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Georgia on the brink of another civil war of another civil war]

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  • Georgia on the brink of another civil war of another civil war]

    Agency WPS
    What the Papers Say. Part B (Russia)
    March 15, 2004, Monday


    SOURCE: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, No. 50, March 15, 2004, p. 3

    by Yuri Simonian, Anatoly Gordienko

    In Moscow yesterday, Adzharian leader Aslan Abashidze stated that
    today could see an armed clash between Georgian special troops and
    the Adzahrian autonomy's resistance forces; he requested assistance
    from the Russian military. Speaking at a news conference in Moscow,
    Abashidze reported that he has called on the Russian president, the
    Duma, and the Federation Council to take all available measures to
    prevent the conflict between Tbilisi and Batumi from sliding into
    bloodshed. The Adzharian leader said that one possible form of
    intervention by Russia could involve airlifting Russian peacekeepers
    stationed in Georgia to the territory of Adzharia, so they could
    place themselves "between peaceful people and the armed forces of
    invasion, to prevent blood being shed."

    In Adzharia itself, anxious expectation prevails: everyone is
    expecting an armed incursion by Georgian government troops. On
    Saturday, Abashidze said that around 100,000 people from various
    districts of Georgia were set to march into Adzharia on Monday. Among
    them are some with military training, but at the head of this vast
    column would be some women - as a human shield, followed by regular

    >From Moscow, Aslan Abashidze issued a public appeal to the
    international community. He said: "I want our voice to be heard by
    the highest international organizations, in Europe and worldwide,
    including the Council of Europe and the UN Security Council, and our
    neighbors - Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and the
    governments of the leading European nations, in order to stop a force
    which will leave grave consequences behind it."

    Meanwhile, the situation in relations between Georgia and Adzharia
    continues to escalate with every passing hour. Television broadcasts
    in Batumi showed footage confirming that the administrative border of
    Adzharia has been taken under the control of armed formations loyal
    to Aslan Abashidze. This cordon, created overnight, is substantial -
    as Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili himself discovered for
    himself: on Sunday morning, he was simply denied permission to enter
    Adzharia. The president's motorcade was stopped by armed men at a
    checkpoint on the Choloka River. Moreover, as sources at the Georgian
    State Chancellory told us, there was even some gunfire involved. The
    shots were fired into the air; but President Saakashvili decided not
    to tempt fate, and his motorcade rapidly departed in the direction of
    the port city of Poti, to the north of Batumi.

    This report of the incident involving the president's motorcade on
    the Choloka River has been confirmed by the leadership of Adzharia.
    Batumi Mayor Georgi Abashidze, son of Aslan Abashidze, told the media
    yesterday that the president of Georgia may visit Adzharia at any
    time - but he should not do so in the company of special troops.
    Batumi claims that President Saakashvili was accompanied to the
    Adzharian border by tanks and armored personnel carriers, as well as
    buses carrying up to one thousand armed Georgian special troops.

    After encountering such a welcome, President Saakashvili reached Poti
    and called an urgent news conference, attended by Prime Minister
    Zurab Zhvania and the leaders of Georgia's security ministries and
    agencies. Judging by reports coming in from Poti yesterday,
    Saakashvili has no intention of "being liberal" with Batumi any
    longer. This was indirectly confirmed in Tbilisi by Chief of the
    General Staff Givi Iukiridze, who told the media that the Armed
    Forces of Georgia have been placed on alert by order of the head of
    state. Preparations for war are also under way in Adzharia: according
    to the Georgian media, by midday Sunday there were tanks and armored
    personnel carriers on the streets of Batumi, and weapons were being
    distributed to civilians. The situation is also escalating directly
    on the border of Adzharia. Large numbers of troops, tanks, and other
    military hardware are concentrated along both sides of the border.

    President Mikhail Saakashvili of Georgia has also appealed to Russia.
    At his news conference yesterday, he stated that he has received
    reports of the Russian military base in Batumi "offering military
    hardware to the Adzharian authorities, but refusing to assign
    troops." In connection with this, the Georgian president requested
    the Russian leadership to "take the situation in Adzharia under their
    personal supervision, and not permit mistakes to be repeated."
    Addressing the governments of the world's leading nations,
    Saakashvili called on them to see that "not a single Russian tank
    leaves the Batumi base."

    Translated by Gregory Malyutin