For conducting international chess tournament on the occupied
    territory of Azerbaijan and will convene its extraordinary
    presidential council in Baku

    "In case of Armenia's conducting international chess tournament on the
    territory of Mountainous Karabagh, World Chess Federation (FIDE) will
    certainly apply sanctions against this country. The type of the
    sanctions to be applied will be determined by us in the near future',
    FIDE Vice-president, Co-chairman of Georgian Chess Federation, Zurab
    Azmayparashvilli stated in his exclusive interview to `Echo'
    commenting on the plans by the Armenian side to conduct a sport event
    on the occupied territory. In his opinion, if the international
    tournament in Khankendi nevertheless takes place, FIDE will accept the
    suggestion of the Azerbaijani side `about conducting in Baku FIDE
    extraordinary presidential council whose agenda will include the issue
    of preventing similar incidents'.

    Previously, our newspaper already reported that according to the
    information provided by Armenian media, `Mountainous Karabagh (MKR)
    government' and President of Yerevan Chess Academy, Smbat Lputian
    intend to conduct in Khankendi international tournament of 13-degree
    complexity devoted to 75th anniversary of Tigran Petrosian, 9-times
    world champion. Initially it was reported that the participation of
    strongest chess players from a number of countries is planned. Later
    it became known that chess players from Georgia, Iran, Switzerland and
    Latvia really intend to participate in the Khankendi event. The
    organizers of the competition also invited as a commenter 10-times
    world champion, Boris Spassky who in 1996 deprived the Armenian gross
    master of the universe best chess player title. At present Spassky
    lives and works in France.

    `I found out about possible conducting of the tournament only on March
    3', Azmayparashvilli says, `I was extremely interested in this
    information since organizing an international tournament on the
    occupied territory of Azerbaijan cannot be accepted by FIDE, and the
    latter will not consider this competition as an international
    tournament. We have already informed FIDE President Kirsan
    Ilyumjinov. I am sure heads of the federation are unanimous with the
    position of Azerbaijani side'.

    FIDE Vice-president stated that international federation never
    interfered in politics, `since all chess players should always be
    beyond politics'. Each national federation has a right to conduct a
    competition on the territory of its own state. In the current
    situation, Azerbaijan has not informed FIDE about conducting a
    tournament on its territory, whereas it is common knowledge that
    Mountainous Karabagh is an integral part of Azerbaijan'.

    Azmayparashvilli stated that FIDE is really concerned over possible
    organization of a tournament. `At present we are clarifying the
    details. On March 3 representatives of the Armenian Federation tried
    to contact me. Today (yesterday - T. T.) I will try to contact them to
    make clear the position of FIDE on this issue. Certainly, we cannot
    prohibit Mountainous Karabagh to conduct any competitions on its
    territory but these events cannot be granted international status'.

    According to Azmayparashvilli, in case of conducting the tournament,
    FIDE will not accept the results of this competition, that is, the
    tournament participants will not be able to get rating scores. It
    means that their participation in the tournament will prove
    useless. `If Armenia's participation in organizing the tournament is
    confirmed, FIDE will immediately apply sanctions against this

    FIDE Vice-president also commented on possible participation of
    Georgian chess players in the Khankendi tournament, in particular one
    of the strongest young chess players of Georgia, Bakhadura Jobava. `He
    is a young chess player, absolutely far from politics and does not
    have any idea of the current political situation in the region', Zurab
    Azmayparashvilli holds, `When heads of Georgian Chess Federation were
    notified of his participation, we immediately contacted the chess
    player and strongly recommended not to visit Khankendi. Otherwise, the
    Georgian Federation promised to apply sanctions against him. I think
    Jovaba will make the right decision'.

    In his turn, President of Azerbaijani Chess Federation, Milli Mejlis
    deputy Aynur Sofieva noted to `Echo' that our country has already
    taken certain measures on preventing organization of this
    competition. `Today (yesterday - T.T.) we sent out notes of protest to
    chess federations of those countries whose sportsmen intend to
    participate in this tournament', Sofieva stated. `Besides, we intend
    to turn to the heads of French Chess Federation and request to keep a
    reputable person like Boris Spassky, 10-times world champion far from
    this venture'.

    According to the head of Federation, FIDE's authorization is required
    for conducting international tournament in any country. `I may assert
    that FIDE will never grant authorization for conducting a similar
    competition on the territory of an unrecognized entity like `MKR',
    Aynur Sofieva said. `I am confident no international tournament will
    be conducted in Khankendi but even if it takes place, we will not
    tolerate it, filing a protest to FIDE. FIDE will inevitably apply
    sanctions against Armenia afterwards.

    Sofieva is confident that FIDE will also consider the 13-degree
    complexity factor of the tournament. If a tournament of such high
    level of complexity was conducted somewhere we would be notified
    beforehand', Aynur Sofieva said. `FIDE itself is not aware of this
    tournament, and it is not organized under the aegis of this
    organization. 13th category is a myth spread by Armenia to attract

    The statements by the head of our Federation and FIDE Vice-president
    were also confirmed by Vice-president of national chess federation,
    Fayik Gasanov, who is at the super tournament in Linares (Spain) these
    days as an assistant of chief arbiter. `We were notified that Armenian
    Federation concealed the fact of conducting this tournament from
    FIDE. As soon as international federation found out about it, the
    response came out immediately', Fayik Gasanov stated in the phone
    conversation with `Echo'. `In case of holding international tournament
    in Khankendi, we intend to convene extraordinary session of FIDE
    presidential council at which we will discuss possible options of
    preventing future attempts of the Armenian side to conduct any chess
    events on the Mountainous Karabagh territory. Previously FIDE
    repeatedly turned to us with a proposal to convene in our capital
    presidential council of international federation. At present, the time
    has come to put an end to illegal actions by Armenia'. According to
    the head of press service of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and
    Tourism, Ragif Abbasov, FIDE charter stipulates that any international
    chess tournament, and 13-degree complexity in particular, should be
    included in the official calendar. `This tournament is not included in
    FIDE calendar since this tournament is not official and the
    participation of foreign chess players may only have a private
    status', Abbasov holds. `It is not for the first time that Armenia
    tries to conduct a similar competition on the occupied territories of
    Azerbaijan. As a result, Armenians will just force international
    organizations to apply sanctions against them'.

    `One should not trust the information about conducting the so-called
    international tournament in `MKR', head of press service of Foreign
    Affairs Ministry, Merin Mirza declared to `Echo'. `It is essential to
    find out in what category will foreign chess players participate in
    the tournament. I am confident that their participation will be of
    private nature, which means they will not represent the countries of
    their residence. In case their participation is of official nature,
    MFA response will be immediate and appropriate. In the first place, we
    will apply to the governments of those countries who have
    sportsmen-participants in the tournament and afterwards will file a
    protest to international organizations', head of MFA press service

    Yerevan Press Club of Armenia, 'Yeni Nesil' Journalists' Union of
    Azerbaijan and Association of Diplomacy Correspondents of Turkey
    present 'Armenia-Azerbaijan-Turkey: Journalist Initiative-2002'
    Project. As a part of the project web site has
    been designed, featuring the most interesting publications from the
    press of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey on issues of mutual
    concern. The latest updates on the site are weekly delivered to the